Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    Pathfinder Kingmaker campaign looking one more player for Tuesday 1830 every week.

    FG License: GM has Ultimate.
    Game System: Pathfinder 2e

    Time Zone: Eastern (GMT -4)
    Day of week and time: Tuesdays 1830 thru 2200
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 3.5 hour session every week.
    Term: Finishing Kingmaker.

    Text or Voice: Largely on voice (discord in the background)
    Main Language used: English, discord for organization, mumble for chat.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? no

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 4, looking for 1 or 2.
    Character starting level & equipment: 3rd level, standard.
    Character restrictions: Draw from standard and advanced players guides.

    Details of your scenario: This is full-on kingmaker. Players are currently almost level 5. There will be hexploration.

    Other Reasons: Be part of a discord group with more than 5 DMs on 3 continents. Games within our group on almost any day.

    Application Process: Send a Private Message on this form describing how, on a random day at Oleg's trading post you would react to meeting the party --- knowing their notoriety from news of the attack on the Lady Jimangi's Estate some month or so prior.

  2. #2
    Still looking. We've been plodding along with three players and the player that left's PC. He just died... so it would really be a good time to find another adventurer.

  3. #3
    Approaching the group (in a heavily russian accent) a large armoured man in dark grey Armour with a heavy blue cloak , gives a medium cordial bow.... you are " the groups name " I am lucean vandergrouse of house vandergrouse , I am an ancient grounds explorer with needs of new places and knowledges to learn....I have heard of your adventures and am wanting to join your ranks. I will be loyal to your quests , if you'll have me .... again a medium bow .

  4. #4
    /me reading over the orders he was given as he stood inside the trading post eyeing the would be heros that have carved a rather interesting reputation since the attack on his Lady's manor. "Morning, Names Set and I was sent by Lady Jimangi's request to seek ya out. I was late to the party before the expedition left and it seems you all had made a impact." He nods his head giving a smile. Scruffy looking human in priest like garb and a battle axe strapped to his back. Unsure if for sure or ritual reasons. "Once Lady Jimangi asked if I wished to join, I could not be more excited. To possibly have a chance to aid such fine people and bring civilization to these wild lands."

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