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  1. #3081
    damned's Avatar
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    The simplest way to address this would be at the start of each session (so add it to a hotkey) type the following in chat

    /pooltype orderresult

    And then it will order the dice making it easier to count starting from 4

  2. #3082
    damned's Avatar
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    Alternatively skip the Dice Pool and create a roll or rolls like this:

    Action Roll
    roll: /rollover (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /rollover (p1)d6x4
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    You can then set the base number of dice in the p1 field.

    You can create various mod rolls like this:

    roll: /mod (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /mod (p1)
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    roll: /mod (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /mod (p1)
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    then to use you add whatever mods from these prepared rolls, and you can simply add a value straight to modifier box, they all stack
    then click the Action Roll
    the results will display normally but there is an additional message on the roll that tells you how many dice were 4+

  3. #3083
    Thanks for all the suggestions damned.

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    The simplest way to address this would be at the start of each session (so add it to a hotkey) type the following in chat

    /pooltype orderresult

    And then it will order the dice making it easier to count starting from 4
    This works, provided I send all Attack and Defense rolls to the Dice Pool box -I do have it enabled- and double click the pool box to roll the dice in chat. The problem though, is that I've been bypassing that step for the sake of expediency and sending my /pool rolls directly to the chat box.

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Alternatively skip the Dice Pool and create a roll or rolls like this:

    Action Roll
    roll: /rollover (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /rollover (p1)d6x4
    hide parameter: p2, p3
    I'm fairly certain I tried that earlier, but /rollover didn't work due to the complexity of my formula. Currently I'm pulling the dice type from the hero field (my Troop Quality dice type) as Ref Field B, the number of dice from the Health (current strength of the unit reflected in number of dice) as Ref Field A and the C4 field (my # of special weapons) as Ref Field C. So my pool formula looks like this: /pool (a)d(b)+(c)d(b). When I tried to do something with the /rollover roll for that it never worked. Regardless, Rollover just displays an extra text line stating how many of the rolls were successes, whereas what I really need is a way to highlight failures or successes. The orderesault certainly achieves that by listing the lower dice results at the beginning. If only it could be used for /pool rolls sent directly to the chat window.

    You can then set the base number of dice in the p1 field.

    You can create various mod rolls like this:

    roll: /mod (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /mod (p1)
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    roll: /mod (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /mod (p1)
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    then to use you add whatever mods from these prepared rolls, and you can simply add a value straight to modifier box, they all stack
    then click the Action Roll
    the results will display normally but there is an additional message on the roll that tells you how many dice were 4+
    I'm afraid I'm really not following you here. I've read about /mod on the MoreCore Basic User Manual webpage, but I have to admit I'm stumped by what's described there.

  4. #3084
    damned's Avatar
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    What does this bit mean?

    This works, provided I send all Attack and Defense rolls to the Dice Pool box -I do have it enabled- and double click the pool box to roll the dice in chat. The problem though, is that I've been bypassing that step for the sake of expediency and sending my /pool rolls directly to the chat box.
    Modifier: /mod # (adds entry to the Modifier box, accepts negatives)

    Works like this:

    roll: /mod (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /mod (p1)
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    When clicking this it will add a pip to the modifier stack, add the value to that pip/slot, adjust the running total, and add the description (in this case Flanking) to the stack.

    Then if you roll can use the modifier stack - not all can - it will pick the running total and all the descriptions up and modify your roll.

  5. #3085
    damned's Avatar
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    You can try

    /die (p1)d(p2)s4f1

    or you could try
    /die (p1)d6s4f1+(p2)d8f1s4
    assuming you are only throwing 6s and 8s for example

    these rolls will subtract the fails from the successes

  6. #3086
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    What does this bit mean?
    What I meant is that I have Options > Table: 'Dice pool' set to "On". Because in a few situations the dice rolls in Force on Force cab be quite dynamic, so I want the dice pool there in case the players needed to manually build a dice pool. if I've executed a /pooltype orderresult command in chat and leave the dice pool box checked on. Then make a /pool roll from a NPC CT Roll formula to populate it and then double-click the Dice Pool to execute the roll in chat, the roll is always ordered lowest to highest . When I uncheck the Dice Pool box to make the roll directly to chat though, the 2nd to next roll and all those thereafter are randomly ordered. If I check the Dice Pool box back on, the rolls are again ordered lowest to highest. In my case, it would be terrific if CT Rolls pushed directly to to chat continued to be ordered lowest to highest until another /pooltype orderresult command was executed. My ideal is to have NPC CT Rolls made directly in chat and only have the Dice Pool box involved when a player needs to build a complex pool.

    Modifier: /mod # (adds entry to the Modifier box, accepts negatives)

    Works like this:

    roll: /mod (this will auto change to reflect the values below)
    enable formula: yes
    param: /mod (p1)
    hide parameter: p2, p3

    When clicking this it will add a pip to the modifier stack, add the value to that pip/slot, adjust the running total, and add the description (in this case Flanking) to the stack.

    Then if you roll can use the modifier stack - not all can - it will pick the running total and all the descriptions up and modify your roll.
    OK I think I get it now. It sounds like an alternative to manually building dice combinations via the Dice Pool box.

    [Edit] Just so you're aware, I have a issue using the Token Height Indication extension with MoreCore. My problem which I've reported to the extension creator GKEnialb, is that the player can't change the elevation for their PC or NPC tokens via his [ALT]+Mouse Wheel shortcut - works fine for the GM. However, my player is able to change both PC and NPC tokens' facing and scaling with the [SHIFT]+Mouse Wheel and [CTRL]+Mouse Wheel shortcuts. GKEnialb who's coded some changes to make his extension more compatible with MoreCore, can't reproduce my issue though in his tests. I mostly mention it because it does raise the possibility that something might be wrong with my FGU installation.
    Last edited by kronovan; March 2nd, 2022 at 17:26.

  7. #3087

  8. #3088
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    You can try

    /die (p1)d(p2)s4f1

    or you could try
    /die (p1)d6s4f1+(p2)d8f1s4
    assuming you are only throwing 6s and 8s for example
    I just got a chance to try it now and I like it and think it's doable - thanks for suggesting it and providing an example. The 1st example is probably more applicable because I'm always going to grab my dice type from the Troop Quality/repurposed Hero Point field.

  9. #3089
    Hi Damned,

    I had an issue that may concern More Core.
    Please have a look at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...tor-DEPRECATED

  10. #3090

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