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  1. #41
    ddavison's Avatar
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    I explained it as clear as I could on the page.

    When you build a complex map it is built using shortcuts to assets. FGU does not render a final image or export it in any way. If you lose access to those assets, your map will remember the name of all those assets but it won’t be able to render any of those components. As I stated on the page, those will render again once you renew your subscription.

  2. #42
    Part 1: the whole "Since more assets will continually be added to the subscription, the value will continue to increase." I take two different ways. Meaning as you add more it is worth more. I think this is what you meant, but you could also mean, "as we add more the subscription will cost more."

    Is the subscription price planning on going up? If it is planned, will it be for all subscribers or just new subscribers?

    Part 2: will there be a modern map pack? I know FG seems to cater to more fantasy worlds (which I totally get), but I am a big modern timeline player. What other Map Packs are in the plans?

  3. #43
    ddavison's Avatar
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    The price can never change for anyone renewing their sub. The value will definitely increase, and we may re-evaluate the price at some point in the future for new subscribers.

    There are a few themes that we are looking to add, but the first 3 or 4 months are pretty light on modern and sci-fi content.

  4. #44
    OK so if I subscribe and I only use art from the Underground Map pack. Then I stop my subscription and buy the Underground Map pack do I have access to what I have created? The way you state this on the subscription page makes me think I would not have access unless I resubscribe. What happens if I make a map and use Underground Map pack and the 2019 Art pack then only buy the Underground Map pack? Do I only see the parts I own?

    Was any though put into rebranding all of the packs to be art packs? I can see people in the future asking do I need a map pack to make the map and then use the art packs to change how it looks.
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  5. #45
    ddavison's Avatar
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    If you regain access to the assets, your map will will render properly. FGU won’t care whether you have access through a subscription or outright purchase. Either will work and starting from a sub and later switching to a onetime purchase is fine.

  6. #46
    Perhaps you could make a yearly bundle of the previous year's subscriptions packs? I'll note that I am also VERY much against subscriptions where you lose access to the items you had while subbing.

  7. #47
    I going to step back and look at this from a different angle. SmiteWorks makes a great product. The catch is they need to find ways to have a revenue stream so they can continue to produce and upgrade what they make. If you think about it a even $100 per copy sold how many do they need to sell a month to just keep the lights on? Also think about it that is a one time purchase. Yes we buy books and other things from them but what they make off of that?

    I just signed up for a yearly subscription for this but I doubt I will even use it. I do have a vested interest in keeping the company up and running so I am going to put my contribution in this way.
    If you want a Wishlist in the Fantasy grounds store klick the link and upvote it.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Granamere View Post
    I going to step back and look at this from a different angle. SmiteWorks makes a great product. The catch is they need to find ways to have a revenue stream so they can continue to produce and upgrade what they make. If you think about it a even $100 per copy sold how many do they need to sell a month to just keep the lights on? Also think about it that is a one time purchase. Yes we buy books and other things from them but what they make off of that?

    I just signed up for a yearly subscription for this but I doubt I will even use it. I do have a vested interest in keeping the company up and running so I am going to put my contribution in this way.
    I am having a tough time deciding buy outright each month, or pay $50 a year for rentals.

    I think I am settling on buying outright, but not 100%. This way I only buy the ones I need when I need them. in the long run save a few bucks. In the short run, I won't have enough money for my ultra wide 50".

    But I do want to keep giving FG money to keep pushing newer and better stuff. This is one reason I really think they need a vote with money for features. I would totally be willing to drop cash on features that can't easily be built externally.

  9. #49
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Our goal with the sub is to generate recurring revenue and to keep the monthly cost as low as possible, relative to what you get. We also want to allow people to drop off for a while and hop back in based on expected usage.

  10. #50
    I will chime in, in favor of the current pricing model. I wouldn't necessarily be interested in paying roughly $60/yr to "subscribe to own" art packs. It doesn't matter how great they are or how much value they give, I don't think that I make my own maps enough to make it worth it, as currently I'm running Curse of Strahd and all my maps are pre-made. However, I plan to run an Eberron campaign next, which will be much more homebrew in nature. I think it is much more likely that I will find value in subscribing for the 3-6 months that game runs and get the full value of the subscription during that time. If it were "subscribe to own" or some similar model, I would feel much more pressure to continue to pay once I move onto my next campaign just to not miss out on packs that are released during that time in case I need them in the future. With this model, you can subscribe for a couple months here or there and get the full value of the art packs immediately, and I think that will meet my needs perfectly.

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