FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Looking for a weekly Monday or Tuesday night game.
Term: Hoping to find a group I can meld with and spend a long time developing characters with.
Voice: I have typically just used Google Meet for gaming, but I do have Discord and I'm willing do use whatever the group agrees to.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: I've played off-and-on since first edition and have been playing 5th edition (mostly as a DM) a great deal since it's release.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have an ultimate license and have learned how to use it pretty well. I have also integrated Syrinscape into my Fantasy Grounds setup, so I am able to share sounds as well - if that's something that the group is interested in.

Character Type Preferred: I have an affinity for rogues, but honestly, I have been enjoying playing characters that I would never have thought I would be interested in. I really don't care what race / class I play.

I am hoping to get into a group that is mature in their role playing - playing believable characters with believable strengths and weaknesses. Characters that are motivated by both individual and group goals. As a more experienced player myself, it would be nice (though not required) to get in with a group who is also experienced - a group who knows the rules, and knows their characters abilities. I typically DM games and often find myself with players who don't know their characters (their personalities or abilities). In short, it would be good to be in a group where the game flows smoothly.

When it comes to role playing, I prefer a group that is comprised of players who know when it is their time to shine, and also know when it is not. To me, it is just annoying to have players trying to insert themselves into a role playing situation that is clearly intended for spotlighting another character. I don't particularly care for the idea of playing evil characters or running with a party with evil intentions. I would like to view my party as heroes.

I have the highest tier license for Fantasy Grounds Unity with almost all of the 5E content. For those who might like to bring sounds into their game, I also have the highest tier subscription to Syrinscape. I've learned how to integrate Syrinscape into Fantasy Grounds to allow sounds effects and background music / sounds to play automatically as the DM presents content in Fantasy Grounds. If that sounds interesting to you, hit me up.

I'm also interested in the idea of using Fantasy Grounds as a means to deliver content (images, maps with dynamic lighting and line of sight, etc.) to the players, but having the players use D&D Beyond for actually manipulating their character, making die rolls, etc. It seems to me that D&D Beyond is just a better tool for that than Fantasy Grounds is.

So, if you think that I may be able to fit into your campaign, please let me know.