5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #101
    Hey guys sorry about how I acted on Thursday. I'd understand if you don't want me back but if you do I have to say that my Thursdays are busy now.

  2. #102
    OK I know I suck royally but I have to cancel for tomorrow morning's game. I went out going out with my cousin and hanging out way later than I had planned so now I am crashing here with no access to my computer til probably tomorrow night. We shall have to work out when the next session is. Sorry about the short notice.

  3. #103
    Its all good....Im pretty much free anytime this week except wednesday.

  4. #104
    Howdy guys! Been looking through this horrifically long thread and decided that I would really like to join you guys. I signed up on the calendar as a human Ranger, but am very flexible in what I play. If you are still in need of a monkey type I can cover that as well as a meatshield. If meatshield I was thinking psychic warrior. I <3 those things... lol anyways... look forward to hearing from you!

  5. #105
    Whens the next game session?

  6. #106
    i posted the times i can run the game on the game calendar. Let me know what works for you guys.

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