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Thread: Linux Testing

  1. #641
    Quote Originally Posted by Bearded Wonder View Post
    I'm not logged in as root, I don't switch user during the installation and the user has only been made a member of the wheel group to be able to use sudo. It is a clean install of linux and a brand new user account. I follow the steps outlined https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...lling+on+Linux and that is the output. I can't find any explanation as to why it attempts to install as root in the first place because I make no requests for it to do so. If I try to run ./FGUWebInstall.bin without sudo I get a slightly different failure.

    Installing Fantasy Grounds Unity...
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds’: Permission denied
    tar: /home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tee: /home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds/FantasyGrounds.x86_64: No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds/FantasyGrounds.x86_64': No such file or directory
    tee: /home/username/.local/share/applications/FantasyGrounds.desktop: No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/home/username/.local/share/applications/FantasyGrounds.desktop': No such file or directory
    Launching Fantasy Grounds Updater...
    I installed FG on Manjaro by following the first post of this thread. That doesn't help you but I've installed it 5 or 6 times since FGU Linux version was launched. I only ever had an issue with the Steam side but I don't use Steam much and it's entirely optional for FGU.

    I don't have multiple user accounts on my machine.

    Away from machine for 8 or so hours so I can't do much yet to assist. Good luck.

  2. #642
    Quote Originally Posted by Bearded Wonder View Post
    I'm not logged in as root, I don't switch user during the installation and the user has only been made a member of the wheel group to be able to use sudo. It is a clean install of linux and a brand new user account. I follow the steps outlined https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...lling+on+Linux and that is the output. I can't find any explanation as to why it attempts to install as root in the first place because I make no requests for it to do so. If I try to run ./FGUWebInstall.bin without sudo I get a slightly different failure.

    Installing Fantasy Grounds Unity...
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds’: Permission denied
    tar: /home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tee: /home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds/FantasyGrounds.x86_64: No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/home/username/.smiteworks/fantasygrounds/FantasyGrounds.x86_64': No such file or directory
    tee: /home/username/.local/share/applications/FantasyGrounds.desktop: No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/home/username/.local/share/applications/FantasyGrounds.desktop': No such file or directory
    Launching Fantasy Grounds Updater...
    I am a Fedora user but from what I can see in the output it looks like the install does not know who the user is and therefore is block by permissions?


  3. #643
    Quote Originally Posted by nephranka View Post
    I am a Fedora user but from what I can see in the output it looks like the install does not know who the user is and therefore is block by permissions?

    I deleted her actual username from the output and put in username. In the output on my screen it does show her real username if I try it without sudo and root if I try it with sudo.

  4. #644
    Quote Originally Posted by Bearded Wonder View Post
    I deleted her actual username from the output and put in username. In the output on my screen it does show her real username if I try it without sudo and root if I try it with sudo.
    Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification. Makes sense with sudo/root and would not the the way to install. Still not sure why without sudo it fails. Still seems tied to the file permissions.

  5. #645
    Fresh eyes and multiple cups of coffee prevail. I figured out where I originally messed up and why I couldn't get it to work the way it was supposed to. Before I attempted to install FGU the first time, I installed something else for the user that required sudo so I typed in the password accordingly and after it was done did not exit before doing the chmod +x and running ./FGUWebInstall.bin from the downloads folder hence it attempted to install to root the first time. No good. The reason it kept attempting to install as root after was because of a hidden config folder within root that was not in the original output and it made ownership of /home/username/.smiteworks root ownership instead of the user so every subsequent attempt was one of the 2 failures I posted. I didn't find the hidden config file until I logged out of the user account, logged in as root and viewed the file tree visually with hidden files visible. I found the offending folder, deleted it and then the install from the user account went as it is supposed to go. She is now up and running. Lesson learned...maybe don't try to multitask when installing new software form the command line especially after a long day at work.

  6. #646
    I was going to suggest that you're running into the remains of the install from when you'd run it under sudo (and thus various things are now owned by root, and username can't overwrite them). But you're up and running, great!

  7. #647

  8. #648
    Hey so I'm super new to Linux. Like, I started using it because my hard drive died and I needed an OS that could work on a thumb drive. I now have an actual hard drive and I'm still using Linux but I might as well be a step above computer illiterate and my computer wiz wife hasn't used Linux in 20 years. I think I have Unbuntu 20.04?? I'm not sure honestly. I just did a system update though.

    Well, I'm trying to enter the chmod command into Terminal after I downloaded the .bin from the link and all I get is:

    chmod: cannot access './FGUWebInstall.bin': No such file or directory

    I've only ever done anything with sudo before. I found a thing that was supposed to explain chmod but it made my eyes cross... I found a thing were I could put sudo in front of the command so I tried, entered password and I got the same problem.

    I might as well be a toddler when it comes to this, does anyone have any suggestions?

  9. #649
    Your browser probably downloaded the file into a Downloads directory, or something similar. "cd ~/Downloads" and try again.

  10. #650
    Quote Originally Posted by Imagix View Post
    Your browser probably downloaded the file into a Downloads directory, or something similar. "cd ~/Downloads" and try again.
    I put that in front of the chmod and I got:
    bash: cd: too many arguments


    I'm an idiot.
    Last edited by PocketfulsofPixies; February 22nd, 2022 at 04:08.

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