1. #1

    What is available for 3.5e?

    I'm running a D&D 3.5, in-person campaign but looking for an online option for the rare time we can't meet face to face. I've looking a bit in the forums and couldn't find answers to some questions or found some information from 10 years ago.

    In looking for the 3.5e ruleset and see 1e/2e, 4e and of course 5e. I see a reference to 3.5e/PFRPG. Is this one ruleset for both since they are so similar? I can make some assumptions but would rather ask and hopefully get a valid answer.

    In the Rulesets, what is typically included? Is there other content that would need to be downloaded?

    Sorry for what might be basic questions but I can't find the answers.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Hello and welcome!

    There is a 3.5e ruleset and a PFRPG ruleset, the PFRPG ruleset is based on 3.5e (code) and has options for a better Pathfinder1e experience.

    With the 3.5e ruleset, which is included in the base software (even demo), you basically get the data from the SRD as nothing else was licensed by WoTC sadly.

  3. #3
    To give an emphasis: All the PF1 content is also usable in 3.5E and vice versa The automation is basically the same and so on, so, what you are reading about PF1 in FG also applies to 3.5E mostly (besides what Zarestia mentioned about the 3.5E-specific data)

  4. #4
    Thank you both for the quick replies. I figured I would have to get the PF1/3.5e ruleset but couldn't find where to actually get it. I haven't started a sub or picked up a license yet since I wanted to see it before spending money on it. I have only played a couple of sessions as a player using 5e a few years ago so I don't know how to get the ruleset. Do I need to sub/pay first?

    Thanks again,

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Baltus View Post
    Thank you both for the quick replies. I figured I would have to get the PF1/3.5e ruleset but couldn't find where to actually get it. I haven't started a sub or picked up a license yet since I wanted to see it before spending money on it. I have only played a couple of sessions as a player using 5e a few years ago so I don't know how to get the ruleset. Do I need to sub/pay first?

    Thanks again,
    No, the ruleset comes with FGU, you do not need to purchase it You can just download the FGU client and test it, you do not need to pay a sub or a license (you only need an FGU license if you want to host of course)

  6. #6
    1. Buy/subscribe to an FG license
    2. Either buy official PF modules or add community modules (no images) from the Forge. Some links here.
    3. Install and check for updates
    4. Enjoy!

  7. #7
    Last but not least: There is also always a 30-days refund guarantee (if you purchase from the FG store; on Steam the Steam rules apply) So, even if you buy something for testing and are not satisfied, then you can just get refunded

  8. #8
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    If you really go down the rabbit hole, I have a link to the 55+ extensions/mods I use, all available in forge (so they auto update when you update FGU), 45+ are free. These all work together for me in PF1e. There are more linked that I do not currently use so can't speak on if they play nice with the rest. The 10 ones I paid for (US dollar cost listed) are worth what I spent but none are needed to play.

    my group is all online and switched from trying 5e to 3.5/PF because we like it better. feel free to reach out with questions, the community is great.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

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