Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11
    Wow, such sad news
    David's videos were very helpful as I was learning how to run using FG and he was an ever-present part of the community.
    Be careful everyone <3

  2. #12
    I am flabagasted by this news! He was an iconic member of this community!! May his spirit be welcomed in the etherplane and I hope to catch up with him to roleplay till eternity when my time comes to it too! Best wishes to his son and I hope he grows to be a great man too.

  3. #13
    Very sad news. My condolences to his friends and family members. I had a few chats with him, and he surely was interested into RPGs, in context of FG but also in general. Thus, his death surely creates a hole in our community which no-one can fill

  4. #14
    Very sad to hear this news. His gameplay videos were some of the first I'd ever watched when I got back into D&D a few years ago. I also watched many of his videos which help solidify my position to purchase an Ultimate license for FGU last August for my birthday (along with the top 3 WotC books needed for play - DMG, PHB and MM). He will be missed and my thoughts are with his family during this difficult time!

  5. #15
    Dave Middleton was one of the pinnacles of the Fantasy Grounds community, always with a positive and kind attitude. His passion was contagious, and his teachings will live on in our minds and hearts.

  6. #16
    What a terrible loss! I never got to meet Dave in person but I got to know him first as the Digital DM and second as a SW employee and feel his loss like he was my close friend. He was such a force in the FG RPG community. His videos are the reason I choose to use FG as my VTT. Fantasy Grounds Friday was one of my weekly shows. I know he loved his mom and son because he shared so many stories about them. I thought he did not look well when I saw his last video. My heart goes out to his family and friends and hope they can find peace in his passing.
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord - Lord_Ulric
    Time Zone: US Eastern (GMT -5)
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    Starfinder, D&D, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Hero System aka Champions, Traveller, and more!
    My Forge Creations

  7. #17
    Hi! I'm very sad to read this. David was a great DM, an excelent streamer and above all, an excellent person. My sincere condolences to the family and the co-workers.

  8. #18
    Absolutely awful news. David was my main source of info when I started learning about Fantasy Grounds and I was lucky enough to have a few short conversation with him in Youtube comments. I will miss his honesty and earnest love of our hobby.

  9. #19
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    It is in this time of sorrow that I try and remember all the joy and light Dave brought to our community. He will be dearly missed and he leaves behind a legacy that is of the best kind; one of joy, caring, helpfulness and positivity.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    My deepest condolences. Dave was a positive force in the FG community and will be deeply missed. The FG community is one of the most positive ones on the Internet and a large part of that is people like Dave who cared deeply about others and was willing to help them.

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