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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Beach, West Coast
    I just found the random treasure tables. These will make the game/prep go by much quicker. Thanks!

    Just a few notes:

    01 "Gem Values" table has a "21 Gem Values" listed. (May be by design for this program, just thought I'd mention it)
    02 TREASURE TYPE E table doesn't roll for silver. (random copper table is listed under silver)
    03 MISC MAGIC ITEMS II (table) "Figurine of Wondrous Power" doesn't have a link to the item, nor does the result continue and roll on "Figurine of Wondrous Power:Type" table [Edit: Therefore the link to the item description doesn't appear in the chat window when the item is rolled]


    MISC MAGIC ITEMS I (table)
    01 Alchemist Beaker, have the 1d4+1 Potion Types be automatically rolled.
    02 Bracers of Armor, determine AC granted by bracers (AC= 8-1d4)
    03 Candle of Invocation, determine alignment randomly.

    04 Cloak of Defense, determine AC bonus randomly (roll 1d8: 1-4=+1, 5-6:+2, 7-8:+3
    05 Dust of Appearance, determine number of parcels found randomly (5d10)
    06 Dust of Disappearance, number of parcels found randomly (5d10)
    07 Dust of Sneezing and Choking, number of parcels (5d10)
    08 Feather Token, determine type randomly (table is already listed in item description)

    This is as far as I've gotten.

    Last edited by Axe; February 2nd, 2022 at 02:42.

  2. #32
    Alright man thanks. I'll look this over tomorrow have a good night!

  3. #33

    Incandescent Grottoes feedback

    I have some feedback on the Incandescent Grottoes module. I'm not sure how much of this is just me being nitpicky so... grain of salt.

    One thing affects several of the items I list below. It appears that all objects are read-only, so it's not possible to change settings for anything in the module without making copies of whatever I want to change. This is particularly relevant for roll tables (all of them are set to visible) and encounters where I might want to change the (un-)identified, faction, and token. I have other items I've purchased which are not read only; for example DCC adventures picked up from the main FG store (DCC #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea), to OSRIC's Monsters of Myth picked up from The Forge... oh, yeah... and The Hole in the Oak... also not read-only. Should have lead with that. Since these are not read-only I can change things in play. With everything locked down in Incandescent Grottoes, I have to make a copy of every single entity I want to treat differently from the packaged settings.

    • The "00.01 Maps" story is blank.
    • The "00.03 Table of Contents" story is missing links—the link title is there, but the links are not. As well, there's a "Dungeon Areas" heading with nothing appearing after it.
    • The "00.07 Treasure in the Dungeon" story has no parcel links just a placeholder for "Parcels for each area".
    • The "00.08 Random Happenings" story has no links to the L1 and L2 random encounter tables.
    • All NPCs appears to be identified. Better would be unidentified. Wouldn't be a problem if the module weren't read-only.
    • All encounters leave the factions undefined—the hover text reads "Factions" as opposed to "Friendly," "Neutral," or "Hostile." However, when the encounter is added to the combat tracker they switch to hostile. I'm torn on this one. If the combat tracker were only used for initiative, this might be preferable. But the combat tracker is also used for putting pre-placed encounters on the map—those encounters may remain peaceful, for example the red-cap monkeys. If the module weren't read-only this wouldn't be a problem.
    • Roll tables are all set to visible. I roll everything in the open except for my roll tables and things like hiding/sneaking. This is particularly unhelpful for the "Rumours" table which lists "(F)" and "(P)" for false or partially true. Wouldn't be a problem except for the "read-only".
    • Included NPCs lack descriptions. The notes tab includes the specials, but not the description—unlike The Hole in the Oak, which appears to have everything but the statblock in the notes.
    • Encounters are mostly enumerated by numeric key, but there's no zero-padding used to maintain correct sort-order, so "4" is listed below "10". Better would be to use zero-padding to the length of the maximum number. "04" will correctly appear earlier than "10".


  4. #34
    Thanks for the feedback. I can't think of a reason to lock an adventure module so maybe we can adjust. Jimi may not have used the parser so the block did not display on the notes tab.
    The faction thing I'll look at. It might be how core is handling or a bug in my script.
    Npcs when dropped on CT should default to unidentified. I'll take a look at the code.

  5. #35
    ok Axe here are your answers

    Gem values. The reason I did 21 and made it re roll is because on some rolls it takes 5 + minutes to roll for all the gems. Using a non normal die value makes it instant. So it is done that way based on playability and should not effect the outcomes.

    Treasure type E- fixed

    Alchemist beaker added
    Dust parcels added
    For cloak best way to add it is as an effect. So the template item will have to work.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Thanks for the feedback. I can't think of a reason to lock an adventure module so maybe we can adjust. Jimi may not have used the parser so the block did not display on the notes tab.
    Just to be clear, the notes have the specials info, just not the descriptive/flavor text. I'm not worried about the statblock as it's covered by the NPC's fields.

    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    The faction thing I'll look at. It might be how core is handling or a bug in my script.
    I looked at the behavior in the 2e ruleset and it does the same thing: if an NPC record in an encounter is not one of "Friendly," "Neutral," or "Foe" the NPC is switched to "Foe" when added to the CT. I figured this was probably typical FG behavior, and it is only a problem here because of the module being locked down to read-only.

