Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #41
    Indeed sad to see you leave. Not sure I can do without the FGU automation anymore.

  2. #42
    Ideally, if I or whoever is taking it over, the forge ownership would need to be transferred and I don't know if that is possible. It'd require @Drowbe to talk to Smiteworks. Alternatively, the extension gets delisted and a new one is put up but then everyone would have to resubscribe.

  3. #43

    Final Source Files

    Glad to hear it! Here is a link to the source files and the images files:

    I use an app called "Pixelmator Pro" to do the image work. I can export to photoshop or whatever if you need. Let me know.

    Thanks for taking it over. Apologies in advance for my crappy coding!

    Best, --Thomas

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by rhagelstrom View Post
    Ideally, if I or whoever is taking it over, the forge ownership would need to be transferred and I don't know if that is possible. It'd require @Drowbe to talk to Smiteworks. Alternatively, the extension gets delisted and a new one is put up but then everyone would have to resubscribe.
    That is a bummer. I can provide a link to the new one and delist when you are ready to roll. I didn't see any way to transfer ownership. If you ping smiteworks and they tell you how I am happy to do so. I'd love for you to inherit the 500+ users and the 5-star rating. May want to shoot a message on Discord to the Grim Press and Rob2E channels as many users are there who used it. That said, I was not officially part of those servers as a developer, so they may be more or less open to posting there. Guessing Grim Press will be more okay with it than the other. I will be staying on the Grim Press discord... probably leaving the Rob2E discord since it is 100% Fantasy Grounds... though I do like chatting with some of the awesome devs who hang there.


  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    Indeed sad to see you leave. Not sure I can do without the FGU automation anymore.
    Yeah, that is what kept me on FG so long... then I found out how powerful the automation was in Foundry and made the move. I have replicated everything I loved about FG, so it was the right move for me. Again, LOVED FG, but it was too hard to keep running, keep the players updated, install syrinscape for sound, etc. Plus, it is cool seeing things like animated giant hammers smashing monsters in a room with gratuitous lights and sounds. lol.

  6. #46
    Thanks to @Drowbe and Smiteworks I was able to get the forge extension transferred to my control. I have pushed an update to v1.1 which should resolve the BIDI issue. I had to change the load order which makes me a little nervous that there might be an issue with other extensions but it shouldn't script error, just might not set an icons correctly. I might need to work with the BIDI author to get it all sorted if there is a conflict with another extension.

    I gave this a quick run in PF1 and it seems to work. I think it will work for other rulesets too I just haven't tested it/looked at everything enough to have a good feel. If you do test it and it works for other rulesets drop me a note.

    Everything is on my GitHub including the source image.

    I'm not an artist so the great graphics we have that Drowbe created is what we will stick with.

    Feel free to contribute to this project if you wish. graphics or code wise.

  7. #47
    Morenu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Thank you for taking it over. any chance you might look into making it CoreRPG compatible?
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  8. #48
    it's open right now for core, I'm curious to see your feedback on things

  9. #49
    Thank you so much for taking this over! Let me know if you need any image help -- happy to contribute to this community.


  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by rhagelstrom View Post
    Thanks to @Drowbe and Smiteworks I was able to get the forge extension transferred to my control. I have pushed an update to v1.1 which should resolve the BIDI issue. I had to change the load order which makes me a little nervous that there might be an issue with other extensions but it shouldn't script error, just might not set an icons correctly. I might need to work with the BIDI author to get it all sorted if there is a conflict with another extension.

    I gave this a quick run in PF1 and it seems to work. I think it will work for other rulesets too I just haven't tested it/looked at everything enough to have a good feel. If you do test it and it works for other rulesets drop me a note.

    Everything is on my GitHub including the source image.

    I'm not an artist so the great graphics we have that Drowbe created is what we will stick with.

    Feel free to contribute to this project if you wish. graphics or code wise.
    Thank you!

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