5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Star Wars D20 3.5 Ed

    Star Wars D20 3.5 Ed - Revised Rules
    This ruleset is build for the Star Wars roleplaying game based on the d20 System used for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons.

    For Fantasy Grounds Unity, you can get the latest release from the Fantasy Grounds Forge. Subscribing to the forge will automatically update the ruleset when updates are released.

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2024-03-12
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Updated ruleset for compatibility with CoreRPG 2024-03 update
    * Added desktop combat list support

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2023-02-24
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Added support for death markers
    * Add dice roll skin customization
    * Combat tracker entry subsections have been redesigned and migrated to subwindows
    * Item record subsections have been redesigned and migrated to subwindows

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2022-03-04
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Updated ruleset for compatibility with CoreRPG 2022-03 update

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2021-12-15
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Updated ruleset for compatibility with CoreRPG 2021-12 update
    * Character Sheet Abilities tab adjusted to provide much more space for feats, class abilities, proficiencies and traits
    * Adjusted Vitality and Wound Points to work more smoothly with the Combat Tracker
    * Added an option to add gained Vitality Points in the "Class & Level" window
    * Various other little adjustments and tweaks

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2021-08-02
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Updated the Party Sheet to use appropriate Knowledge Skills

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2021-04-21
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Created ruleset specific modifiers to be used for attack rolls
    * Adjusted combat tracker for handling of health & wounds
    * Various other little adjustments and tweaks

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2021-03-17
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Added "Speak Language" and "Read/Write Language" skills. You can add these skills via their respective buttons.
    * Renamed "Perform" skill to "Entertain" skill
    * Remove "Points spent" from the PC skill tab
    * Adjusted armor movement penalties to be based on "meters" instead of "feet".
    * Adjusted encumbrance calculation
    * Added "Class" to be a modifier for "Defense"
    * Adjusted Combat Tracker to show relevant "Wound Points" and "Vitaliy" stats
    * Adjusted "NPC" section to only show relevant stats (e.g. removing spells)
    * Adjusted "Items" section to only show relevant stats
    * Various other little adjustments and tweaks

    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    Version v2021-03-08
    ================================================== ================================================== ============
    * Initial release
    Last edited by Mephisto; March 13th, 2024 at 09:44. Reason: New release

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Very nice. Any chance of exporting the Wounds/Vitality rules out into an extension that can be used with the 3.5 rules? If not, that's fine; was just wondering since that's a change to the rules that the 3.5 unearthed arcana had rules for.

  4. #4
    Sorry for my late response! This isn't really easy to accomplish as the whole damage mechanism is deeply rooted in a lot of files & mechanisms. Can you describe how the damage model for "Unearthed Arcana" works?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post
    Sorry for my late response! This isn't really easy to accomplish as the whole damage mechanism is deeply rooted in a lot of files & mechanisms. Can you describe how the damage model for "Unearthed Arcana" works?
    It's been a long time since I've looked at the UE Wound and Vitality system, and even longer since I've looked at the Revised d20 Star Wars rules, but if I remember right, I think they work essentially the same.

    There's a link to the wound system from UE.
    Last edited by ChrisRevocateur; June 12th, 2021 at 16:59.

  6. #6
    They work almost exactly the same; that's why I was wondering if it would be possible to extract into an extension. The only difference is that they removed negative wounds and added a saving throw, but to be honest, I'd be fine with it just using the Star Wars health system.

  7. #7
    Updated ruleset for compatibility with CoreRPG 2022-03 update.

  8. #8
    Do I have to load all the info by myself? Also, when asking for modules at load, it says that there is one called Star Wars D20 Assets, but I can't find it in the store or the forge.
    Thanks in advance!

  9. #9
    Data modules can not be offered for any game systems, without explicit permission from the publishers and IP owners. I'm not aware of any permissions given to publish data for any modules outside of the FG store/forge, other than SRD data (if any).


  10. #10
    Moon covered it all. The SW D20 Assets module is distributed by the Forge when you download the ruleset and contains the background picture.

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