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  1. #91
    I'm curious, how hard would it be to pull the hard coded careers out to the visible careers tab?
    Same question with skills?,

  2. #92
    You would use an extension to do this and replace a table. Pretty easy

  3. #93
    The Cepheus Engine SRD is on the Forge!

    Check it out here

    Thanks to VegasErik and Bayne for all your work! Great ruleset and great core rules.

    Here's a brief description of the SRD's content:

    Main module:
    The Cepheus SRD Rules refrence manual.
    The rules, tables, robots, psionics and more
    All the guns, armor, and items from the SRD
    All the vehicles, small craft and ships from the SRD

    Ship Records Module:

    Customize your vehicle with 7 vehicle fittings

    Customize your small craft with 19 small craft fittings

    drag-and-drop from around 100 ship components onto the ship you built with the "build ship" wizard included in the ruleset.

    Tonnage auto calculates when fittings added
    ship weapons automatically added to combat tracker for damage
    create your own custom fittings and use those too

    All the ships, small craft and vehicles from the SRD included with fittings added.

  4. #94
    I bought this, but it doesn't appear to have anything except the record examples. I created a new new campaign, used "Cephus" as the rule set, but it's very empty. No character wizard, ships, skills, and very few items. What am I doing wrong?

  5. #95
    Wizard is accessed via a button on character sheet. This is just the ruleset. If you want the content it is via the SRD also on the Forge. See the post above yours.

  6. #96
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyteach View Post
    I bought this, but it doesn't appear to have anything except the record examples. I created a new new campaign, used "Cephus" as the rule set, but it's very empty. No character wizard, ships, skills, and very few items. What am I doing wrong?
    Hi Flyteach do see the first post also


    This is the ruleset only and and is based on Jason Kemp's SRD.

    This ruleset does contain much of the SRD material but it is integrated into the ruleset. Character Wizard, Ship design tool, Space Combat. There is no reference module to load but there is a module with multiple examples of each type record found on the sidebar.
    You can add the content via the https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1272/view link for a total of $13 which is pretty cool

  7. #97

    -Updated ruleset for New CORE RPG build
    -Added a separate rollable initiative field for NPCs and Robots on the combat tracker
    - Fixed a bug where if skill were left blank it could throw an error on doubleclick or drag

  8. #98
    Did a small update to fix an error with NPC inventory

  9. #99
    Still poking around after the 4.5 update. Here's 2 things I've noticed so far:

    no extensions loaded.

    opening up an NPC throws a warning and doesnt show the NPC. (attached screenshot) for clarity, I also attached a screenshot where I just loaded the ruleset and tried to open an NPC.
    cepheus npc error.jpg
    cepheus npc error upd.jpg

    The vehicles don't have an unlock button unless you open the tokens for it, then unlock from there. then you can re-open the vehicle to see the unlocked fields.

    Thanks! :-)
    Last edited by Pharoid; March 29th, 2024 at 15:25.

  10. #100
    Ok Pharoid thank you I will look into both!

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