5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Release Updates for January 31st, 2023

    Please remember not to update right before a game starts.

    In order for some of the updates to be visible, you may need to open the Module Activation window from Library->Activation, right click on the module and select "revert changes". Be warned, any edits you've made will be lost.

    Note: Hotfixes are to fix an immediate problem that prevents using a product. They are not fully tested and may introduce other issues. If you have issues with a hotfix please contact support.

    Note: Fantasy Grounds Classic is no longer receiving regular updates. These updates are for Fantasy Grounds Unity unless specifically noted.

    The following products have been updated:

    Beastheart and Monstrous Companions (5E Compatible)
    • [Fixed] Added missing sections to the reference manual (quick build and multiclassing options)

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder RPG 2 - Pathfinder Adventure: The Slithering (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Shadows at Sundown (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Crown of the Kobold King Anniversary Edition (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Kingmaker Companion Guide (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Strength of Thousands AP 6: Shadows of the Ancients (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Strength of Thousands AP 5: Doorway to the Red Star (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Strength of Thousands AP 3: Hurricane's Howl (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Strength of Thousands AP 2: Spoken on the Song Wind (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Quest for the Frozen Flame AP 3: Burning Tundra (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Quest for the Frozen Flame AP 2: Lost Mammoth Valley (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Outlaws of Alkenstar AP 3: The Smoking Gun (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Outlaws of Alkenstar AP 2: Cradle of Quartz (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Outlaws of Alkenstar AP 1: Punks in a Powderkeg (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Gatewalkers AP 1: The Seventh Arch (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix AP 3: King of the Mountain (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix AP 2: Ready? Fight! (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Extinction Curse AP 6: The Apocalypse Prophet (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Extinction Curse AP 5: Lord of the Black Sands (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Extinction Curse AP 4: Siege of the Dinosaurs (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Extinction Curse AP 2: Legacy of the Lost God (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Extinction Curse AP 1: The Show Must Go On (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Abomination Vaults (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Flickerwisp immunity to spells.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Blood Lords AP 5: A Taste of Ashes (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Blood Lords AP 4: The Ghouls Hunger (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Blood Lords AP 3: Field of Maidens (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Blood Lords AP 2: Graveclaw (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Blood Lords AP 1: Zombie Feast (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Heal automation script doesn't work.
    • [Updated] Changed NPC images from jpg to png due to new development standards.

    D&D Classics - PHBR10 The Complete Book of Humanoids (2E) (D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E)
    • [Fixed] Few typos corrected

    Savage Rifts: The Tomorrow Legion Archetypes - Set 2 #SWADE (Savage Worlds Adventure Edition)
    • [Fixed] Removed some broken links to Archetypes Set 1 images duplicated in Set 2.

    Deadlands: The Weird West: Horror at Headstone Hill (Savage Worlds)
    • [Fixed] Creeping Shadow fear

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Mississippi, USA

    Shadow of the Demon Lord Adventure Pack 2 (Shadow of the Demon Lord)
    • [Updated] NPCs and Attacks across all adventures

    Shadow of the Demon Lord Adventure Pack 3 (Shadow of the Demon Lord)
    • [Updated] NPCs and Attacks across all adventures

    Shadow of the Demon Lord Adventure Pack 4 (Shadow of the Demon Lord)
    • [Updated] NPCs and Attacks across all adventures

    Shadow of the Demon Lord (Shadow of the Demon Lord)
    • [Updated] NPCs and Attacks

    Pathfinder 2 RPG - Core Rules (Pathfinder 2.0)
    • [Fixed] Cantrip and Ritual spell filters aren't present on the player side.

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