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  1. #561
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    If I wanted to just "start off" and try it out (actually a good question for PRINTED CoC7 too - I backed the old 2 box reprint but wanted to get new one too) - which books min?

    Assume CoC Ruleset of course (and printed 7E book for printed side)
    Do I also need Investigator's Handbook or is that just a subset of the 7E book? If it's additional stuff geared at player skills etc - how important is it to start in EITHER FG or Printed versions of the game?

    I plan to get the Darker Trails or whatever Western one in the future for print at least and see about FG. I like "Weird West" in SWADE.

    Also along with the ruleset, getting the Lighthouse starter adventure and The Haunting quickstart adventure.


  2. #562
    Quote Originally Posted by Varsuuk View Post
    If I wanted to just "start off" and try it out (actually a good question for PRINTED CoC7 too - I backed the old 2 box reprint but wanted to get new one too) - which books min?

    Assume CoC Ruleset of course (and printed 7E book for printed side)
    Do I also need Investigator's Handbook or is that just a subset of the 7E book? If it's additional stuff geared at player skills etc - how important is it to start in EITHER FG or Printed versions of the game?

    I plan to get the Darker Trails or whatever Western one in the future for print at least and see about FG. I like "Weird West" in SWADE.

    Also along with the ruleset, getting the Lighthouse starter adventure and The Haunting quickstart adventure.

    The Keeper book is all you really need to get started. The Investigator's Handbook has more occupations, equipment, and more setting information (as it relates playing an Investigator). Since I primarily run Pulp Cthulhu, I don't use the Investigator's Handbook at all. If you're looking at Down Darker Trails, and want to run that primarily, you won't need the Investigator's Handbook.

  3. #563
    damned's Avatar
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    The core rules has a (very skinny) version of the Investigators Handbook.
    You dont need it the Core Rules content is function but the player content is skinny...

  4. #564
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Thanks guys - I already may this year's FG purchases, was slipping in some CoC7 under (lots of expenses this XMas so holding back more than usual) on a second set.
    I'll probably stick to just the main rules and the 2 starter adventures to try it out and get Investigator's later. Will probably get the Investigators print book sooner. I think I can convince wife/son to try CoC for in person - but not so sure they would want to do Down Darker so, prob best getting the Player's book soon and FG module next time need or on sale.

    Was tempted to get MCC RPG book after buying the GMG 3rd Print + several print modules but it's not on sale so no rush this time around.

  5. #565
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    OK - was listening to some general CoC7e videos to get feel and revisted my cart - I was thinking to add the Investigator book after all (esp once seeing who converted it - glad to buy stuff from him).

    But while I think I squared away my FG purchases, I am confused about the physical books as a new Squidling:
    I searched Wiki to see release order on some things. I had always assumed the Investigator book to be a "more info/expansion" book like There was a CoC7E Core Rules then this.
    THAT's when I looked at wiki saying they split the 6E book into 2 books a Player's and Keepers. Did I get that right? If so, Investigator's Handbook sounds like the "Player's Handbook" and Keeper's the "DMG" in D&D parlance.
    I had ASSUMED I ordered the "CoC7e rulebook" when I got it on sale on Amazon for the future a few months back. I now see I ordered:
    https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/15...?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (plus the Keeper's screen in the likely vain hope to run it at home someday )

    WAS there a 7E all in one book? It is too late for me to return/exchange my Keeper book but for future would be good to know.
    Getting the IH now seems like a requirement if I want the full game rules "in print"

    (This all started cos I backed the 2 boxed sets of the 2E of the game reprint - looked like a fun thing to own lol... I'm probably interested, if I ended up playing more than a couple, the Roman and Western versions)
    Last edited by Varsuuk; December 26th, 2021 at 20:56.

  6. #566
    The Keepers Guide covers everything you need to GM and for players to build characters. The Investigators Handbook covers more occupations and lots of background for both players and Keepers on the 1920s. Prices of items, history and the like.
    In general, if you're going to buy a physical copy get it from Chaosium. That way you will get the physical copy and the PDF for free.
    The screen is excellent and the provided adventures are a lot of fun. One of the best things about CoC is that you only need the Keepers Guide to play. You only need the Keeper book, it's easy enough with the guidelines in the book to build new occupations. If you want to run modern day stuff you really don't need the Investigators Handbook.

  7. #567
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Thanks Segetone very much.

    The wiki entry about splitting it into 2 books for second edition confused me. Like I said, for FG - I’ll get both for sure by time I complete my order tonight. The IG print I will still get, just leaving in my saved cart for sale, a need, or a phys book promo on Amazon.

    For print, I looked at Chaosium but I was turned off by by the higher prices plus shipping. In the end, paying with my Amazon Chase card (5% Cashback for Amazon purchases), free 2 day shipping or $2 off for “standard” shipping plus peace of mind if came banged it’s a no question exchange beat out the $9 saving of only $118 for both with PDFs from Chaosium. If I bought PDFs from then vs at discount - I’d still be only like $127!from Amazon. And if decide not to get PDFs cos got physical and not creating content from pdf - I save like $40+ And get faster (non issue, but for some)

    I mean, they ain’t Frog God or Goodman who will add the PDF if you bought it elsewhere so unless a decently better deal - I’ll get at my regular vendors. Maybe not so ironically, for FGG and GMG the overwhelming majority (98, 95%) I bought directly from the vendor for that reason.

  8. #568
    The FGU reference guide is only missing the reference pages from the end of the book. The only other thing of note is that NPCs that have multiple move rates in the manual will be correct for their primary movement rate. You can use the vehicle Mov rate of the NPC record to add the other speeds. If values are present make sure you double check them with the manual.

  9. #569
    I don't mean to cause a fuss, but I bought the 7th Ed Call of Cthulhu (Call of Cthulhu 7E, and OC 7E Reference), 7th Ed Investigator Handbook (Call of Cthulhu 7e Investigators Handbook), 7e Call of Cthulhu Pulp (Call of Cthulhu 7e Pulp Cthulhu, and COC 7e PC Reference).

    I have been through all of these, looking at the REFERENCE Manuals, the Tables inside the Modules, the Tables under Campaign. These vehicle tables are NOT here at all. In am in fact missing a number of tables from each of the books, perhaps this is simple a software error or some oversight? Any chance since you show these reference charts being here you could look into why they aren't here now, or for some reason aren't here for me?

  10. #570
    I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but there is a vehicle reference table in the Call of Cthulhu 7e module, in the Reference Manual, under C7 - Chases. I've included a pic to help. This table can be dragged to the hotbar at the bottom of your screen if you need to pull it up quickly.
    Vehicle Table.png
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by pralix1138; October 4th, 2022 at 20:57.

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