5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    Easily award XP to only part of the group

    Good day,

    I frequently have players miss games, which makes awarding encounter XP to the group a bit of a pain. I don't award xp to players who aren't present for an encounter. In the party sheet, it awards all XP to all players equally. I know I can drag/drop encounter xp to individual players, but then that doesn't divide it between them. It just gives that individual amount to all of them. I thought about removing the players who weren't present for that game just to award xp, then adding them back to the party sheet, but then it resets things like watch order and marching order each time.

    Is there something I'm missing? Is there any easy way to divide encounter xp between the players who are present for that session?


  2. #2
    Drag the encounters onto the Party Sheet and award it from there. Absent player just need to be removed from the sheet before awarding

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Drag the encounters onto the Party Sheet and award it from there. Absent player just need to be removed from the sheet before awarding
    Right. But as I stated in my comment, this will reset the watch and marching order each time, so it's not ideal.

  4. #4
    I think the players can do their marching order etc. If not its not like it takes long to resolve it at the start of the session (or when you first need to find out who fell down the 500 feet spikes acid pit!)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    I think the players can do their marching order etc. If not its not like it takes long to resolve it at the start of the session (or when you first need to find out who fell down the 500 feet spikes acid pit!)
    I suppose you're right. I was just hoping there was a simple way to drag encounter XP to just SOME of the players without doing that. Or only awarding XP to players who are logged in, etc.

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    If you can do a bit of arithmetic you can drag a number from any number filed and drop it onto the XP number field against the players who you want to get xp on the party sheet. So if the encounter is worth 500xp and you have 4 players type 125 into the modifier box or create an encounter in the encounter part of the Party sheet with 125 xp and then drag the 125 and drop it onto the number in the party sheet for each player.
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  7. #7
    duplicate answer...
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    Last edited by Tabarkus; September 13th, 2021 at 01:02.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Tabarkus View Post
    duplicate answer...
    Right, but that would give the full xp of the encounter to each PC, not divide it equally.

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