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  1. #51
    I've been playing with using the book to create new items for a very simple conversion where I would have normally used stories before.
    Assuming you've all seen the standard formatting of a adventure, you get the largest font for the Chapter (A), you get a smaller font for the section (B), then they often have the subsection with the underlined font (C) and finally you have a capital/bolded font section (D)..


    So 4 levels of depth. Different converters break their conversion at different points. Some will break each section into it's own story entry and go 4 levels deep.. Some only 2, others 3 and use heading formatting, capital letter formatting, bold text formatting etc for the different sections. Sometimes it depended on total length, sometimes it didn't and it was just consistent. Personally, I always broke it at 3 levels and used ref man with indentation to get me exact what I needed.
    So with prefixing you would get A1.B1.C1, A1.B1.C2, A1.B1.C3 or A1.B1(Headings), A1, B2 (Headings)

    With story entries, I could actually have text at the A and B levels. So story entry that was used for 01.00.00 would contain A, and 01.01.00 would contain B text.

    Make sense?

    My problem with the books right now is that Chapters and Subchapters are not functional pages, and you must have them to hold a page. They serve only as collapsing and organizing elements. If I want to put that little bit of an opening paragraph somewhere, I wind up have to make:
    [Chapter] Ch 1: Introduction
    [Subchapter] Introduction
    [Page] Introduction <---title of the page
    Now in the actual CONTENT of the page, I put the word "Introduction" again, and I format it using a ctrl 2 and follow it with normal text. With story entries, we always repeated the story title as the the first line of text (formatted as header but not necessarily with the number prefixes so that it read well)

    I'd much rather have been able to let the chapter and subchapter still be index sortable AND collapsible AND hold text.

    Yes, there are cute little workarounds for formatting.. I saw what Zacc was doing on the formatting of the WotC book and I've basically mirrored that. I created the first "page" of a chapter and I use a header blocker element with a frame, followed by a text frame... This gives you a bit of a title page, so that when you click on the C/SC you wind up landing on that first page of content.

    But visually it just looks poor that I multiple collapsed levels with potentially the same name as the page which holds the content. I've at least tried dropping some characters or slightly rewording them so its not a repeat over and over.

    I'll work around it, you guys certainly are.. just a bit of an annoyance.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by claedawg View Post
    Are you using the old way of regular stories or are you using the new Story-Book (previously known as the Reference Manual)?
    The old way...

    Story Line ABC
    00.00 - Introduction
    00.01 - Background
    01.00 - Entrance


  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by RESmeCUE View Post
    The story arrows to advance is back....hooray!

    The story arrows do NOT advance to the next part of the story created within the group. BOO!!

    Why is that? Is this being worked on?
    Why are fundamental aspects of FGU broken when adding to or working on updates for things that you are trying to create?
    It is being worked on, it happened because the entire story architecture got revamped to allow both simple and advanced story entries in the story window, the navigation arrows going missing for old (simple) story entries is due to the fact that the underlying coding structure had changed, and they did not catch that issue prior to release as arrows for the new (advanced story) items are working.

    The issue now is getting the simple story entries to recognize the folder structure.

  4. #54
    Just pushed an update to support module/category dual keys for story navigation for Story record that are not part of module Story Books. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


  5. #55

    Just pushed an update to allow the text control to be accessed anywhere on tab in single-field text-only tabs.


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