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  1. #1

    Mongoose Traveller 2E

    Listing canceled due to logistical conflicts
    Last edited by twentyonetwentyfour; August 20th, 2023 at 18:44.

  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
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    FGU doesn't really support shared GM support. The GM would need to have a non-free license and the Traveller ruleset that includes the core rulebook.

  3. #3
    I don't require support.

    I don't require the Traveller ruleset.

    I am using my personal PDF for myself.

    Others will need their own personal PDF for themselves.

  4. #4
    See <<<

    "I neither want nor require any FGU Traveller content for the game. Players must supply their own core rulebook."

    I thought that was clear enough.

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    What I am trying to tell you is that you must not understand how Fantasy Grounds works. The GM has to run the game. You *could* run any RPG, including Traveller, with the CoreRPG ruleset, but you would at least need a license or subscription of Fantasy Grounds Unity in order to host the game and act as the GM. Most GMs would also use the Traveller ruleset so that FGU understands the rules of the games, characters, ships, etc. FGU does not support having another person host the game for you and you act as GM.

    This post sounds like you either a) don't know how to run games on Fantasy Grounds, or b) you are not actually planning to use use Fantasy Grounds for your game and are recruiting players for other platforms. The former will impede your ability to form a game group and the latter is not allowed on the forums here.

  6. #6
    My intention is GM a game on Fantasy Grounds which is hosted by someone else.

    I don't see how this is an issue.

    Any player who paid for the ultimate subscription can play the game without having to GM.

    GMing is hard and time consuming.

    If someone with the paid subscription wants to simply play, I feel that is perfectly fine. I am happy to GM. I enjoy GMing.

    What I do not enjoy is all the administration and dealing with randos associated with running an RPG online. It is that which I am trying to avoid.

    But apparently the people cannot run games how they want.

    Apparently it is the way the big britches mod wants or it's the highway

  7. #7
    As long as one person has the ultimate license, any number of free accounts can join, under the operational parameters of FGU

    This does not violate them

    There is nothing demanding that the one who has the most expensive license GM

    Show me where it says that

  8. #8
    If you are not using the ruleset to create and run characters or the Combat Tracker, what use do you believe you'll get from even a free Fantasy Grounds Unity client?

    You're requiring the other players to provide their own books and you don't seem to actually want to use any of the ruleset tools. It sounds like Discord might do everything you want.

  9. #9
    ddavison's Avatar
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    That is not how the software works. You can’t GM a game hosted by someone else.

    This account is linked to an IP from 3 other accounts. 2 were unconfirmed COPPA accounts and the third was banned for some reason. It looks like this is just a troll account.

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twentyonetwentyfour View Post
    As long as one person has the ultimate license, any number of free accounts can join, under the operational parameters of FGU

    This does not violate them

    There is nothing demanding that the one who has the most expensive license GM

    Show me where it says that
    Whoever sets up the campaign on their computer is the host and requires the GM license - standard or ultimate.
    Everyone connects to that computer.
    The campaign holder, the person loading the campaign on their computer has different options - designed for the GM - that only they can access.
    Everyone else who is connected to that computer, to that campaign has a set of options designed only for the players.
    You will not be able to manage NPCs, share stories or images or many other things if you are connected as a player client.

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