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  1. #31
    Doing some playing around and after multiple attempts, with different stat blocks I am not getting the spells parsed out. The spell class entries are there, but no spells. I even tried copying the same "Drow Matron" stat block from the Paizo PRD that was used in the demo and it doesn't parse the spells, so there must be something about my environment that is throwing the parser off.
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  2. #32
    damned's Avatar
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    Have you read this point?

    CGen is built to sync with my spell library such that when loaded, it will populate spell details if it can find a match. Note that it will do this for both spells as well as for spell-like abilities which may not be a spell (elemental wall, heavenly fire, other class spell-like abilities). So getting a warning on failure to locate a corresponding spell-like ability is normal. For any spell it is unable to populate, it will leave blank, but still allocate its uses per day for tracking purposes.
    You need Ken Ls spell library and it will need to be activated/open for the spells to be found.

  3. #33
    yes, I have it and it is loaded: log file confirms: "[0] GENERAL: Spell library: "PFRPG Archive Spells" detected as loaded and available".

    As I understand it, even if the spell library is not loaded, or if the spell cannot be found, I should expect to see a 'blank' or placeholder entry for the spell in the generated NPC object, correct? As it is, the spell classes are pretty much empty.
    Last edited by KevenSimmons; October 24th, 2016 at 00:49.
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  4. #34
    damned's Avatar
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    I just set it up and tested 3 monster imports - they appear to have done the same - everything else looks correct - it puts in the right type of spell caster but it didnt populate my spells for me either.

  5. #35
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    My log file finishes something like this:

    [0] GENERAL: Spell library: "PFRPG Archive Spells" detected as loaded and available
    [3] caster ->> Cleric Spells Prepared
    [3] SLA caster ->> Domain Spell-Like Abilities

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken L View Post

    The attack line in the statblock you posted earlier is positive and uses a d4 rather than a d3, did the attack line come from the same stat block? I just want to see the statblock that caused this so I can fish out the unicode right quick.
    Maybe this will provide a clue to the character that some sources are using as a minus-sign. These entries are supposed to be "-1" on the skill checks. After parsing they are converted in FG to be: & # 150 (with no spaces between & # when I post it here without the spaces, the forums interpret it as character code and display a dash symbol
    Listen & # 150;1, Spot & # 150;1
    Last edited by KevenSimmons; October 24th, 2016 at 11:19.
    If you're not having fun, then you're not doing it right.

  7. #37
    I've been digging into the code a little trying to figure out where the spell parsing is going awry. I've found in the popSpells function there is a loop that appears to be cycling through spell levels ("0","1st","2nd",...) with a series of if/elseif statements: line 321: "for k2,v2 in pairs(creature.spells[casterType]) do"
    When I drop a debug output to show the values of k2,v2 in all iterations of the loop and parse the Drow Matron stat block, there are only two iterations of the loop, with k2,v2 values of:

    So it looks like the spell data isn't making it into the iterating table. More digging to do.

    PS: This is beautiful code to look at. Well done Ken !
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  8. #38
    I'll take a look at it later tonight.

    It's an HTML entity. I'm not entirely sure how FG translates entites and unicode into iso-8859-1 encoding (or so I believe, I'm basing this off the XML).

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken L View Post
    I'll take a look at it later tonight.

    It's an HTML entity. I'm not entirely sure how FG translates entites and unicode into iso-8859-1 encoding (or so I believe, I'm basing this off the XML).
    FG only sees/understands one version of the - symbol and there are at least 3 that it doesnt like.

  10. #40
    With regards to the dash, negative sign issue I was having, I added this line to the "stripString" function which fixed it for me. The actual code does not have the spaces between & and # symbols - they've been added here so the forum does not interpret them as character escape codes )

    data = data:gsub('& # 150;','-');
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