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  1. #221
    Version 8.5 uploaded to the forge...has 5E, PF2, and PF2-Legacy support. I haven't really tested out the functionality for PF2/PF2-Legacy beyond "Yup, it adds the crit damage like I'd think it should", but I'm no PF2 expert. If you see anything goofy, let me know!

  2. #222
    Hi, I have a question about weapon with double dice. It seems not to work properly. I have to use some trick such as :
    Capture d’écran 2024-02-27 011348.png
    Ultimate Licence 4.0.10
    French Player
    Using FG since September 2016, FGU since Septembre 2020
    with following extensions : Advanced Effets, All Automatic Effect by rob2e, Coin Weight, Constitutional Amendments,
    Roll for Initiative, Death indicators, Battlestats, Alternative Wound Colors,
    Dice Color Changer, Local Dice Tower

  3. #223
    Hmmm... I'll take a look tomorrow, but last time I checked, it worked with something like a greatsword.

    What settings are you using, and what is showing up in the chat window for damage?


    Update: I just tested it and it works fine. Greatsword normal hit does 2d6 damage and a critical hit does MAX(2d6) + 2d6.
    Last edited by TheoGeek; February 27th, 2024 at 18:48.

  4. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by TheoGeek View Post
    You aren't forgetting to select it when you start your campaign are you? That's neeeeever happened to me. hehe
    This is the way. Thanks for the help.

  5. #225
    Don't suppose someone could help me get to the result I'm looking for?

    I've had this extension for a long time, but recently decided I want the following:

    - First die is max, all other rolls as normal

    - All roll as normal, but with a roof of 80%

    This is what I currently have, but isn't working:

    2024-04-25 20_18_41-Fantasy Grounds.png
    Forever DM - Fifth Edition (Homebrew Campaign)
    Would love to try Call of Cthulhu. Any Gatekeepers out there?
    Wish List Item - Hide death chat notifications

  6. #226
    Hey WinterSoldier7!

    Thanks for using this extension!

    I set up a scenario with the settings in your screenshot, and I'd offer this instead:


    One issue is that the "first dice" setting is universal - it applies to both PCs and NPCs. I'll look into changing that because I don't think you can do what you want to do with that. It's also poorly named - "Max" in this context means "Apply the modifications". I'll certainly change that to "Modify Dice:" as I look into moving that into the PC and NPC sections.

    The second issue is that by setting the Damages in the PC Damage section to "Standard", you are defaulting to the 5e rules for criticals and not applying any of the settings to the roll. If you only want to apply the modifications to the first weapon die and nothing else, you'd set the "Max Dice: First die only" to "Overall" and in the PC Damage section, set it to "Yes", "Standard", "Standard", "Standard", "Maximize". That way, the only die that actually gets modified is the very first weapon die, and it gets maximized.

    If I get the "Max Dice" setting moved to be separately configurable, I think that would solve the biggest of your issues. I'll see what I can do!

  7. #227
    OK, I got something up. Version 8.6 moved the "Max Dice: First die only" to "Modify Dice: First die only" and I made it distinct under the PC and NPC section.

    So, you should be able to do what you want now.

    Just make the settings like this:

    PC Damage Section:
    Apply Modifiers: Yes
    Damage (critical dice): Standard
    Damage (effect dice): Standard
    Damage (special critical dice): Standard
    Damage (weapon dice): Maximize
    Modify Dice: First die only: Overall

    NPC Damage Section:
    Apply Modifiers: Yes
    Damage (critical dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Damage (effect dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Damage (special critical dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Damage (weapon dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Modify Dice: First die only: No

    Let me know if this works for you!

  8. #228
    Looks like there is a conflict somewhere with the Damage Reroll Feats for 5e extension... it doesn't break anything horrendously, but I don't believe that your extension works when both are installed for whatever reason. Not a complaint, just an observation as someone who uses a lot of extensions.

  9. #229
    Good to know. I don't have that extension but I do use a ton and I haven't run into any issues. Not doubting that some exist tho. Can you explain what's going on - that might give me a clue as to where to look and maybe I can send you some debug versions if you're willing.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by TheoGeek View Post
    OK, I got something up. Version 8.6 moved the "Max Dice: First die only" to "Modify Dice: First die only" and I made it distinct under the PC and NPC section.

    So, you should be able to do what you want now.

    Just make the settings like this:

    PC Damage Section:
    Apply Modifiers: Yes
    Damage (critical dice): Standard
    Damage (effect dice): Standard
    Damage (special critical dice): Standard
    Damage (weapon dice): Maximize
    Modify Dice: First die only: Overall

    NPC Damage Section:
    Apply Modifiers: Yes
    Damage (critical dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Damage (effect dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Damage (special critical dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Damage (weapon dice): Medium Criticals (or preferably Lower Ceiling and set Damage Range 2 (Ceiling) to 80%)
    Modify Dice: First die only: No

    Let me know if this works for you!

    Just came back to this and did not expect you to have replied so fast, let alone been so generous with your time and effort!

    This now looks to do exactly what I wanted it to do. Very much appreciated, thank you!
    Forever DM - Fifth Edition (Homebrew Campaign)
    Would love to try Call of Cthulhu. Any Gatekeepers out there?
    Wish List Item - Hide death chat notifications

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