1. #1

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    May 2019
    Cambridge, ON, Canada

    Creating Plasma Bolt/Ball Attack Tables for C&T II

    So I need to put these attack tables in my C&T II module to support the Plasma Drake's breath weapons so I started my process where Dakadin always tells us... take something already finished and modify it. So I took that advice and I picked the Shock Bolt. I only need the top part of the attack table to ask my starting questions.

    Shock Bolt Attack
    Shock Bolt Attack.jpg

    Here is the same section for my Plasma Bolt..

    Plasma Bolt Attack
    Plasma Bolt Attack.jpg

    The last piece of the puzzle comes in the form of the xml code to create the Shock Bolt Attack table in FGU...

    XML Code for Shock Bolt
    Shock Bolt Attack xml.jpg

    So I started to analyze the xml and I came to the <Fumble> section. The xml says that an UM roll of 1-2 results in a fumble which is true. However, there are other values on the table that give a fumble for all AT's namely 3-20. If your modified attack comes between these 2 values then a fumble is rolled as well. As far as I can see in the chart section for the xml the values for 3-20 are "0". Should they not have a fumble code in the <Fumble> section or is there a special code to enter in the <Chart> section. I don't see one which is why I ask.

    When I look at the Plasma Bolt attack table there is another wrinkle to the Fumble saga... You can see that the rows 3-10 and 11-20 have fumble designations that don't apply to all the AT's. How would one code that?

    Thanks in advance for someone explaining this to me.


  2. #2
    Hi Rajek,

    Unfortunately, the ruleset doesn't handle fumbles for individual cells of tables. It only handles it based on the roll and not the AT so you won't be able to code it now. I've made enough modifications to the table resolver now that I should be able to make that change. I will add it to my list. Please let me know if you have any questions.


  3. #3

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    May 2019
    Cambridge, ON, Canada
    Alright. I was able to get my tables entered and they load up without any issue. The problem is that the cell entries are not showing the proper information. I see the hit point number but the critical severity and type don't show up at all.

    Are there any rules that you have to follow when entering critical type/severity values in the table? My critical table of 'Plasma' used PL for its critical abbreviation.

    I have followed the Lightning Bolt attack table for reference and I am able to confirm that I used the syntax in Spell Law xml.

    Hopefully I'm not aware of some small point of attack table entry that is making things go wonky.

    Thanks for the help.

  4. #4
    Hi Rajek,

    Have you tried it with a single letter for the critical abbreviation? I don't think the code will handle a double letter code and I don't even remember seeing a double letter code in any RM material but I could be wrong. You can reuse a letter from another critical table since the critical table definition is telling the table resolver which table to use based on the critical abbreviation.


  5. #5

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    May 2019
    Cambridge, ON, Canada
    Thanks Dakadin. I changed the PL abbreviation to Z and my Plasma Ball attack table came up with no issue. My Plasma Bolt table is still spitting out a parsing error. What I see when I try to open the Plasma Bolt attack table is the attack table window appears with nothing on it. Then, after about 30 seconds I see a grid with attack range numbers ending at 110. I am attaching a snapshot of what I was seeing...

    Plasma Bolt Attack.jpg

    I have compared my plasma bolt code with the lightning bolt code in Spell Law and I am not able to find a problem. I will attach the client.xml from my workhorse campaign so you can see what I have done.


    Hopefully, I've just missed a keystroke somewhere and it is eluding my sleuthing skills.

    If anyone finds my problem, I would be eternally grateful.


  6. #6
    Hi Rajek,

    Ignore that about it being on different lines. I had word wrap on for something I was working on and forgot about it. I will look at it in more depth later after work.

    Last edited by Dakadin; June 14th, 2022 at 20:07. Reason: Updated since I had word wrap on for something I was working on ;)

  7. #7
    Hi Rajek,

    The issue is being caused because you have a <id-00001> in the fumble section so the code isn't finding the data in the right place. Remove the <id-00001> and </id-00001> in the fumble section for your Plasma Bolt table. I did that and it loaded up for me.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2019
    Cambridge, ON, Canada

    Your advice was perfect. Thanks.


  9. #9
    QuirkyBirky's Avatar
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    The land of the Pecsaetan, in the Kingdom of Mercia
    Quote Originally Posted by RajekPlathmos View Post

    Your advice was perfect. Thanks.

    It usually is!
    (Sorry for the flagrant use of flattery, but you never know when you might need Dakadin's help! )

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