1. #1

    Lock/Unlock Record - Icon Position

    It appears that the lock/unlock icon was moved to the left side of the header bar for most records, but kept at the right for images.

    It seems like the right side near "minimize" and "close" is the better spot as typically behavior is to lock something after editing it and then close it.

    Is there a reason I'm missing for why the left side is better? If it is better, why not do it for images as well?

  2. #2
    It was placed on the left side with the other "actions" that can be performed on a record that are not purely "window" actions. I can see an argument for right side, and it might end up there anyway depending on menu bar real estate. I'll be looking at this as well as other things during the next few weeks.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    It was placed on the left side with the other "actions" that can be performed on a record that are not purely "window" actions. I can see an argument for right side, and it might end up there anyway depending on menu bar real estate. I'll be looking at this as well as other things during the next few weeks.

    This is a tad adjacent but if you are working on things in this realm, I would love to see the padding around the new sub-header area shrunk to maybe half what it is. It really takes up a lot of space and every pixel counts even on large hi-res displays.

    Image shows Hearth Theme, but it is still large with default theme:

    Screenshot 2024-03-07 223632.png

  4. #4
    I've just pushed a new update to the patch system that should address this. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


  5. #5
    This instantly seems much better. Thanks!

    I would still love to see the vertical padding in both the title area and arrow navigation area shrunk to as few pixels as possible.

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