1. #1

    Good Adventurer's League modules?

    Hello everyone,

    Tomorrow and the session next week one of my three players wont be able to be there and I am looking to run a one shot for the other two players as a nice interlude.

    Was looking at the D&D 5e Adventurer's League modules as we have been curious about them.
    I was hoping some people here who have played them could give me some feedback on what a good module, that has already been made in Fantasy Grounds, would be for something like this and the question if they are easy to adjust to what may be a smaller party?

    I have to mention that one of the players is pretty mechanicly minded, so atleast an encounter or two would be preferred.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I can't recommend any because I've only run 1 or 2 and I don't think any of them have been officially converted (some of the 'moon' ones if I remember). But they are are designed to be used with a range of levels and character numbers and have notes on adjusting the encounters accordingly.

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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    I can't recommend any because I've only run 1 or 2 and I don't think any of them have been officially converted (some of the 'moon' ones if I remember). But they are are designed to be used with a range of levels and character numbers and have notes on adjusting the encounters accordingly.
    Thank you for your answer.
    Yeah not all seem to have been converted, but definitely feel it would be worth the four bucks not having to build it myself.
    Good to hear they are easily adjustable. Think one of them would be a lot of fun to run then.
    Now to find the right one.

  4. #4
    What level is your party. While they have instructions to change the combats it's just within the Tier so 1-4,5-10,11-16,17-20

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Raddu View Post
    What level is your party. While they have instructions to change the combats it's just within the Tier so 1-4,5-10,11-16,17-20
    They are lvl 12, but they are part of a growing guild, so there is a possibility of going with "While the party is doing X, let's see what these side characters are doing".

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