Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    Update to BRP???

    Hey all,

    So I know that the BRP system may not be the most popular, but will we ever get an update to it? It looks like it's one of the oldest systems on FG now. At $28 for the ruleset, you'd think it would be something to keep up to date with. Savage Worlds is much less and is getting updates. Just a gripe and a hope here.

  2. #2

    Thanks for the note. Currently, there is no developer that has stepped up to update and maintain the BRP ruleset, thus the reason why it has not been updated in some time. We depend on contract developers to build, update and maintain our large selection of DLC. If you know someone who is interested, please send them our way.


  3. #3
    I have been thinking about changing to a system with official support for FG. Coming from GURPS, I was looking for something generic/universal, and the thoughts fell on this. I was about to purchase too, but I saw a bad review on Steam, and now this post here which is a year old (the one on steam was 4 days old).

    The main concern, from what I understand, is that the ruleset was made for FG 2.x, and now seems relatively broken.
    Is it right to charge $28 for something that isn't supported and broken?

    I don't know who gets the profits for this particular sub-product, but it seems to me there should be a clear warning.
    I almost bought it without checking reviews. I read the description, and read through the quick-start guide for BRP, and then I see this.

    $28 is not nothing, like the man said. I'd be mighty piffed if I paid money for this and it is broken, and no body is fixing it. And yes, the seller knew.

    Just sayin'

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by henryvoll View Post
    I have been thinking about changing to a system with official support for FG. Coming from GURPS, I was looking for something generic/universal, and the thoughts fell on this. I was about to purchase too, but I saw a bad review on Steam, and now this post here which is a year old (the one on steam was 4 days old).

    The main concern, from what I understand, is that the ruleset was made for FG 2.x, and now seems relatively broken.
    Is it right to charge $28 for something that isn't supported and broken?

    I don't know who gets the profits for this particular sub-product, but it seems to me there should be a clear warning.
    I almost bought it without checking reviews. I read the description, and read through the quick-start guide for BRP, and then I see this.

    $28 is not nothing, like the man said. I'd be mighty piffed if I paid money for this and it is broken, and no body is fixing it. And yes, the seller knew.

    Just sayin'
    If you are looking for a universal system and want good Fantasy Grounds support, Savage Worlds is great. I really wish that FG would updated BRP as it is something I REALLY want to get into. Since 95% of my gaming is done online now using FG, I don't see that happening now. Sad

  5. #5
    Thanks for the tip, I will look into it.

    I have played GURPS since late 80s so I am a great fan of that, and I see the GURPS files are updated as late as this very month (August 18), so I may also just continue with that.
    I love GURPS, but it can be pretty daunting for beginners - not that it advanced, because it is fair and easy enough, but there is just so MUCH material. You either have it lock it down a bit, and limit what to use.

    still, and again - thanks for the tip.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Yes, I noticed. I last looked into Fantasy Grounds, and then Gurps - in 2013.
    We had great problems with it then, but I tried it now tonight and it seem to work flawlessly now.

    Looking forward to trying it out.

    Now I have the tools, so all that is left is writing a good story.

    Why so long? Well, we met up and used table-top for a long time. Now some of the ol' group is moved away, and well .. FG seems perfect now.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by henryvoll View Post
    I have been thinking about changing to a system with official support for FG. Coming from GURPS, I was looking for something generic/universal, and the thoughts fell on this. I was about to purchase too, but I saw a bad review on Steam, and now this post here which is a year old (the one on steam was 4 days old).

    The main concern, from what I understand, is that the ruleset was made for FG 2.x, and now seems relatively broken.
    Is it right to charge $28 for something that isn't supported and broken?

    I don't know who gets the profits for this particular sub-product, but it seems to me there should be a clear warning.
    I almost bought it without checking reviews. I read the description, and read through the quick-start guide for BRP, and then I see this.

    $28 is not nothing, like the man said. I'd be mighty piffed if I paid money for this and it is broken, and no body is fixing it. And yes, the seller knew.

    Just sayin'
    As the person that wrote the review (on Steam) that you are referring to, and having spent hundreds of hours running BRP/Magic World (as well as modding the ruleset to handle Magic World more cleanly), I think I'm qualified to say that the ruleset is "use-able" but it's a huge pain in the rear-end. The fixed-size image window is one of the biggest gripes I have with it, and there is always some weird bug in Notes, Encounters, NPCs, etc. where the display of each is corrupted when you first open a tab. Closing it and reopening it corrects it, but it's just one more reminder that it probably shouldn't be for sale in its current slightly broken state. I guess it's Chaosium's responsibility, but it'd be nice if SmiteWorks at least offered a warning to expect bugs or beware that the ruleset is going to have limitations. So, while I still use the FG app to roll dice and use the combat tracker, I usually share maps, notes and images via some other software. All that being said, the roll20 BRP sheet support/implementation is probably worse. Their mapping functionality is superior, but their sheet/rules are more broken (and unmoddable) plus creating encounters, creatures, NPCs, sharing notes, etc. sucks about a 1000% more than the BRP ruleset for FG. In short if you like BRP and do your gaming over the internet there's nothing out there for you that's going to be smooth or all-in-one, but the FG BRP ruleset will probably get you 80% of the way there.

    The main intent of my review wasn't to disparage SmiteWorks or Chaosium, but to warn anybody that was thinking about spending all of that money, that you can't expect much support and you should be aware of the limitations of what you're getting for $28. Maybe NuChaosium (reverting back to Greg Stafford/Moon Design a couple of years ago) will mean better support in the near future; there was talk at the BRPCentral forums awhile ago about Fantasy Grounds and Roll20 support for RuneQuest: Glorantha and BRP moving forward, but I haven't kept up with that site much in the past year or so. I'd be nice if they did get something out that can at least be adapated to other flavors of BRP. Time will tell I guess.

  9. #9
    I use Savage Worlds for my universal / generic games. SW has full support implementation with all of the bells and whistles. Plus it's ridiculously easy to learn. However I really hope that BRP gets a decent update eventually because there is so much cool material out there in print ready to play for that system.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post

    Thanks for the note. Currently, there is no developer that has stepped up to update and maintain the BRP ruleset, thus the reason why it has not been updated in some time. We depend on contract developers to build, update and maintain our large selection of DLC. If you know someone who is interested, please send them our way.

    Hey there
    Is this still accurate?
    There is no mention of BRP in the "Ruleset Development List", neither as wanted nor in development.
    If you are still looking for someone, I might be interested.

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