1. #1

    Character creation console error

    Hi there,

    I'm currently experiencing a problem with creating a new character in the CoC7 ruleset. I've created several new campaigns to troubleshoot, if one of the extensions was an issue with my ongoing campaign. One new game instance was without any extensions and just the Core Ruleset and the Investigators guide loaded, with the error persisting. Fantasy Ground is updated to the latest version: v4.3.8 ULTIMATE (2023-04-25), screenshot attached.

    Grateful for any assistance.

    CoC7 character creation error.png

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Ashalore can you post the steps to recreate the error?
    Can you also post the versions of CoreRPG and Call of Cthulhu as shown in Chat?

  3. #3
    Hi damned.

    The steps:
    1. Create campaign, select CoC7e ruleset, select password, server type; cloud, server list: public, and start.
    2. Setup options all default
    3. Module selection - CoC Rulebook and Investogator Guide.
    4. Select character button under player menu.
    5. Use Add Item to initiate character creation
    6. Error log display immediately on opening the sheet.


  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    That is no good.
    Are you able to progress to the next steps?

    I am travelling for work for a couple of days and ianmward is also I think in transit.
    I will attempt to log in tonight and have a look.
    I know I was doing some chargen earlier in the week prior to this Tuesday update and it was all working.

  5. #5
    Can confirm the error appears on character creation, and randomly when creating stats, adding skills etc.

  6. #6
    Yes I can fill out the character sheet as normal, but autocalc seems to not work, noticeably for HP. While populating stats, the error would pop up again.

    I was able to apply a workaround for my Horror on the Orient Express game I'm running tomorrow. I imported an older character from another campaign and after deleting all the entries, I could fill it out as normal. Autocalc seems to be working in that instance. So changing stats on existing characters seems to be working. I haven't spotted any other issues with skills etc.

    Also I wanted to voice my appreciation for the ruleset and extension support. The Keeper custom image extension you provided is great. Below is a post of tomorrows background


  7. #7
    damned's Avatar
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    I can see what is causing the issue but I dont understand that part of the code... Hopefully I can corrale Ian before the weekend.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    The hot fix has been pushed.


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