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  1. #141
    When attacking a PC in combat, the attack doesn't resolve and I get this error Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_actor2.lua"]:255: attempt to index a nil value

  2. #142
    As said before I have now no extensions at all, used to have just chat fonts, I am using the up to date version of the ruleset and FG.

  3. #143
    I ran across some errors in this, charsheet\charsheet_3_1_weapons.xml was missing a comment close on line 59, graphics/buttons/button_spell_detection.png was typoed as button_spell_decection.png, and graphics/frames/referencebox.png was just plain missing. I corrected the XML file, renamed the typoed PNG, and the ruleset loaded, albeit with a few generic buttons in place of the custom ones.

    Here's the specific error messages:

    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reference-h) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (title-b) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reference-section) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reference-chapter) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reference-article) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (list-title) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (list-subtitle) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reftable-header) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reftable-group) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (reftable-subgroup) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (index-title) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (index-title-highlight) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (white) in ruleset (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:48 PM] [WARNING] framedef: Could not find image file. (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_frames.xml) (graphics/frames/referencebox.png)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:50 PM] [WARNING] icon: Could not find image file. (Shadowrun4) (graphics/graphics_misc.xml) (graphics/buttons/button_spell_detection.png)
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Error loading ruleset XML file (Shadowrun4) (charsheet\charsheet_3_1_weapons.xml): An XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Line 59, position 3.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene exiting.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
    [11/1/2019 11:33:51 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.

  4. #144
    Hello guys,

    I appreciate the work that has been done for this ruleset - which is free for all of us - and would also like to thank personally @iammward for this. It gives my players and me the opportunity to play Shadowrun 4 via Internet. For this: once again many thanks!

    I know this thread has fallen asleep by now, but I encountered the same issue as @MMOaddicted regarding the following error message:

    Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_token.lua"]:26: attempt to call field 'replaceCombatantToken' (a nil value).

    I dont use any extensions and the game has the latest update.
    I tried to find out the source of the error code via xml viewer and came across the following file structure.


    It shows that the command tries to access a file (ct_token.lua) which is not included in the ruleset.

    My questions are:
    • How can this error be fixed?
    • Does the script access a different source code?
    • Can anyone tell me what file structure to change to make it possible to transfer fighters from the Combat Tracker to the map?

    I would be very grateful for any help, as I have already spent several hours in the hope of being able to solve it myself. But unfortunately my xml knowledge is not good enough for this....

  5. #145

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Merry Christmas everyone.

    I have updated the link in the first post with a new version of the ruleset which seems to work on FGU and classic. The combat tracker errors are gone as are the errors on load in FGU.

    There may be other errors as I only did minimal testing, but good luck!



  6. #146
    Hello ianmward,

    First of all - Merry Christmas to you all!
    Thanks for updating your ruleset just before christmas I just tried the new updated version. It is now possible to drag the PCs/NPCs from CT to the battlemap. But from the view as player (client), there is still the bug which was already requested by MMOaddicted before. See attached attachment.jpg(I copied it from MMOaddicted, because it shows the same problem). So the player/client is not be able to act with the combat tracker.

    Below the error report messages (from the view of player/client)

    If Player roll the dices for attacking after targeting a NPC via combat tracker (error message for client):
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(name) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)
    Runtime Notice: databasenode = { } | s'attack.hits' | s'number' | #2
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(name) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(name) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(name) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)

    If Player charakter dragged to Combat Tracker (error message for client):
    Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:17: attempt to index global 'active' (a nil value)
    Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:17: attempt to index global 'active' (a nil value)
    Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:17: attempt to index global 'active' (a nil value)
    Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/clientct_entry.lua"]:17: attempt to index global 'active' (a nil value)
    Ruleset Error: window: Control(name) anchoring to an undefined control (token) in windowclass (client_ct_entry)

    As already said - thank you very much for your help I really appreciate that.
    Last edited by Skullbert; December 24th, 2020 at 18:14.

  7. #147

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks for the heads up, I’ll take a look.

  8. #148

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    I have uploaded a new fix which should address the combat tracker errors for connected clients.

    Please continue to report errors here.



