1. #1

    Still looking for a 3.5 D&D game

    hey im an old player/dm and whould really like to play some Pen and paper so to speak style AD&D opps its not called that anymore D&D :} hey's you's know's yah's need me hey com'on just send me a message but first check this out ....................................... UTC/GMT +10 hours ESt ..................................
    if that works for you it works for me since im free all days at the moment and for some time *pewwwwwt* cough cough * and the sound of a patron flops to the ground of the inn blood trickling from his coat a shadowy figure slips into the darkness and vanishes into the cellers*......hey wasent me .

    ok sorry to those who posted but it seems that after reading my own garabage that i was running a game as a dm i whould love too i have a lot of dm experience in 2.0 however 3.5 is a little new to me but i do enjoy its simplicty i have many adventures to run but i think im better as a player first i havent even played one on FGII yet and im still trying to get a into a game.perhaps after a few sessions ill run my own
    Last edited by dragon1976; February 4th, 2010 at 07:04.

  2. #2


    Dont suppose your gonna want a newbie in your game? Im kinda new to DnD and need to learn the basics. A person to get me started would be awesome.

    If not, then no worries. Im free most nights.

  3. #3
    I would be interested. Shoot me an email to [email protected] with some more info. I am def. down though!

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