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  1. #11
    Ho ok, I understand. Have you tried tweaking some parameters in your graphic card settings? (except the dreaded number of images/seconde which you shall keep deactivited for FGU).
    I don't want to cause you any problem with this suggestion so please screenshot your actual settings before tweaking!

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Egheal View Post
    Ho ok, I understand. Have you tried tweaking some parameters in your graphic card settings? (except the dreaded number of images/seconde which you shall keep deactivited for FGU).
    I don't want to cause you any problem with this suggestion so please screenshot your actual settings before tweaking!
    If by some miracle messing around with my graphics card would fix it, very good chance that it would mess up all of my other dice packs that are crystal clear. Not to mention, other players are not able to see the die when I roll it, due to same blurry type image, so it would do nothing to correct that.

    It sounds like I am just stuck with dealing with it. At least you can still see the number in the chat box when it prints out, but there is just something about seeing the die roll and land on a 20, that I always liked. Plus FGU likes to tease you alot by skidding across the screen on a 20, only to flip over to another number.

    Thank you all for the replies - as far as I can tell, it is nothing on my end, and any adjusting of resolution/graphics settings will most likely affect my other dice packs.

  3. #13
    As a side note, I changed the dice size to 120% and it became a bit clearer. I can at least read the numbers when the die is rolled. I usually keep the dice size at 80%, so it just seems the font used on the die does not like being shrunk to 80%. There still seems to be a bit of blurriness, but I can at least make out the numbers now.

    I can just crank the size to 120 when I use the new packs. I don't really like it at the 120, I am one of those people that likes his space management, hehe.

    I am hoping eventually something can be done to make the dice clearer at 80%, but I can deal with it at 120% for now. Just thought I would add this information for anyone else that is having the same issue.

    Thanks again.

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