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  1. #191
    I tried parsing the text from Nethys for the giant skunk

    Giant Skunk
    Creature 1
    N Large Animal
    Source Bestiary 3 pg. 246
    Perception +6; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 40 feet
    Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Stealth +7
    Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +0
    AC 16; Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +4
    HP 21
    Speed 25 feet
    Melee [one-action] jaws +8 [+3/-2], Damage 1d6+3 piercing
    Melee [one-action] claw +8 [+4/+0] (agile), Damage 1d4+3 slashing

    Spray Blinding Musk [two-actions] (poison)
    The giant skunk propels potent, acrid musk in a 15-foot cone.
    Each creature in the line must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save.
    Critical Success The target is unaffected.
    Success The target is sickened 1. Failure The target is sickened 3.
    Critical Failure The target is blinded for 1 round, becomes sickened 3, and takes a –2 penalty to Stealth checks from the horrific odor for 24 hours or until the musk is removed or neutralized, requiring 10 minutes of thorough scrubbing with soap.

    It seemed to parse that ok, but the Spray Blinding Musk had no clickable actions. Should there be actions after parsing for special effects or does the extension no create any of those?

  2. #192
    The parser does not parse ability text to add actions, you need to do that yourself.

  3. #193
    It looks like this may no longer be working? I cant get it to operate.

  4. #194
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheJayde View Post
    It looks like this may no longer be working? I cant get it to operate.
    What's not working?
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  5. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJayde View Post
    It looks like this may no longer be working? I cant get it to operate.
    A quick test seems to still be working for me, at least.

  6. #196
    Yes please be more specific with symptoms, what you tried, other loaded extensions, etc.

  7. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    What's not working?
    I have it on my forge account. I loaded the game and the tab does not show up at all on the Bestiary Entry. Unless maybe there is a new way to use this? I am using Pathfinder 2e and have not updated to the remaster so there could be something with that. My Cohorts and Companions extension also seems to be MIA. On forge I tried to disable and enable again but it seems to have been ineffective. There is no parse effect at all.

  8. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJayde View Post
    I have it on my forge account. I loaded the game and the tab does not show up at all on the Bestiary Entry. Unless maybe there is a new way to use this? I am using Pathfinder 2e and have not updated to the remaster so there could be something with that. My Cohorts and Companions extension also seems to be MIA. On forge I tried to disable and enable again but it seems to have been ineffective. There is no parse effect at all.
    Did you actually activate the extension(s) before starting the FG server?

  9. #199
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheJayde View Post
    I have it on my forge account. I loaded the game and the tab does not show up at all on the Bestiary Entry. Unless maybe there is a new way to use this? I am using Pathfinder 2e and have not updated to the remaster so there could be something with that. My Cohorts and Companions extension also seems to be MIA. On forge I tried to disable and enable again but it seems to have been ineffective. There is no parse effect at all.
    As Montis suggests, double check that you have enabled the extension before loading your campaign. If you have and you still can't see the "Parse" tab in a new creature (you need to create a new creature, it's not in the Bestiary list) then please recreate the issue and compile the FG logs and post them here - details on compiling the FG logs can be found in the FG Wiki here: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...o+Compile+Logs - use Method 3 from within the campaign that isn't working correctly.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  10. #200
    I can confirm it's still working fine for me. Please follow all the advice above, thanks.

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