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  1. #51

    DM Guide Image Assets

    The console errors regarding images are resolved, but all the images in the DMs Guide are showing as blank. I created a brand new campaign and loaded the modules so no previous campaign data would potentially cause a conflict.

  2. #52
    We've received the missing files; and I just pushed a new build of the ICONS ruleset and core books. Please run a new Check for Updates to get the latest data.


  3. #53
    Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when adding a feature to the character sheet, it gets put in specialties.Screenshot 2022-10-07 234049.jpg

  4. #54
    I'm fixing the Specialty Level bug in on my table, it's a bit tedious with 36 deletions/changes. For each of Specialty Roll tables A through F, clear the link to the Level Determination and replace it with a link to Specialty Level. I have a screenshot but I don't see a way to link it here.

  5. #55
    I can't put vehicles into the combat tracker or into encounters. I get "only records from campaign record lists can be added to encounters." My 5e Spelljammer game accepts vehicles in the CT and encounters, but I don't know if that's specific to the 5e ruleset or if it can be done for ICONS. Maybe it needs to go in Feature Requests? Or am I missing something?

  6. #56
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoGM View Post
    I can't put vehicles into the combat tracker or into encounters. I get "only records from campaign record lists can be added to encounters." My 5e Spelljammer game accepts vehicles in the CT and encounters, but I don't know if that's specific to the 5e ruleset or if it can be done for ICONS. Maybe it needs to go in Feature Requests? Or am I missing something?
    More Vehicle support has been added to CoreRPG but it has only really been added to 5E as far as I know.

  7. #57

    Is combat broken or am I just not getting it?

    I just tried my very first combat roll, a blast (burst) attack against 3 PCs, and the results look really strange:
    1) The attacking SPARTAN is adding both its Power level of 5 and its Coordination of 3 to the attack, that seems wrong.
    2) Although the defenders' rolls aren't displayed as physical dice, it looks like the numbers in parentheses in the chat box are their results. If so, the (0) for the attacker confuses me.
    3) If those are the results, then the labels "massive success" or "major success" are wrong. American Girl lost by 2 (moderate), Arctic fire tied (marginal) and Atomic Roach won by one (fail) should be the results. What am I missing?

    hmmm, I don't see a way to attach the screenshot of all of this .... you might have to go to the Discord to see it, I posted there but it looks like no one is home.

  8. #58
    On the rolls, I've forwarded on to the developer of the ruleset to see if they can give insight on how it's supposed to work, and to handle any issues.

    Vehicle support in the CT is ruleset specific, so it would have had to have been built into the ruleset to support adding vehicles to the combat tracker. The addition of vehicles in a separate or same tracker is a relatively new feature in the rulesets that support it. ICONS was built off of examples from before rulesets started adding support for vehicles.


  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by ColoradoGM View Post
    I just tried my very first combat roll, a blast (burst) attack against 3 PCs, and the results look really strange:
    1) The attacking SPARTAN is adding both its Power level of 5 and its Coordination of 3 to the attack, that seems wrong.
    2) Although the defenders' rolls aren't displayed as physical dice, it looks like the numbers in parentheses in the chat box are their results. If so, the (0) for the attacker confuses me.
    3) If those are the results, then the labels "massive success" or "major success" are wrong. American Girl lost by 2 (moderate), Arctic fire tied (marginal) and Atomic Roach won by one (fail) should be the results. What am I missing?

    hmmm, I don't see a way to attach the screenshot of all of this .... you might have to go to the Discord to see it, I posted there but it looks like no one is home.
    I will take a look at the code and see where the issue lies. It seems like it is returning the wrong number. For a work around, you can create the power as a weapon in the weapons section until I can determine where the issue lies (if there is one).

  10. #60
    It looks like an update just happened that partly fixed it but not really, and broke something else.
    Power rolls roll Power level +d6, when they should be rolling Coordination (or whatever stat the power's been set to use) +d6. And weapons don't roll at all now, I get this console error instead:
    [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "ICONS:scripts/ResultManager.lua"]:100: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'nTargetStat' (a nil value)

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