    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Npcs when dropped on CT should default to unidentified. I'll take a look at the code.
    Shouldn't it default to whatever the ID was set to in the encounter? It's much easier and more efficient to manage ID in an encounter since you can set the ID for an entire mob. After they've been added to the CT each one has to be changed independently, right? Which means that the Encounter-to-CT mechanism is working okay, but the NPCs are identified by default and it can't be changed by the user due to the module being read-only.

    Beyond the various missing links, it seems like the majority of my report would be mitigated by the module not being released as read-only.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Tuirgin View Post
    Just to be clear, the notes have the specials info, just not the descriptive/flavor text. I'm not worried about the statblock as it's covered by the NPC's fields.

    I looked at the behavior in the 2e ruleset and it does the same thing: if an NPC record in an encounter is not one of "Friendly," "Neutral," or "Foe" the NPC is switched to "Foe" when added to the CT. I figured this was probably typical FG behavior, and it is only a problem here because of the module being locked down to read-only.

    Shouldn't it default to whatever the ID was set to in the encounter? It's much easier and more efficient to manage ID in an encounter since you can set the ID for an entire mob. After they've been added to the CT each one has to be changed independently, right? Which means that the Encounter-to-CT mechanism is working okay, but the NPCs are identified by default and it can't be changed by the user due to the module being read-only.

    Beyond the various missing links, it seems like the majority of my report would be mitigated by the module not being released as read-only.
    NPC's are copied from the PDF, and include the information from the PDF. The behaviour of the NPCs is in the entries for their location (Story/Refmanual). There is no other information in the PDF to fill into the NPCs entries (if there is, point me to it and I'll update it).

    Identified is the default across the board on Fantasy Grounds, and you can click on the link in the Encounter before you drop it to make it un-identified.

    I will export it as Unlocked so user's can edit it, for things like tables.


    EDIT: Removed some Story entries, they are not necessary as the Reference Manual contains the fully formatted versions.
    Last edited by Jiminimonka; February 2nd, 2022 at 20:25.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    NPC's are copied from the PDF, and include the information from the PDF. The behaviour of the NPCs is in the entries for their location (Story/Refmanual). There is no other information in the PDF to fill into the NPCs entries (if there is, point me to it and I'll update it).
    Where this becomes important is with the random encounters. For example, lets say you roll up the Giant Mutant Frogs from Level 2, Random Happenings #11. When this is rolled, you get an encounter from which you can access the Giant Mutant Frog NPC. The Notes tab has the special, but no descriptive detail, and no pointer to where in the adventure the Giant Mutant Frog is found. The adventure's version of the Giant Mutant Frog is slightly reskinned from the version in the Advanced Ref's book. Here's the details from the adventure, page 25, key 26:

    5 Giant Mutant Frogs

    Carnivorous giant frogs (2' long, vicious talons and teeth). Warty green skin (purple nodules). Dripping wet (crawling up from the chasm). Croaking (belch-like).
    • Reaction: Highly aggressive, voraciously carnivorous.


    • Treasure: One’s stomach contains a partially digested human hand with a platinum ring (200gp).

    The OSE AF Ref's book has the following listing, which IS present in the OSE AF Reree's Tome FG module:

    Giant (2’ long), mutant frogs with vicious talons and teeth. Highly aggressive, voraciously carnivorous (will even eat their own kind). Dwell underground or in forlorn swamps.


    • Origin: Rumoured to have been specially bred by magical means.

    There are similar things going on with book monsters like the Giant Centipede—the OSE AF Referee's Tome module has the descriptive text, but the adventure module copy of the monster doesn't.

    More importantly, I just discovered that some of the NPCs referenced in the Random Happenings tables are referencing the SRD and give me errors at the point when I attempt to load a generated encounter from the table result entry's link to them. I have the OSE AF Tomes loaded, but not the SRD since it's duplicate material.

    • Random Happenings Level 1, #7: Kobolds
    • Random Happenings Level 1, #8: Troglodytes
    • Random Happenings Level 2, #10: Tentacled Shadow Mass
    • Random Happenings Level 2, #12: Lizard Man

    The module's store page indicates that it requires the OSE ruleset, but doesn't mention that it's required to load the SRD, so I assume this linkage wasn't intentional.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Identified is the default across the board on Fantasy Grounds, and you can click on the link in the Encounter before you drop it to make it un-identified.
    Okay... yeah, I definitely don't want to suggest to move away from FG standards. I've been away from FG for a while, so I'm re-learning these things. As well, I see now that I can edit the ID state even with the module locked... I thought I'd tried and failed to do it, but it's working, and I'm got it wrong. I just can't perform any other edits on an encounter without copying it until the unlocked version has been pushed out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    I will export it as Unlocked so user's can edit it, for things like tables.
    Awesome... that'll be a big help.

    Thanks for your time!

  9. #39
    The SRD is free, download it here

    EDIT: Making local copies for those NPCs so you don't need the SRD. Update soon.
    Last edited by Jiminimonka; February 2nd, 2022 at 22:16.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    I wasn't saying that I don't have the SRD. I have it and hid it as soon as I purchased the OSE AF tomes for FG as I didn't see a need to load duplicate data. Is linking against SRD records going to be standard practice for future OSE modules? If so it'd be helpful to update the forge listing to indicate the dependency.

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