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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherkelly View Post
    Are you able to upload the excel sheet here for me to look at. I can then see how I can incorporate a AS value on the character sheet. If you can't then send me a PM and we'll sort something out.
    Hello Brotherkelly, sorry for taking some time to reply back.

    My spread sheet is actually a full-blown character builder and my Total Warfare and Alpha Strike conversion formulas are embedded within IF statements and use a vlookup function. So it probably wouldn't be of much use to you. Here's the relevant text from the A TIME OF WAR VS. TOTAL WARFARE side bar in the AToW core rulebook (pg 40):

    ...The chief difference between the Total Warfare approach and that used in A Time of War is this: In Total Warfare, the term “Skill Rating” refers to the target number (TN) to use the Skill under optimal conditions. For example, a MechWarrior with a Gunnery Skill Rating of 3 needs to roll a 3 or better in order to score a hit, if no other modifiers apply. Lower Skill numbers are therefore better, and modifiers apply to the TN instead of to the roll result (unless stated otherwise). In A Time of War, a character’s Skill Level is a value added to the roll result, not to the TN; therefore, a higher Skill number is better, as it increases the roll result.
    In essence, the outcome is the same, regardless of the game system used (though the RPG setting allows for a wider range of possibilities for particularly resourceful players and experienced characters). To convert a character’s relevant Gunnery or Piloting Skill in A Time of War over to Total Warfare, simply subtract the character’s Skill Level from the Skill’s Base Target Number as listed on the Basic Action Check Table in this book (for example, a character with a Gunnery/’Mech Skill Level of 4 in A Time of War would have a Total Warfare Gunnery Skill Rating of 4; Base TN 8 – 4 = 4).
    “Superhuman” Skills: Because Total Warfare does not recognize Skills with a TN of less than 0, any Skills converted from A Time of War that fall below a TN of 0 must be treated as 0 in Total Warfare game play (unless all players agree to allow such “superhuman” abilities in the game)...
    Gunnery/'Mech and Piloting/'Mech are Simple Advanced skills, so as mentioned above they have a Target Number of 8. Any negative result is treated as 0. So the formulas are:

    8 - Gunnery/'Mech skill level
    8 - Piloting/'Mech skill level

    There's a single unified skill in Alpha Strike, so I average 8 - Gunnery/'Mech and 8 - Piloting/'Mech. I round down the result because I'm of the nicer variety of GMs, but a GM could also choose to round it up.

    ((8 - Gunnery/'Mech skill level) + (8 - Piloting/'Mech skill level)) / 2

    An Average and Rounddown or Roundup function could of course be used if LUA supports it.

    Note that the AToW conversion guidelines for the TW skills don't add the Dexterity and Reflex link values before doing the math. One of the local AToW GMs in my area thinks that BS and does allow players to add them to the skill levels before subtracting them from 8. His thinking; the skill level plus link value is after all the bonus that's rolled in AToW. I suspect it might have been omitted by CGL to prevent players using the points builds model for creating PCs, from investing too heavily in Dexterity and Reflex. I personally don't add the links into the formulas.
    Last edited by kronovan; April 6th, 2020 at 18:26.

  2. #32
    Hi Kronovan, thanks for your info.

    I am familiar with the TW to ATOW skill conversion, thanks. The bit I was looking for was how you created the AS skill level from these. Your reply makes sense and should be easy enough to include int the character sheet.

    There is a math function in LUA that will provide the Rounding necessary - math.floor(x) and math.ceiling(x). I would probably round to the nearest whole number (0.5 rounding down).

    I should be putting out a new version in the next week or so.

  3. #33
    Hi all, it has been a while but I have made progress with the BT:ATOW extension. The latest version is attached along with the Data module. I couldn't get the module to upload as a .mod file so it is uploaded as a .zip file. Just change the file extension back to .mod and everything should work.

    Place the files in the appropriate folder within your Fantasy Grounds directory.

    I have also put together a basic guide on the extension (attached).

    Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you encounter any issues.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #34
    thanks, cant wait to try this out

  5. #35
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherkelly View Post
    Hi all, it has been a while but I have made progress with the BT:ATOW extension. The latest version is attached along with the Data module. I couldn't get the module to upload as a .mod file so it is uploaded as a .zip file. Just change the file extension back to .mod and everything should work.
    Keep going BK!

    I don't have time to play BT, but I do love it. So I hope to be able to play it on FG someday when time permits. So I hope you are able to continue so when I do get there I've got a ruleset to use. Appreciate all you do

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Keep going BK!

    I don't have time to play BT, but I do love it. So I hope to be able to play it on FG someday when time permits. So I hope you are able to continue so when I do get there I've got a ruleset to use. Appreciate all you do
    Thanks for the support.

    The system is currently designed for the personal combat side of things along with general player interaction. I intend to work on including Mech combat at some point but haven't decided on the best way yet.

    Need to get the extension playtested with my online group over the coming weeks.

  7. #37
    Very nice work Brotherkelly - this just gets better & better.

  8. #38
    I am looking to put a bit more automation into my Attack & Damage rolls for the BT:ATOW extension I have created and need some assistance.

    In my attack roll I calculate the Margin of Success of the attack so that it can be used to adjust the damage on the target. I cannot find a simple way to transfer this value (nMOS) from one dice string .lua to another. Therefore I have been looking at putting the value into the campaign database for use by the damage roll. I have noticed there is a <temp> node in the database so set about coding up to use this as shown below:

    DB.setValue(node, "temp.marginofsuccess", "number", nMOS);

    nMOS has a valid value in it. However, when I check the database tree (after conducting the attack roll, saving the campaign and exiting FG) all I get is this:


    Can anyone help me with getting the following:

    <marginofsuccess type="number">3</marginofsuccess>

    If there is another way to pass this value between rolls then please let me know.

  9. #39
    Hi guys, I have worked out a solution. Used the 'five' node from the combat tracker (damage area) to hold the MoS value.

    Used the following variable in the attack dice string to set the node:

    local sAttackMoS = rSource.sCTNode;

    Then used the following to set the vale:


    This is then read back in from the damage dice string:

    local nMarginOfSuccess = DB.getChild(sAttackMoS,"five").getValue();

    Now I am starting to add the additional combat modifiers into the automation as well as the different damage types (burst mode, splash, etc).

    Will post an update when the next phase is ready.

  10. #40
    Hi all,

    The latest version of the extension is attached.

    This includes the improved automation of the damage applied to the target taking into account hit location, armour protection and the hit margin of success bonus.

    I have also included the framework for additional info when a critical hit or fumble are rolled.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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