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  1. #71
    I can't currently test it but one thing that regularly trips me up is that I forget to open up the NPC sheet copy from the combat tracker (edit: it will only work if the NPC is put in the combat tracker and the NEW copy from the combat tracker is opened up) - the last error seems to indicate you may be trying to activate the effect from an NPC sheet not currently in the combat tracker.

  2. #72
    Ah, thank you stephan_, that was indeed a big part of the problem it seems. The drain part now works as expected. The rest still has a few hiccups, however:

    Still leaving that PCROLL effect on the target. It can just be deleted, of course, but it would be nice if there was a way to not have to deal with it at all.
    The temp hp don't seem to be working at all. Whichever one I activate it says it adds 0 temporary hp instead of the 5 or 10 specified.
    The buff effect is not working as expected. It creates two effects that both give a +2 status bonus to AC, instead of one to AC, one to Saves, and the quickened effect, as hoped for. Do I have to make these three separate effects in the automation?

    Finally... I haven't seen anything like this, so maybe it is not yet available in the program, but is there a way I can set it up where the PC makes the save and then the appropriate effect is applied automatically based on the outcome of that save? If no, and I have to go in and apply it manually, not a big deal, but don't want to be doing things the hard way if there is an easier one. Thanks again for the advice!

  3. #73
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    First things first, make sure you're following the Automation Google Document linked in post #1. This details each NPC automation type with syntax and examples. It also goes through how to use the automation at the beginning of that document - where it mentions "One automation action per line" which is what is causing some of your automation to fail.

    Quote Originally Posted by AsmodeusUltima View Post
    Still leaving that PCROLL effect on the target. It can just be deleted, of course, but it would be nice if there was a way to not have to deal with it at all.
    Turn off the campaign option Experimental Development -> Players roll PC targeted saves.

    Quote Originally Posted by AsmodeusUltima View Post
    The temp hp don't seem to be working at all. Whichever one I activate it says it adds 0 temporary hp instead of the 5 or 10 specified.
    Follow the syntax in the automation document exactly. You have a Heal: Blood Siphon; entry in each line which does nothing and also stops the second heal entry from working. Make sure you have one automation entry per line and use the correct syntax.

    Quote Originally Posted by AsmodeusUltima View Post
    The buff effect is not working as expected. It creates two effects that both give a +2 status bonus to AC, instead of one to AC, one to Saves, and the quickened effect, as hoped for. Do I have to make these three separate effects in the automation?
    You can only use the [] tags once in an automation entry. These are applied at the end of a valid effect line. With Effect:Blood Siphon; AC: 2 status[D:2][SELF]; SAVE: 2[D:2][SELF]; quickened[[D:2][SELF] the [D:2][SELF] entry is essentually the end of the automation, so the rest is ignored. Try Effect:Blood Siphon; AC: 2 status; SAVE: 2; quickened[D:2][SELF]

    Quote Originally Posted by AsmodeusUltima View Post
    Finally... I haven't seen anything like this, so maybe it is not yet available in the program, but is there a way I can set it up where the PC makes the save and then the appropriate effect is applied automatically based on the outcome of that save? If no, and I have to go in and apply it manually, not a big deal, but don't want to be doing things the hard way if there is an easier one. Thanks again for the advice!
    It's a two step process: make the saves for the targeted creatures (if PCs you can trigger the saves or use the PCROLL functionality) and then use the ApplyAllEffects functionality (if the various effect actions have the save result state attached to them).

    This video shows that process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ed5FwEsi6c The interface has changed slightly (e.g. there is now an ApplyAllEffects button) but this covers PCROLL and apply result state based effects.
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  4. #74
    Awesome, thanks Trenloe! With your advice it is nearly there, and I am learning a lot! Already read that document, that's how I got this far, but reread it to refresh.

