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  1. #11
    Hehe. Quick and dirty test with your two sets, damned.

    Here I'm changing the name before calling the 5E addNPC, and hence before the core addNPC, so the numbering still works for unsupported types (just checking for humanoid).

    That also means there could be two two Duergar with elegant eyepatches. Rivals in respectable and sophisticated entrepreneurship

    Attachment 14144

  2. #12
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Looking good.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #13
    A few observations I made.

    1. The features kind of lose their impact if all of the NPCs have them. Works better if I limit them to 20-40% or some such.

    2. If I sometimes add more than one prefix (1-2) it works better. E.g. sometimes torn robe, sometimes shiny blue turban.

    3. I need a way to turn the feature on / off on a pr. NPC basis. Don't want my big bad showing up in loud red hat all of a sudden
    This last one I don't know how to go about yet. I'm thinking of perhaps adding a checkbox, or something like that, to the encounter window besides each NPC. Don't know if that can be done. I'll experiment and take it to The Workshop if I get stomped.

    Attachment 14145

    If I want to update a post as I work on this, should I just use this one? Or make a separate post somewhere else?


  4. #14
    damned's Avatar
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    Keep working on this post - you have peoples attention
    It does look good and I do like the idea of not applying it to everyone - but you would need to apply the random numbering thing to those.
    Perhaps approach it at that end - first do a random check and then apply either
    1. random number
    2. string made from set1+set2
    3. string made from set1+set1+set2
    You can add a checkbox to encounters - remember that in Encounters your 5 thugs will usually appears as [5] Thugs but your Boss will be [1] Arturio Gallifrey
    Hmmm... back on the strings - you wouldnt want Thug (red green eye patch) - or maybe you would? - perhaps split it into a third set
    set1 - descriptors
    set2 - colours
    set3 - clothing
    and then do a random check and then apply either
    1. random number
    2. string made from set1+set3
    3. string made from set2+set3
    4. string made from set1+set2+set3
    Im sure you could keep on extending this to the nth degree
    5. string made from set4+set5
    set4 - mild, heavy, strong, obvious
    set5 - limp, stutter, bad breath, scabby sores, acne, scars,

    the possibilities are endless

    damned (obvious scabby sores)

  5. #15
    There are various resources you could look at for inspiration, both online and in print. The Pathfinder GameMastery Guide has a table of NPC physical characterstics on page 95, for example. Or there's this impressive list of random character generation tables.

  6. #16
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tideturner View Post
    3. I need a way to turn the feature on / off on a pr. NPC basis. Don't want my big bad showing up in loud red hat all of a sudden
    Nice work. Hope you end up publishing this as it's one I will probably use

    You could only have it add to the names for multiple instances. i.e. you typically only have one big bad guy so all singles are left without the added descriptors. You could also see if you could add to the DM options to add an option to turn this on or off.

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  7. #17
    damned, yeah I agree on the numbering. For now I just let FG do its magic for the numbers. If my code decides that the NPC should have a feature, it gets applied after 5E and Core have added the entry to the combat tracker.

    As for sets to the Nth degree... hehe, I'll try to limit the complexity as I learn LUA.

    I do separate them into types though. Right now I have "clothing" and "bodyparts". Let's see you attack this guy: Thug (beautiful beautiful knees) - can't do it, those knees are just too magnificent
    And I have a list what features a creature type can use. Right now it's just humanoid that can use both clothing and bodyparts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Callum View Post
    There are various resources you could look at for inspiration, both online and in print. The Pathfinder GameMastery Guide has a table of NPC physical characterstics on page 95, for example. Or there's this impressive list of random character generation tables.
    Thank you so much, will take a look. The actual features (and their variety) are definitely what I find the hardest right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Nice work. Hope you end up publishing this as it's one I will probably use

    You could only have it add to the names for multiple instances. i.e. you typically only have one big bad guy so all singles are left without the added descriptors. You could also see if you could add to the DM options to add an option to turn this on or off.
    Yes, good idea with the multiple instances. Much better than a set of checkboxes in the encounter window. And it's consistent with how FG does the numbering already.
    I have done it that way now.

    Also, thank you for the feedback guys. It's very encouraging

    We have our weekly session this wednesday. I'll use it then to see how it works out.

