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  1. #451
    I assume you were responding to me, but I don't know what you mean by at least half of that. I bought the extension from Fantasy Grounds Forge. Are you saying you will not be supporting the extension anymore because it is too much work?

  2. #452
    If you have forge and the version number matches last delivered number on page 1 in the forum and you are testing with no other extensions then it works. Given the number of tepeated posts about dmsg whivh no longer gives correct version - and people running with oth othrr known busted extensions from meandunique i tiook a guess which of the common mistaken claims it was.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  3. #453
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    If you have forge and the version number matches last delivered number on page 1 in the forum and you are testing with no other extensions then it works. Given the number of tepeated posts about dmsg whivh no longer gives correct version - and people running with oth othrr known busted extensions from meandunique i tiook a guess which of the common mistaken claims it was.
    Well at least I have some context for the hostility now.

    So I am on v1.52, running no other extensions, errors on npc pages and lots of errors opening parcels. This occurs in an existing campaign or a brand new one I just created right now. No chance that the bugfixes they released today caused more bugs or am I just lucky and the only one getting undefined controls?

  4. #454
    Quote Originally Posted by dmssanctum View Post
    Well at least I have some context for the hostility now.

    So I am on v1.52, running no other extensions, errors on npc pages and lots of errors opening parcels. This occurs in an existing campaign or a brand new one I just created right now. No chance that the bugfixes they released today caused more bugs or am I just lucky and the only one getting undefined controls?
    If they truly busted this with FGU update out of the blue without even a grace TEST period after having just busted everything several weeks ago - they my level of pissed off just went through roof to point i need to consider whether i want to do tis extension stuff anymore at all. As it is im out for weeks yet and words cannot describe how screwed over i feel at this point.if what you are telling me is true.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
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  5. #455
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    If they truly busted this with FGU update out of the blue without even a grace TEST period after having just busted everything several weeks ago - they my level of pissed off just went through roof to point i need to consider whether i want to do tis extension stuff anymore at all. As it is im out for weeks yet and words cannot describe how screwed over i feel at this point.if what you are telling me is true.
    I just tested ... I got no errors for any of that stuff in a new campaign OR an existing campaign. I'd guess dmssanctum has his copy of Map Parcel from the DMsGuild, so it's actually not updated because their system is still all f'd up ...

    OR, it's another extension causing the issue. -- EDIT: According to Discord, this has been confirmed. It's another extension.

  6. #456
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    If they truly busted this with FGU update out of the blue without even a grace TEST period after having just busted everything several weeks ago - they my level of pissed off just went through roof to point i need to consider whether i want to do tis extension stuff anymore at all. As it is im out for weeks yet and words cannot describe how screwed over i feel at this point.if what you are telling me is true.
    I can understand your annoyance, I used to maintain a small extension for attunement till they added it. I don't know why they mess with the anchor code so much. I don't know if their bugfixes caused new errors, or if I'm somehow getting an error from a bad version somehow. All I know is that a brand new campaign tonight still throws the same errors after multiple FG updates, verifying the extension version, and only running this map parcel extension. Perhaps someone else can test and report if it works or is broken for them too.

  7. #457
    Quote Originally Posted by dmssanctum View Post
    I can understand your annoyance, I used to maintain a small extension for attunement till they added it. I don't know why they mess with the anchor code so much. I don't know if their bugfixes caused new errors, or if I'm somehow getting an error from a bad version somehow. All I know is that a brand new campaign tonight still throws the same errors after multiple FG updates, verifying the extension version, and only running this map parcel extension. Perhaps someone else can test and report if it works or is broken for them too.
    OK, so it was my own fault for tinkering with extensions again. I had an extracted version and so it was loading the old version not the updated one. I have got to remember to extract to another folder. Sorry for the confusion. At least I assume that will fix it after it redownloads all the vault files I deleted to verify they were updated.

  8. #458
    Hello SilentRuin,

    I really love this extension as it eases the "Loot Drop" a lot and characters can "find" chest etc on the map.
    I am using it in conjunction with the "Monster Loot" modules from Anne Gregersen. The modules contain tables which generate the loot for all monsters with the "output to parcel" option.

