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Thread: Animated Maps

  1. #31
    damned's Avatar
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    You are correct - you didnt say it but it was said in this thread. If you check the post you were replying to you can see that he is quoting multiple people in the response.

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    You are correct - you didnt say it but it was said in this thread. If you check the post you were replying to you can see that he is quoting multiple people in the response.
    He quoted my message and made his statement there, below my quote.

    I'm not going to go back through every single post and re-read to find what he might/might not be talking about at this point but the quote "And telling someone that you can't take their view seriously because they do not want something is also not valid." is not what I said nor is it what the bulk of anyone asking for Animated support here is saying. The problem clearly is that there are people telling others they dont need a feature, that is the problem. This is objectively not a "both sides" situation. It's an exhausting and pedantic discussion and the only reason I responded was because it was a moderator.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
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  3. #33
    damned's Avatar
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    I can see why you read it that way - it makes sense, he was replying back to you. I read it that he was replying back to what you said about viewpoints and someone else dismissing viewpoints. The original quote he referred to was:
    That’s why I’ll never take anyone serious who says “just do theatre of the mind” or “animated maps aren’t needed’ and we are talking strictly about playing online with a vtt. More so if your players aren’t on camera.
    and in that context his reply also makes sense.

    I dont think anyone could disagree that animated maps are cool. Similarly it is highly likely that everyone in this thread prioritises all their wishlist items differently to each other.

  4. #34
    I don't post much, but I've been using Fantasy Grounds for nearly 15 years, so you could say I have some sunk costs.

    Even so, the ongoing lack of 3rd party animated map support (.webm or .mp4) will likely be what eventually pushes me to another platform.

    I don't want or need my VTT to be a computer game and I've always felt that FG best captures the feel of being at the table, but there are animated maps available through 3rd parties which go far, far, beyond a flickering light source or layers of snowfall without detracting from the tabletop feel.

    Ultimately, what I want most of all is a straight answer on if this is even on the production roadmap, but I can understand why that's not likely to happen. "Yes we could do it, but given the time and effort involved it's unlikely to see release before 2025" is a little demotivational.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by adminwheel3 View Post
    I don't post much, but I've been using Fantasy Grounds for nearly 15 years, so you could say I have some sunk costs.

    Even so, the ongoing lack of 3rd party animated map support (.webm or .mp4) will likely be what eventually pushes me to another platform.

    I don't want or need my VTT to be a computer game and I've always felt that FG best captures the feel of being at the table, but there are animated maps available through 3rd parties which go far, far, beyond a flickering light source or layers of snowfall without detracting from the tabletop feel.

    Ultimately, what I want most of all is a straight answer on if this is even on the production roadmap, but I can understand why that's not likely to happen. "Yes we could do it, but given the time and effort involved it's unlikely to see release before 2025" is a little demotivational.
    I'm in a similar boat but it won't be the lack of animated map support that will push me to another platform. It will be that the general attitude with those other platforms seems to be more positive. It's more along the lines of "That's a cool idea. Let's see what we can do" as opposed to Fantasy Grounds "You don't need X in a VTT" which seems inherently negative.

    If only there was a way where we could capture peoples ideas and we could all vote on them and then the developers could work out what is a priority instead of people on the forums telling us what we do and don't need. - The diary of a Newbie DM

  6. #36
    This has just been my experience, so please don't jump all over me for my opinion. I have recently been playing a PF2 campaign on Foundry. And there's no denying, the animated maps and special effects from attacks are pretty. However, I have found FGU to be much more stable and functional. We've already canceled two weekly sessions because the DM couldn't get Foundry to work right. He's not sure what the issue is. With FGU, if there's an issue, I can post it in the forums and within a week or less, it's resolved. And any problems we've experienced on FGU have never led to having to cancel a session. Again, this is just one person's experience.

  7. #37
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    I'll admit I would like to see animated maps, or at least animated token support - to add things like fires to a map. I recently played a game on another VTT (GMs choice, not mine) and one of the PCs drank a potion of gaseous form. The GM quickly changed their token to a small roiling mist shape, which was a nice touch. Is it "needed" and vital for the game - of course not. Was it cool and did I think "I wish FG could do that" - yes!

    As mentioned in an earlier post, there's an item in the FG wishlist that you can vote on: I've voted!
    Last edited by Trenloe; April 2nd, 2023 at 22:25.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  8. #38
    Wow, never expected all the response this thread has generated and I appreciate everyone's feedback, opinions, etc. Each of us has our own perspective which is great! Bottom line is all I was looking for was if anyone knew if there was a possibility of animated maps at some point being integrated into FG as I recently started using Dungeon Alchemist to generate some of my own maps and there are some cool features in it. Seems it's not on the immediate future so will continue without it for the time being. FG still is an awesome VTT that I prefer over others. Thanks again everyone for weighing in and educating me on the subject!

  9. #39
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure animated maps - or at least webm support - is on the devs wishlist as well. One thing to bear in mind is that FGU isn't a web app so cannot tap into the already existing libraries which allows animated maps to play in a browser like other VTT's; so getting that kind of functionality will require a ground up especially written interface and programming. With a small development team and with at least two major projects currently under development resources are probably not available in the short term. But that's not to say it won't arrive one day.

    I'm on the same page as Trenloe here; sure it would be cool, but I don't see it as a necessity; and I'm happy to wait for it over other ( I hesitate to say) more useful features.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I'm on the same page as Trenloe here; sure it would be cool, but I don't see it as a necessity
    I am not trying to diminish Zacchaeus words here, I quote his words only because he's the last one who wrote this kind of words ("it would be cool, but I don't see it as a necessity"):
    Most of the people who replied to this thread have been pretty reasonable and balanced in their opinion, but there's a trend that often pops out in other parts of the forum (which has been mentioned) to disregard any discussion for possible improvements as "it's not necessary" or "it's not needed". When we use these words, we should always remember one thing: FGU (and any other VTT as well) wasn't made because of a necessity, but because it was a cool idea. We don't need FGU to play online, we can still play with any multi-call software (Discord, Skype, whatever), a free online canvas software or Discord's screenshare to share maps, sketches, or whatever the master wants, and physical dice, online dice rollers, Discord bots...
    We use VTT applications because it makes playing RPGs online with other people 1- easier and 2- cooler. So if anything makes us say "yeah, that would be cool!" then it is enough motivation to pursue support from SmiteWorks for that idea. Dismissal because "it's not necessary" should be avoided because, well... VTTs are not a necessity at all.

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