  8. #18
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tideturner View Post
    We have our weekly session this wednesday. I'll use it then to see how it works out.
    I have a feeling that the first time Thug (beautiful beautiful knees) walks on to stage left the players will fall over themselves in joy

    damned (smelly frilly codpiece)

  9. #19
    As mentioned, I used this in our session this wednesday.

    It worked really well. The players laughed and called out some of the NPCs with flavors that they liked or thought fun.
    The players, and I, also got more descriptive with their combat, which was a super cool added bonus.

    On my part I had a much easier time keeping track of the NPCs. Even 16 in the tracker at one point. Granted these were weak NPCs (Beastmen from the Thule setting) with only a few actions each.

    The bulk of the work now lies in adding flavors and support for more NPC types.

    If you're interested, this is what the data file looks like atm.:

    Flavors = {
        ["clothing"] = {
            construct = { prefix = { 100, 30 }, color = { 15 }, suffix = { 100 } },
            prefix = {
                "ripped", "torn", "dirty", "bright", "new", "tattered", "elegant", "loud", "shiny", "broken",
                "ugly", "beautiful"
            color = { "red", "brown", "blue", "black", "grey", "green" },
            suffix = {
                "bandanna", "hat", "scarf", "shirt", "cape", "cravat", "robe", "cloak", "doublet", "jacket",
                "coat", "jerkin", "eye patch", "trousers", "sash", "turban", "beret", "cap", "helmet", "top hat",
                "oilskin", "greatcoat", "vest", "breeches"
        ["bodyparts"] = {
            construct = { prefix = { 100, 30 }, color = { 15 }, suffix = { 100 } },
            prefix = {
                "dirty", "filthy", "clean", "broken", "wounded", "mangled", "calloused",
                "big", "small", "long", "short", "stubby", "dazzling", "enormous", "miniscule",
                "tattooed", "painted", "pierced", "swollen", "shrunken", "ugly", "beautiful",
                "missing", "withered"
            color = { "pale", "red", "brown", "blue", "black", "grey", "green" },
            suffix = {
                "leg", "left leg", "right leg", "legs",
                "arm", "left arm", "right arm", "arms",
                "finger", "fingers", "middle finger", "thumb", "thumbs",
                "knee", "left knee", "right knee", "knees",
                "shoulder", "left shoulder", "right shoulder", "shoulders",
                "ear", "left ear", "right ear", "ears",
                "eye", "left eye", "right eye", "eyes",
                "tooth", "teeth",
                "torso", "head", "nose"
        ["characteristics"] = {
            construct = { prefix = { 100 } },
            -- These taken from Pathfinder Game Mastery guide (p. 95)
            prefix = {
                "Sweats a lot", "Giggles", "Hobbles", "Jolly looking", "Cracks knuckles", "Whistles when talking",
                "Cross-eyed", "Harelipped", "Rotten teeth", "Generally filthy", "Tattoo", "Many tattoos", "Covered in tattoos",
                "Tribal scar on forearm", "Winks a lot", "Hacking cough", "Spits", "Different colored eyes", "Twitches"
    FlavorsByType = {
        ["humanoid"] = {
        ["humanoid.gnoll"] = {
    Each section of the "Flavors" table has a construct key that holds info on how the flavor type should be constructed.

    Should you feel an irresistible urge to contribute (hehe, sorry) here's how it works:¨

    construct = { prefix = { 100, 30 }, color = { 15 }, suffix = { 100 } }
    For the clothing section there's a 100% chance of 1 prefix being used and a 30% chance of 2. There's then a 30% chance a color will be used and last a 100% chance a suffix.

    There's then the FlavorsByType table that describe which flavors are supported by which NPC types. So all humanoid types can have flavors from clothing, bodyparts or characteristics. Which of those flavors to use is chosen at random.
    The Gnolls have a specific entry here, so they do not use the "humanoid" but the "humanoid.gnoll" instead.

    Anyway, I'll get cracking at cleaning up the code this weekend, and adding flavors.

    And then I'll release it somehow


  10. #20
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Looking good, I do think you need to add 'Scottish' into the flavours somewhere though
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