1. #1

    LFP. Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box.

    LFP. Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box.

    Two players, Weekends mostly. DM has full license and Syrinscape.

    FG License: Free Demo only needed DM has Ultimate.
    Game System: Pathfinder 2E initially. Also have Advanced DnD 2nd Edition, Pulp/Cthulhu and Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition.

    Time Zone: UK GMT

    Day of week and time: Friday, Saturday or Sunday usually. 7pm ish to 10pm ish. 6/7pm ish to 9pm ish if Sunday. Character generation can be done mid week.

    If new game, planned start date: Yes, new game. Planned start date is as soon as all players have viable characters.

    Planned Duration & Frequency: Flexible. Usually three hours or so. Weekly, but may miss one game per month.

    Term: Long Term

    Text or Voice: Voice.
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord but one of my players seems to have issues with Discord so we may try something else.

    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Not initially, but it might be something we do in the future.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: As required by scenario really, but roleplay encouraged.

    Number of Players in game & needed: 2-4 playing at moment but 2 will drop out. 2 players required.

    Character starting level & equipment: Level 1

    Character restrictions: Would prefer characters on the good alignment spectrum initially. And core races, no weird stuff, sentient bacterium etc.

    Details of your scenario: I currently work shifts (till the end of year then I retire), so difficult for me to always host on the same night. We are 'mature' (in age) but any age group welcome. You just need to turn up and have fun.

    As mentioned we will start with Pathfinder 2E but will progress to Pulp Cthulhu, Traveller and 2ndE DnD.
    Modules will be a mix of pre paid and home brews. Was a DM many, many years ago, we got started with Basic DnD and moved up to advanced.
    Don't expect a slick, professional experience, we're still pretty new to FG, but I have done a run through of three quarters of the scenario so we're much better.

  2. #2
    When do you want to do a session 0?

  3. #3
    Actual gaming will be at weekends. Character generation can take place anytime midweek that I have free.

  4. #4
    Hi Oladahn. If you are still interested in another player for the beginner box, I would be interested in joining.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tylejust137 View Post
    Hi Oladahn. If you are still interested in another player for the beginner box, I would be interested in joining.
    Yes, still interested. I'm a bit busy at the mo but I'll message you later if that's ok?

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