Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by seansps View Post
    No problem! I also just thought too— the bonuses are only applied if they were on the item prior to being equipped. (Not if changed after!) So that might be what happened here too. But the format you have is right. I’ll
    play around with it later today too.

    There’s also an Effect that works for this. (Or should.) That uses a different format (SKILL:SKILLNAME X) (Ex: SKILL:Human Perception 2)

    But for Cyberware, which is more semi-permanent than fleeting like an effect, the Misc bonus box is probably better!
    Effect works perfectly. I'll be running a one-shot tomorrow, so I'm sure my players will have some suggestions after
    Pathfinder/Traveller GM - Sometimes running CPRed, CoC, AD&D2E, and other stuff - Ultimate License
    Currently running Pirates of Drinax, and Skulls and Shackles
    Check out my little dungeon map blog

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by TrentLane View Post
    Effect works perfectly. I'll be running a one-shot tomorrow, so I'm sure my players will have some suggestions after
    Awesome!! Looking forward to more feedback!

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by TrentLane View Post
    Effect works perfectly. I'll be running a one-shot tomorrow, so I'm sure my players will have some suggestions after
    I just put out a v0.6 that should address all the issues with Skill parsing. In fact, the "Skill Bases" section of NPCs had that same issue, so that's fixed.

    Now, Cyberware should also be able to add all the bonuses "under misc" for skills in the format SKILLNAME: VALUE. (Comma separated.) Also, note that for skills like "Pilot Air Vehicle", leave out the "(x2)" in these bonuses.

    Also fixed a bug that can occur when unequipping Cyberware that was deleted from the inventory. (If you do this, make sure you also remove the bonuses manually. Proper method is to unequip first, then delete from inventory!)

    Edit: Also updated to fix issue where NPC's with Skill Bases for skills that had () like "Local Expert (Your Home)" was ignoring the name in the roll.
    Last edited by seansps; April 26th, 2022 at 01:54.

  4. #44
    Hi everyone,

    I just put out a v0.7 on the post.

    Change Log:
    • Complete refactor of all contested rolls:
    • Evasion (for Melee attacks, if auto roll is enabled) and Concentration rolls (for Suppressive fire) now roll with the proper identity
    • What this means is that if the enemy NPC is rolling Dodge, the DM rolls it (and the result of his dodge is hidden or revealed depending on the Show GM Rolls option)
    • Likewise, if a PC is rolling dodge, it is shown to all and the PC's die are used (their colors)
    • If no target was set, and you roll a critical injury, it will now show the result
    • If the NPC has a "Suppressive Fire" attack (such as: SMG - Suppressive Fire) it will deduct ammo from the matching "SMG" entry, and hide ammo/damage for the Suppressive Fire entry (this also makes targets roll Concentration.)

    Prior to this, the attacker was handling all the rolls, so die color never changed. This is fixed now, and the hide GM Rolls setting should be taken into account properly (so you'll either see/won't see the NPC Evasion rolls or attack roll results.)

    Finally please NOTE:
    • I have noticed that there is currently a Fantasy Grounds bug with D10 rolls. Everytime the GM rolls a D10, no shadow appears for players. This is not a bug with this ruleset, it's all of Fantasy Grounds and the devs are working on the fix. Sorry for any confusion!

    Please let me know if there are any issues. This was a big refactor, so if there's a bug I will try to fix promptly! Things seem good in my local testing.
    Last edited by seansps; April 28th, 2022 at 17:26.

  5. #45
    Just put out a quick v0.8 that adds some quick fixes:
    • Fixed the "Roll Under" Role Abilities (meant to be used for the Lawman's "Backup" ability) to actually be Roll Under or Equal (and not just Roll Under)
    • Combat numbers for NPCs are now used (if set) for Evasion/Concentration rolls (Unless overridden by a Skill Base)
    • Melee weapons default to "Melee Weapon" skill when equipped and deal HALFSP damage by default (as do attacks with the Martial Arts skill -- Brawling does not, per the rules)
    Last edited by seansps; April 29th, 2022 at 04:25. Reason: Forgot a couple

  6. #46
    Found some more little things while I was entering data for my own module. I posted v0.9 and fixed the following:

    • Equipping weapons w/ Autofire on PCs did not initially hide the Ammo/Reload buttons. Fixed.
    • Equipping Autofire/Suppressive Fire weapons on NPCs did not auto add a Suppressive fire option to their attacks. Fixed.
    • Some bugs with COVER and Critical Injuries. Fixed- Crits only apply if damage gets through (as per explosives).
    • Added ABLATE:X effect (to the main module) to automate armor piercing rounds. Ablate armor by the value in X, if applied and damage gets through.
    Last edited by seansps; May 1st, 2022 at 02:10.

  7. #47
    As I continue to build out my own module w/ data, I find more little things! I just put out a v0.10 on the post. I made some bug fixes, added a small feature, and added a Lifepath Module.

    Per RTG's Homebrew Policy, we can include tables/mechanics for automating Lifepaths. I wish I could also include all the things I added in my own module for Roles/Abilities/and Stat Blocks but I haven't heard a response from RTG yet on that front.

    The Lifepath Module includes:
    • Tables for rolling on or choosing your lifepath and role-based lifepath
    • Story Templates (click Story, then Templates) for generating a Lifepath so you can copy the info to your character sheet.

    I fixed the following:

    • Fixed some graphical issues on the Lifepath Tab
    • Default skills that start at 2 now start at 2 when a new character is created.
    • Added a Total Skill Cost value at the bottom of the skill list to see your total cost of all combined skills (multiplying the x2 ones by 2).
    • Multiple SKILL:SKILLNAME X effects were being ignored on the effects. FIXED.
    Last edited by seansps; May 1st, 2022 at 02:10.

  8. #48
    Sorry for the constant changes! (That's why it's still beta and I haven't put it on Forge yet... but once it slows down I will!)

    I just uploaded a v0.11 that does a couple things:

    • SKILL:Skillname -X wasn't working for negative effects/penalites. FIXED.
    • Fixed effect parsing across the board and removed a possible NULL exeception
    • ADDED a Dicetower graphic to replace the CoreRPG one, screenshot below!

    Here's the new dicetower:

  9. #49
    Two updates in a day might be too much but I just uploaded a v0.12 to add support for Weapon Quality.

    • New "quality" field for Items that will display if the type is Melee or Ranged Weapon
    • If quality is "excellent" all attacks get a +1 bonus with it
    • If quality is "poor" the "Jammed" effect is added to the attacker if it is a ranged weapon and they roll a 1 (critical failure)
    • Per the above, the rules make it sound like this applies to melee weapons too, but states it takes an action to "unjam" the weapon, which to me makes no sense for melee weapons. I have thus only coded this for Ranged weapons, but please chime in if I am wrong!
    • Better lifepath stacking of fields. Rep Events, Aliases, Rolebased LP, and Notes boxes now expand to fit more. More room for details on enemies/friends.
    Last edited by seansps; May 1st, 2022 at 23:53.

  10. #50
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seansps View Post
    Two updates in a day might be too much but I just uploaded a v0.12 to add support for Weapon Quality.

    Great work seansps. BTW more updates is even more reason to Forge list it.

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