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  1. #1

    where is the option to randomize NPC concussion points?

    suppose to be in house rules, options?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    that is not what i am looking for. all that does is randomize the creature type, not the individual. using your method, if i create giant ants and apply your method, i now take that result i rolled, change the CPs on the NPC sheet, and now i have a giant ant with a new CP value.

    now i drop 5 of them into an encounter, and now i have 5 ants, all STILL with the same CPs. i want them randomized. over 5 searches told me the option is located in "options/house rules" and all i see there is Party Use Currency WT. and Map Diagonal Distance.. no button that the sites all say, "NPC Random Hits" Max/Min/Random.

    as of now, i have to drop the 5 ants in the CT, then go change them by hand, individually. quite tedious. what am i suppose to do when they encounter 22 of them by finding the ant hill?

    did you people remove it?
    Last edited by Immelmann; April 28th, 2022 at 08:06. Reason: dyslexia

  4. #4
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    You'll need to create separate copies for each creature you want to vary the hp of.

    The option you mentioned is for 5E, not Rolemaster.

    Rolemaster options Wiki.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Immelmann View Post
    that is not what i am looking for. all that does is randomize the creature type, not the individual. using your method, if i create giant ants and apply your method, i now take that result i rolled, change the CPs on the NPC sheet, and now i have a giant ant with a new CP value.

    now i drop 5 of them into an encounter, and now i have 5 ants, all STILL with the same CPs. i want them randomized. over 5 searches told me the option is located in "options/house rules" and all i see there is Party Use Currency WT. and Map Diagonal Distance.. no button that the sites all say, "NPC Random Hits" Max/Min/Random.

    as of now, i have to drop the 5 ants in the CT, then go change them by hand, individually. quite tedious. what am i suppose to do when they encounter 22 of them by finding the ant hill?

    did you people remove it?
    No - Sulimo is correct in pointing you (and others) to that thread for varying HPs. The Wolfshield video explains how this can be adjusted for each NPC.
    You are correct in that each NPC has to be adjusted individually - I agree, that is quite tedious and a function/option for varying HPs for NPCs dropped into an encounter would be very handy. Dakadin to the rescue....?


  6. #6
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainbird View Post
    Dakadin to the rescue....?
    Perhaps if someone would ask him nicely.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulimo View Post
    You'll need to create separate copies for each creature you want to vary the hp of.

    The option you mentioned is for 5E, not Rolemaster.

    Rolemaster options Wiki.
    been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. old news buddy, but thanx any ways.

    Dakadin to the rescue....?

    PFFFFFFT!!! yeah right! that guy will just come in here and start hollarin' and carryin' on about some thing completely unrelated to the question....or FG in general.

    and why is an answer that does not answer the question a good answer? it is just more useless info. the ONLY helpful info given was........."The option you mentioned is for 5E, not Rolemaster." basically, that was all that needed to be said, every thing else, just people flappin' their gums, because they are NOT answering the question, but giving alternatives. not interested in alternative. want original question answered. that is all you really have to do. if you do not have an answer, then why post? why sit there and reitterate what has already been said? just trying to get your post count up? i really do not get it.

    and john, i blocked you a LONG time ago because your info is even more useless than usual. good luck to ya, as you told me.

    any ways, found an answer else where. gonna keep it to myself, let you "higher ups" figure it out on your own. easy fix, just still more tedious that dropping an encounter in to CT and having the CPs randomized automatically.

    go ahead and reply with more useless info, yeah, i am an a$$hole, i get it.
    Last edited by Immelmann; April 28th, 2022 at 22:41. Reason: dyslexia

  8. #8
    Sulimo's Avatar
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    My god, you are so abrasive to people that try to help you.

    I gave you your answer. The option you were moaning about is for 5E, not, repeat NOT Rolemaster.

    If you don't like it, tough, maybe if you were a bit nicer you would not have burned so many bridges.

    My response earlier is the absolute last time I try to help you.

    I even tried to be nice to you after this:

    No more, you are on your own.

    If you don't like that, try to be nicer. Everyone in this thread gave you the correct answer, just because you do not like the answer, does not make it any less correct.

  9. #9
    QuirkyBirky's Avatar
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    There are a finite number of regular posters on here, although they share a considerable amount of knowledge of Rolemaster, the RMC ruleset and Fantasy Grounds. The reputation bar next to each user name is a good indication of how helpful these folk can be. If you treat them with the civility that they deserve, even if the answer they provide is not the one you are looking for, then they will be more willing to help in the future.

    If the responses don't answer your question then maybe politely point out why they don't, or maybe consider that the question needs rephrasing. The alternative is that nobody will want to offer help in future. Your Phantoms and Illusions post is a case in point. Your conclusion was that nobody knew anything about the subject. I would suggest that others were not prepared to answer for fear of the sort of backlash you've given to Sulimo, Dakadin and JohnD. The more people you insult, the fewer will want to help.

    One more point. If you every want anything added to the RMC ruleset (like the sort of functionality you mention on this thread) Dakadin is the one who would do it, and is someone who has been (and continues to be) incredibly proactive with adding functionality to this ruleset. Dakadin is someone that you want to keep on side.

  10. #10
    Ranting aside....@ Dakadin an option for randomizing NPCs HPs would be very handy. A button on the encounter would be a very welcome addition. I'll add it to the wish list.

    Now I've got my post count up I guess I can go to bed...

    Rainbird (and breath)

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