    What I have learned thus far:

    1) Always use abilities from the specific instance of the entity contained in the Combat Tracker. Using it directly from the Bestiary won't work correctly.
    2) If you use the Apply All Effects button, that PCSAVE effect goes away on its own. Makes sense, it was just storing the variable of what level of success the save was. Since I do want PCs to roll their own saves, this all works out.
    3) A Heal effect works very differently than an Effect effect, and I need to pay attention to those differences. For one, don't use an ability descriptor. In retrospect this seems obvious, as there is no place in the HP fields where such a descriptor would even be displayed. Unfortunately that means that a few automation abilities are not available for healing or temp hp, including a duration (temp hp lasts for 1 hour, etc), and the ability to be included in the Apply All Effects button. (Have to apply the temp hp effect manually, erased the [FAILURE] and [CRITFAILURE] flags since those are for Effects, not Heals, and therefore were pointless.
    4)Only use a given flag once in a line, even for an Effect with multiple, er, effects, all at the end.

    I now have it thus: the Vampiric Mist attacks the PC. On a hit it deals damage, persistent damage (is there a way to automate this too? There is no automation field under Melee, so I am unsure where I would write the PERS: 1d6 bleed), and Blood Siphon. I double-click the Save, the PC rolls their save, then I click Apply All Effects. If the save was a success or better, than is the end. If a failure, the automation applies Drained: 1 to the PC and I double-click the 5 Temp HP effect to add that to the monster. If the save was a crit failure, it applies Drained: 2, I click 10 Temp instead, and, presumably, the automation also applies an effect to the Vampiric Mist that gives it a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws and the quickened condition until the end of its next turn. The only problem I am having now is that that last effect is being applied to the PC rather than the monster, despite the [SELF] flag. Here is the current code:

    "DC 22 Fortitude save"|Save:fortitude[DC:22]
    "drained 1"|Effect: Blood Siphon; Drained: 1[FAILURE]
    "5 temporary Hit Points"|Heal: Heal:5[SELF][TEMP]
    "drained 2"|Effect: Blood Siphon; Drained: 2[CRITFAILURE]
    "10 temporary Hit Points"|Heal: Heal:10[SELF][TEMP]
    "+2 status bonus to AC and saves and is quickened"|Effect:Blood Siphon; AC: 2 status; SAVE: 2 status; quickened[D:2][SELF][END][CRITFAILURE]

    I was careful to put the flags in the order shown in the Google doc: Duration, Self, End, Result. What little syntax hiccup am I missing?

  5. #75
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AsmodeusUltima View Post
    The only problem I am having now is that that last effect is being applied to the PC rather than the monster, despite the [SELF] flag. Here is the current code:

    "+2 status bonus to AC and saves and is quickened"|Effect:Blood Siphon; AC: 2 status; SAVE: 2 status; quickened[D:2][SELF][END][CRITFAILURE]

    I was careful to put the flags in the order shown in the Google doc: Duration, Self, End, Result. What little syntax hiccup am I missing?
    The save result functionality is only used for matching effects to a target, not to self. It would cause issues with multiple targets and multiple save results stacking together. I've updated the documentation with a note around this. That effect action will need to be applied manually if one of the targets critically failed the save.
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  6. #76
    Ah, good to know it was not yet another thing I missed. Thank you again!

  7. #77
    PF2 Bestiary 2, Page 132, Gorgon

    In the module the name of the creature is spelled wrong as it shows: Gorgan and should instead be Gorgon

    The link for the picture opens a window with a white background titled: << New Image >>

    There is no token associated with the Gorgon

  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Stargrove View Post
    PF2 Bestiary 2, Page 132, Gorgon

    In the module the name of the creature is spelled wrong as it shows: Gorgan and should instead be Gorgon

    The link for the picture opens a window with a white background titled: << New Image >>

    There is no token associated with the Gorgon
    All three of those things are related, unlike the Gorgan to the Gorgon. Fixed.
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  9. #79
    Flat Check Automation

    is there a way to get flat checks automated other than for persistent effects, e.g. Effect: Dropped the dancing dagger[DC:6F][SELF]
    It applies the effect just as typed without giving a result. Using Save does not work either.


  10. #80
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John30 View Post
    Flat Check Automation

    is there a way to get flat checks automated other than for persistent effects, e.g. Effect: Dropped the dancing dagger[DC:6F][SELF]
    It applies the effect just as typed without giving a result. Using Save does not work either.

    That isn't coded in the ruleset - the effect DC for effects, other than PERS, is purely for reference. There aren't any plans in the short term to change that.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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