5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    [Paid][$20][Dungeon Crawl Classics][Sundays CST Noon][5 Spots Open]

    Starting Module: Hole in the Sky - Level 0
    Time: Sundays at Noon CST
    Session Length: 3-5 hours dependent on players availability.
    Pay-to-Play: $20 per person each session
    GM/Player License: I own the Ultimate License, you only need the demo.
    Voice/Text: Discord Voice Chat with a dedicated text and voice channel for your game.
    Sessions 0 and 1 are free. Also if you join at a later time, the first two session you play are free.

    DCC is a chaotic system that 'pays homage to the origins of roleplaying and the fun that it inspired.' You are no hero, you seek glory and gold. You want to etch your name into the ethos of the stars. But you must earn your place among legends!

    Delve too deeply into the dungeons and find the creatures that will kill you or push you back to the surface. Deadly traps fling darts and spears your way. Pits open up beneath your feet. Fire erupts from dead-end hallways and rooms flood with water. Enemies are relentless and the stories we tell will be built on a foundation of dead characters.

    The Campaign:
    The campaign starts with a level 0 funnel. This is where the player creates 4-6 randomly generated characters and takes them through a very dangerous area. The surviving characters are then leveled up to 1. The world opens up from there and you can expect to go on crazy gonzo like adventures, battle dinosaurs on top of volcanoes, travel to strange dimensions, take part in the politics of gods, or recommend something to me. Have you always wished you could play a wizard/pirate? Maybe arm wrestle the gods? Fly to the moon on a dragon or pterodactyl?

    About Me:
    I have been GMing for over a decade with a focus on Professional GMing recently. I already GM three different groups of people that came together through Reddit. We are all on one Discord dedicated to Tabletop RPGs ran by me.

    I like chaos in my games. Which may be a reason I have fallen in love with DCC. However, I do not enjoy chaos so much that nothing ever makes sense. Chaos is a flavor on-top of the main dish, cherry-flavored hot-sauce with your ice cream, that crazy goblin casting spells, and a bit of magic with that sword you just picked up.

    I also GM by 'Power to the Players.' As GM I can always adjust the challenge on the other side of the GM screen. You will be able to provide a wish-list of magical items, although if your list only contains items that are very powerful, those items would only drop late into the campaign.

    For more of the open world games, I believe the GM is not in control. If the players want to go to X place or do Y thing, the players are going to do that thing or their characters are going to die trying. I lean into player driven games and GM the game as if the players are at the center of the game's universe. This means strange coincidences might push you to act or get you in trouble like a group of street urchins just saw you murder someone!

    Roleplay, Combat, and Exploration: I believe the players have control over how they interact with the game world through roleplaying, combat, and exploration. As GM, I can only present scenarios to the players, it is up to them how they want to act. Then the world reacts accordingly. You can't roleplay against a trap, but you can roleplay that arrow hitting your leg and another character coming to help you up. The moments of life and death add weight to the small moments. If you are all having fun roleplaying at a campfire in the middle of the woods, don't expect a random encounter to interrupt you. But, if you are just traveling each day in a forest while trying to get to a place as fast as possible, expect something to happen that makes that travel meaningful.

    Final Note:
    Dungeon Crawl Classics is a deadly game. Max level for characters is 10, and the core rulebook points out that a character making it to level 5 should be 'rare.' I interpret that as you got to have some luck on your side, play smart, and know when to back away. Get the treasure and spend the gold to train to gain XP. Not all XP is rewarded through combat.

    For people who have never played DCC: come with an open mind towards the bizarre adventures - embrace the crazy - and be ready to earn your Gold and Glory through sword and sorcery.

    Join the discord and ask other players what they think of my GMing.
    Last edited by DarkVoid1337; May 12th, 2022 at 19:32.

  2. #2
    Update - 1 open spot, Session 0 is likely going to be on Sunday, May 29th.

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