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Thread: 13A Bug Reports

  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by darrenan View Post
    Ok, confirmed that this ruleset IS vaulted. Even though I'm the developer, I never was gifted the official copy of the ruleset, so I was seeing the .PAK file I manually generated as part of development/testing.
    Oh OK. So are the LUA scripts and the XML files that are utilized by 13th Age in the 4E.PAK file? I ask, because unlike my vaulted Call of Cthulhu 7 and Traveller 2 rulesets, the 13THAGERULESET.dat file doesn't contain a single folder with LUA or XML files.

  2. #242
    So are the LUA scripts and the XML files that are utilized by 13th Age in the 4E.PAK file?
    No. As I said previously, 13th Age no longer inherits from 4E. It is it's own self-contained ruleset inheriting directly from CoreRPG. However, I do see all the ruleset files in the .dat file, see attached image.


  3. #243
    OK I'm following you, I must have missed it during my last browse. I'm now seeing \campaign along with a \scripts and \strings folder within the DAT.

    Is there any chance a PAK will ever be released for this ruleset?

  4. #244
    Because it's a paid ruleset, I would guess not.

  5. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by darrenan View Post
    Because it's a paid ruleset, I would guess not.
    Note though, that not all rulesets that are paid for are vaulted. The D&D 5E and Paizo RPGs have to be purchased to obtain all of the ruleset features, yet they're non-vaulted and provide PAKs that can be modified. They're admittedly not the best examples though, as those TTRPGs all have Open License Agreements. Savage World Adventure Edition and Savage Worlds Deluxe (both paid for rulesets) on the other hand, don't have OLAs yet they provide PAK archives in the \ruleset folder which owners can modify.

    There's customizations I'd like to make to the 13Age Character Sheet, in order for it to better suit the way I run the Midgard World setting. Without a PAK archive though, I wouldn't know where to begin.

  6. #246
    I'm not 100% sure when this error appeared, but my group is all experiencing an error each time they open any item.

    I tested with a fresh campaign with no extensions loaded, but it still appears. It appears each time an individual item is opened.error.png

  7. #247
    Just pushed a ruleset update that should address that issue. Please run a new Check for Updates, and try again.


  8. #248
    Thank you! It's all sorted out

  9. #249
    I'm working on creating some custom feats for 13A and found that when I try adding a Feat to a character that has another feat with a Linked Power that links back to it, I get a stack overflow error in the logs. If I try accessing the Powers tab after placing that feat on the character all of Fantasy Grounds locks up. I replicated the behavior in a fresh campaign without any extensions.
    Screenshot 2023-04-26 122427.png

    I'm still learning the ins-and-outs of the 13A ruleset, so I'm not 100% sure how the Linked Powers section is intended to be used. If it automatically adds Powers to the Powers tab I'll definitely be using it for that, but I happened to encounter this bug while working with it so I thought I'd report it. Perhaps an error check to prevent powers from being self-referring?


  10. #250
    It sounds like there is a recursive call somewhere in the data you set up. (i.e. linkedpowers contains link to itself, or to another power with a link back to the original, etc.)

    I believe that the linked powers section was original set up specifically for Feats to specify certain powers which were granted. (i.e. such as the Armor of Bahamut feat granting the Armor of Bahamut power.)


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