1. #1

    Labels on Action Buttons (possible or feature request?)

    Working on updating character sheets and I'm wondering if there is any way to add a label to an action button (maybe spell with save then damage, or a power like Smite that bumps dice per spell slot level)?

    I'm comparing against setting up an effect, where you can put "just text" as a label so that in the combat tracker you can see see "AURA OF AWESOMENESS" before the mechanics.

    Asking because the players sometimes get lost in trying to find the right button (i.e. they press damage on a fireball before they trigger the save) and if there was a mouse-over label it would ease the learning curve and speed things up.

    So for an example like Fireball the mouse-over button labels might be:
    "Use this 1st to trigger saves"
    "Use this 2nd to trigger damage"

    Would even be handy on standard weapon attacks, to add something like "You Did Target Something 1st Right?"

  2. #2
    The challenge with this is that there is no inherent information that is provided consistently in the spell descriptions that tell you this sort of information. It's all down to reading the spell description, and understanding how it works with the rules.

    The text parsing routine just looks for information like "the target needs to make a Constitution saving throw or", and then generates a save action record for the spell. It doesn't have any inherent information about any links between the actions nor prerequisites about what should happen before or after the action.


  3. #3
    Oh no logic involved - so not looking for anything mechanical or any automation. More like: a text field in the power/spell that is ignored if blank, is not parsed by anything, but is strictly a mouse-over tool tip (sort of like tagging an image on a webpage) so that the GM (or the player) can enter a note if they choose. So the same "fireball" pair of buttons that would be there now, only with a mouse-over label field that could help players know "use this first" / "use this second" when they mouse over. Like on smite, a mouse-over reminder "remember to click prior to rolling damage."

    Obviously it's situational, but (anecdotal) a player who is a bit lost on 'what next?' is often hovering the mouse over button trying to discern which to use when - so it's a purely optional way to make notes that fit your game/your players that might help, but can be left blank most of the time when something is obvious.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    the seaside, UK
    Also the ability to just change the order of the buttons would help, as they sometimes appear out of order (damage before cast etc.). If the order was consistent, - do this - then this - then this, it would make things much easier. Maybe there is a "simple" way to accomplish this with pre-built spells, but if so I've not found it (wouldn't be the first time! )



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