  9. #149
    Hi ian,

    thanks for updating the ruleset. Combat tracker works fine now for both sides (Gamemaster/Player). I am still testing the functions for this ruleset and noticed following errors:

    Errorreport when using Skill "Spellcasting" for NPC:
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_skill.lua"]:404: attempt to index local 'rSpellData' (a nil value)

    Duplicating weapons with multiple fire modes not possible
    Also, I tried to duplicate the weapons with multiple fire modes (see below the quote with the description):
    1. The tooltip is not too clear... The format uses square brackets and entries are separated by semi-colons:
    Colt Manhunter [Heavy Pistols, DV 5P, AP -1, SA, RC 0, 16(c), smartgun]
    * the 'Heavy Pistols' is the weapon category
    * DV is the weapon Damage Value
    * AP is the Armour Piercing
    * SA is the fire mode
    (If a weapon has multiple fire modes, you should duplicate the weapon for each)
    - * SS - Single Shot
    - * SA - Semi Automatic
    - * SB - Short Wide Burst (-2 Defense Pool)
    - * SNB Short Narrow Burst (+2 DV)
    - * LB - Long Wide Burst (-5 Defense Pool)
    - * LNB - Long Narrow Burst (+5 DV)
    - * FA - Wide Full Auto (-9 Defense Pool)
    - * NFA - Narrow Full Auto (+9 DV)
    if i change the weapon each weapon mode and then try to roll on each one, then he uses the weapon mode always used last (e.g. if I go to SA/SB/LB, then he only takes LB mode because it was used last).

    Missing categories for NPC-Sheet table 'combat'
    Also, I was not able to enter submachine gun as category (e.g. HK-227X is a submachine gun, but I cannot place the category as itself into the npc combateheet). This error could be also occure for other categories (Sporting Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, etc.), but until yet I did not checked for that.

    Fireball causes stun instead of phyiscal damage
    Also, the spell fireball causes stun damage to the npc instead of physical damage.

    Modifiers in NPC-Sheet table 'Attributes' cannot be saved
    I tried to save the modifiers (tested with +/-) for the attributes and saved it, but unfortunately he did not saved the changes. (See Error_modifier_Attributes_NPC-Sheet.JPG)

    Will update you once I will find other errors.
    Last edited by Skullbert; December 27th, 2020 at 21:49.

  10. #150

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    New update, v1.1.5, in the first post. See below for notes

    Note that I also updated the module to work with Unity

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Hi ian,

    thanks for updating the ruleset. Combat tracker works fine now for both sides (Gamemaster/Player). I am still testing the functions for this ruleset and noticed following errors:

    Errorreport when using Skill "Spellcasting" for NPC:
    Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_skill.lua"]:404: attempt to index local 'rSpellData' (a nil value)
    You should not really be using the Spellcasting skill directly, but should use the Spell which will then use the skill personalised for that spell. I have fixed it so it does not give the script error, however.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Duplicating weapons with multiple fire modes not possible
    Also, I tried to duplicate the weapons with multiple fire modes (see below the quote with the description):

    if i change the weapon each weapon mode and then try to roll on each one, then he uses the weapon mode always used last (e.g. if I go to SA/SB/LB, then he only takes LB mode because it was used last).
    This was a tricky one, caused by not properly copying a table, so all entries for the same weapon were actually accessing the same memory...

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Missing categories for NPC-Sheet table 'combat'
    Also, I was not able to enter submachine gun as category (e.g. HK-227X is a submachine gun, but I cannot place the category as itself into the npc combateheet). This error could be also occure for other categories (Sporting Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, etc.), but until yet I did not checked for that.
    I think only "Submachine Gun" was missing. I added it and the alias "SMG", so the following now works:
    Uzi Ill [SMG, DV 5P, AP -1, SB, RC 0, 16(c), w/4 clips);
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Fireball causes stun instead of phyiscal damage
    Also, the spell fireball causes stun damage to the npc instead of physical damage.
    I think this bug affected all spells doing Physical damage. Fixed now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Modifiers in NPC-Sheet table 'Attributes' cannot be saved
    I tried to save the modifiers (tested with +/-) for the attributes and saved it, but unfortunately he did not saved the changes. (See Error_modifier_Attributes_NPC-Sheet.JPG)
    I have changed the modifiers so they can be saved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skullbert View Post
    Will update you once I will find other errors.

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