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  1. #11
    That's correct. The "active" token ring is purely a boolean on/off mode of the token graphic. It is independent of the "active turn" state of the CT entry. There is no limit to how many of the active rings can be on.
    By default, the "active" token ring on a linked token when the linked CT entry becomes the "active turn".

    I'm tempted to take out the "active" ring for single clicking due to this confusion; but I know at least a dozen people that would complain about it. There probably needs to be another mechanism to quickly show CT entry to token mapping, but that's not on my current list.


  2. #12
    I don't think I'm explaining this correctly...

    There are 2 types of rings:

    Active token ring - Single click on/off; is colored based on faction. Can have any number of these (for example by using Selection Mode)
    Current Turn CT Actor White Ring - (this is the one that had the issue due to grid size until today). There should only ever be one of these: the current CT actor who's turn it is.

    When I perform the steps previously listed, there are 2 different tokens with the white ring that indicates it is that token's turn.

    It is (and should be) possible to for the actor who's turn it is to have both rings (i.e. it's their turn = white ring AND they are selected = colored ring depending on faction that appears over the white ring)

    Again, not a huge deal, but it does seem to be a bug from my perspective.

  3. #13
    Hi, I have a question regarding the highlight. Is there a away to turn it off? because mine looks like this (grid 150/150, but also on the offical maps I did not temper with). It is somehow bigger than the 5 ft square and therefore always is in the adjacent square. Just a minor hassle, though. Thanks for all your hard work!
    Greeting MaxTest Goblin (round Token).JPGOfficial map.JPGTest Square Token.JPG

  4. #14
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    No you can't turn it off. Looks like you have the token set to occupy 100% of the grid square. If you switch that to 80% then the circle will be smaller
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