    The problem is: the loot tables contain random dice roils, so I really need to generate them individually per session which results into a "[RESULT] <Monster Name>" parcel.
    I now can either
    a) drop the parcel onto the monster on the CT (caveat: some items are "broken" equipment and change the AC or weapons of the real monster)
    b) rename the parcel to "[MP] LOOT <Monster name>" (caveat: I also need to set the visibility, lock the movement, drag an icon onto it, unlock the parcel, etc - a lot of manual polishing)

    Option a) is unusable to me: I know I can disable the option to apply item properties from the NPC inventory to the NPC, but it is so helpful in other cases that I did not want to.
    Option b) however has many manual tasks which I did mostly in advance of the session (or during session when things go.... into different directions)
    This workflow was

    table name -> press 'output to parcel' -> parcel "[RESULT] <table name>" ----[manual update of icon, lock status, etc.]----> parcel "[MP] LOOT <table name>" -> death of CT entry "table name" -> loot parcel on map

    I have searched the Fantasy Grounds documentation, but was not able to find anything indicating that the output of a table roll can be manipulated (through an API).

    I therefore would like to understand if you know a way (likely with a new extension) to "output to parcel" (from the "Monster Loot", but potentially any other tables) using your "[MP] LOOT" (or another) template to create a parcel matching what you use as input for the LOOT parcel. Building the Map Parcel extension, I consider you the expert on handling parcels
    This would nicely daisy chain everything together:

    table name -> press 'output to parcel' -----[template X, setting icon, lock status, etc.]---> parcel "[MP] LOOT <table name>" -> death of CT entry "table name" -> loot parcel on map

    What I already did is updating the "onDead" function in your Map Parcel extension's "mapparcel manager" script to also check on parcels with name "[RESULT] <CT entry>", and adding the content to the one from the actual "<CT entry>", then applying the "[MP] LOOT" parcel (template) defaults, but as all table rolls to parcels start with "[RESULT] " in the name, this is not a clean solution (it fundamentally works but I remain afraid that I add something "odd" to a monster after a table roll with a coincidental name match).

    Any idea if above workflow in green is possible?
    Last edited by Arnagus; March 24th, 2024 at 10:48. Reason: Forgot square brackets around RESULT parcel name

  9. #459
    Forgot to mention: if you want the code to add to your paid extension, let me know. No strings attached, I will transfer all rights to you (this is a minor change, after all). My gain is that I do not need to patch after an update
    Caveats about unintentionally handling a RESULT parcel remain as described above, but you can easily add an option to switch this feature on and off.

  10. #460
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnagus View Post
    Forgot to mention: if you want the code to add to your paid extension, let me know. No strings attached, I will transfer all rights to you (this is a minor change, after all). My gain is that I do not need to patch after an update
    Caveats about unintentionally handling a RESULT parcel remain as described above, but you can easily add an option to switch this feature on and off.
    Just write a simple extension on top of mine and have it do what you want it to do. I know some other loot generator does something to put out map parcels but don't remember what its called.

    Honestly, I keep telling people should just configure the extension by making their own extension on top of it. I mean I'm using coreRPG which is overridden by 5E which my extensions overrides both to do what I want. All you need to do is make a simple extension that overrides the coreRPG/5E/<my extension> and does what you want with minimal impact. Then use it or put it on Forge for free or sell it there as it is required to have coreRPG/5E/<my extension>/<your extension>.

    I also keep telling people to do the same if they want to make it work with another ruleset - coreRPG/5E - <your ruleset>/ <my extension>/ <your extension>. Nobody listens.

    Probably for a very good reason as its a royal pain to keep up with every other ruleset changing on a whim and you being broken - having to deconstruct what changed and reconstruct how to make your stuff work again is making me become a very jaded extension developer, if I were not using this stuff in my own games I'd throw in the towel for sure.

    I've always been honest and up front - I do my extensions for me and my players - I have given Grim Press the rights to sell it as they see fit but my main concern is me and minimizing the work I have to do - which seems to increase every time FGU updates.

    Your free to tag along with what I have for my uses - or overwrite them for your own uses - but unless I need it - I'm afraid I'm keeping my code as simple to maintain as I can.

    And if you make your own extension instead of just changing the code directly (a simple thing to do really) you don't have to patch after every update - unless of course... someone changes something on a whim in FGU. Or even on my side - that breaks you. Life in extension land I'm afraid.

    If someone remembers the shop extension that uses map parcels let this guy know though it may already be buried in this forum thread somewhere likely already.
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