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  1. #131
    Hmmm...I haven't seen that before. The NAT20 extension does need to recreate the effects string so maybe there's some interaction between those extensions that wasn't there before. Thanks for the report!

    I'll check it out and get back to you!

  2. #132
    Sorry if I was muddied in my explanation; it did it both with those extensions and then again on its own without them.

  3. #133
    Not muddied at all...it was a bug!

    Found it and uploaded 6.3.1 to the forge.

    Thanks for the detailed report!
    Last edited by TheoGeek; November 22nd, 2023 at 04:02.

  4. #134
    I noticed something I hadn't noticed before but thought I tested it.

    RAW would say that damage that triggers on a Natural 20 still affects crit immune targets because it's not the critical part that does the damage, rather, it's the "I rolled a 20" part. So, say a target is crit immune but the character rolls a 20 with a sword of sharpness. The sharpness damage would still be rolled, but the extra critical damage would not be.

    Currently, to get that behavior, you need to set the effect to something like "DMG: 1d8 supercrit,nat20". I sort of like this because it allows you more flexibility in those Nat20 types...maybe you don't always want Nat20 effects to be applied on crit immune targets. I can work on an option to treat Nat20s like supercrits so you don't need to add the "supercrit" tag to the damage clause....

    What say you?

  5. #135
    Yes fully agree. Nat20 coding should be included on on items coding that has special features that trigger on a 20. Critical doesn’t even need to be put into the coding unless it has other crit stuff happening.

  6. #136
    Forge updated with version 6.4 to address this. Simply set "Nat20's ignore crit immunity" to "Yes" and use "nat20" instead of "supercrit,nat20" to get the RAW behavior.


    Cool...I've got a version that adds a new menu option for Nat20s ignore critical immunity that defaults to "Yes". In other words, the default behavior will treat "DMG: 1d8 lightning,nat20" as a 1d8 lightning damage effect that only triggers on a Nat 20 and rolls damage regardless of the target's critical immunity...no need for adding the "supercrit" tag.

    That way, if you want, you can set it to "no" and specify both "supercrit" and "nat20" to have that same behavior OR just "nat20" so "nat20" effects follow crit immunity rules. I'd probably never use that method, but it would allow for certain customized nat 20 effects that would be bypassed if the target had crit immunity.

    I should be uploading it tonight!
    Last edited by TheoGeek; December 31st, 2023 at 02:14.

  7. #137
    Awesome, I didn't know it wasn't already this way, but that's likely because crit immune is not very common coupled with someone hitting them with a special feature item.

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