Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #1

    LFP - 2-4 players Saturday Night Scares [Alien RPG, Call of Cthulhu]

    FG License: FGU Ultimate License
    Game System: Alien, Call of Cthulhu (rules taught; no rules experience necessary)

    Time Zone: Mountain (USA)
    Day of week and time: Saturday evenings, 6-8 p.m. start time (flexible)
    Planned start date: June/July 2022
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly 3-4 Hour sessions
    Term: Long term.

    Voice: TeamSpeak preferred, but I can deal with Discord if necessary
    This will not be recorded.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: I prefer a good mix of RP and action, maybe 50/50.
    Number of Players in game & needed: I'm looking for 2 to 4 committed, non-fragile players who enjoy horror and are capable of dealing with PC death. Although I don't have an age limit, I've had problems with younger players who drink during game play and ghost after a few sessions. I'd rather not go through such experiences again.
    Character starting level & equipment: These will be starting characters.
    Character restrictions: This being horror games, players should not plan to play silly characters. Pre-built PCs will be available for the Alien scenarios and for some Call of Cthulhu scenarios.

    Details of your scenario: I plan to offer up Alien scenarios, starting with "Chariot of the Gods" and "Destroyer of Worlds" (assuming players haven't experienced those). Call of Cthulhu scenarios will be similar offerings (multi-session/short campaign). Should interest develop in long-term campaign play in either Alien, Call of Cthulhu, or some other horror system/setting, we'll explore that together.

    Player expectations: Be mature and respectful. As someone with 30+ years in IT, I'm absolutely understanding when work causes someone to miss a session or to show up late. Life happens. When it becomes a consistent problem, (always showing up 15 minutes late, missing more than a couple sessions a month), I'd prefer moving on unless the group can work out a schedule change or something similar to keep everyone happy. Fun is the key in this hobby. I don't consider mistreating fellow gamers by being unreliable, arguing over rules, or being rude or cruel fun. At the same time, we will be playing horror. If you can't separate RPGs from real life, can't sit through a scary movie, can't deal with in-game tension, this isn't for you. Knowledge of the Alien universe or Call of Cthulhu mythos is not required. In fact, not having knowledge of either could almost be beneficial.
    Last edited by PRAdams; June 3rd, 2022 at 23:15. Reason: Rules Experience Update

  2. #2
    I have been interested in getting back into RPGs again. Most of my experience has been in 1st & 2nd edition AD&D, MSH, and the Palladium systems, but have recently thought about trying Cthulhu. I only have the basic knowledge of the Aliens universe of someone who has watched the movies. With regard to Cthulhu, having only read The Call of Cthulhu once, a few decades ago. I am not familiar with the game systems for either Aliens or CoC though, so if you don't mind taking on a neophyte, I'd be interested in trying either.

  3. #3
    Crap. I forgot to put "rules taught" in the post. Thanks for catching that. There's zero requirement for rules experience.

  4. #4
    If you are still looking for players I'm interested in joining. I am somewhat familiar with the Call of Cthulhu rules set and the Lovecraft mythos as a whole not so much with that Alien one, But I'm willing to learn. I'm a fan of the horror genre in general and have been looking for a tabletop game to join that is within my time zone, So PM me if you still need players.

  5. #5
    So, we have three players right now, which is good enough to start with. I hope we can keep the group together for a while.

    The questions start now.

    When do we want to start (18 JUN 2022, 25 JUN 2022, 2 JUL 2022)?

    What is the best start time (6/7/8 PM Mountain)?

    What do we want to start with (Alien, Call of Cthulhu)?

    Have you played/read any Alien or Call of Cthulhu scenarios (we can eliminate those from play)?

    Do we want to do 3 hour sessions (hard stop), 4, or 3-4 (length depending on where we're at in the session)?

  6. #6
    I'm good to start on whichever date is more convenient.
    The best starting times for me and would be 6 or 7.
    I'm more familiar with call of Cthulhu,But I'm fine with starting with either one.
    The only scenarios I've played were paper chase, edge of darkness, dead man stomp,and the derelict; it's been a while since I played/ read them.
    I should be able to commit to a 4 hour sessions But can stop early if we are at a good breaking point in the story line.

  7. #7
    Marcus, I'm not able to respond to your PM. I'm getting the message: "bayne7400 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space."

    I think we're good starting @ 6 PM Mountain based on responses so far.

  8. #8
    Are we all okay with using Discord for chat? I've created a server (Saturday Night Scares), if so.

  9. #9
    FYI, Saturday, 25 JUN 2022 6 PM Mountain should be our first session. We'll start with Alien character builds for a small intro scenario that should only run a couple/few sessions (I think). If you haven't received an invite to the Discord server, (Saturday Night Scares), please let me know!
    Last edited by PRAdams; June 25th, 2022 at 02:57.

  10. #10

    Are you still interested in taking on one additional player? I'm 16 (but IMO I'm relatively mature for my age -- and am incredibly reliable in terms of availability). I am 110% interested, and have been looking for a Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game to play in for several months since my last one ended. I have ~3 years of experience with Call of Cthulhu, but no experience with Alien. Additionally, I can keep a mood pretty well, and I've been through several groups that couldn't and understand 100% how frustrating it is when you're just trying to play a horror game and people keep cracking jokes or getting off-topic every 15 seconds. And regarding the rules-lawyering/rudeness/etc., I don't do that -- it is incredibly frustrating to me when players cannot get over a little grudge with one another OR cannot keep OOC stuff OOC.

    Also I apologize if this is painful to read, I have a tendency towards being erratic and rambling occasionally when I am typing/writing about something that excites me.

    Also, if you ARE interested in having me as a player, and want to speak with me on Discord, my Discord account is Ethanos#1107. Please let me know!

    - Ethan(os) :)

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