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  1. #251
    I total LOVE this theme!!!!!
    it looks so nice and the dark is MUCH easier on the eyes than default.
    I did find one MINOR problem in my game last night.
    SPELL TOKENS don't aren't showing on the character sheet.
    Running FGU and a dozen other extensions

  2. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by Zionmatrix View Post
    I total LOVE this theme!!!!!
    it looks so nice and the dark is MUCH easier on the eyes than default.
    I did find one MINOR problem in my game last night.
    SPELL TOKENS don't aren't showing on the character sheet.
    Running FGU and a dozen other extensions
    Hey Zionmatrix,
    thanks for the love .

    Coukd you tell me which spelltoken extension you use?
    My theme doesn't change any coding, so my guess is, that the spell tokens you're missing are simply dark on dark, but were intended for a bright background.

    If this is not the case, and they vanish altogether, please check if the behavior is still present without my theme.

    Sir Motte

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  3. #253
    it is B9's- Spell Tokens, from the forge. the main thing is there is no token on the character sheet/action tab/spells.
    yes it is there without your theme.

  4. #254
    Looks like it's my bad, the spell token ext, must of updated. I lost about half the tokens I had setup. then I forgot you had to "Reparse" the spell to get the token back.
    Sorry to bug you, but again I Love the theme.
    A couple of ideas, that I run with this theme, Large sidebar buttons, and change the dice total color in the chat to help it stand out. these are both other ext I have to load.

  5. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by Zionmatrix View Post
    Looks like it's my bad, the spell token ext, must of updated. I lost about half the tokens I had setup. then I forgot you had to "Reparse" the spell to get the token back.
    Sorry to bug you, but again I Love the theme.
    A couple of ideas, that I run with this theme, Large sidebar buttons, and change the dice total color in the chat to help it stand out. these are both other ext I have to load.
    Thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering what could've posaibly caused this .
    In regard to your suggestions:

    1. Large sidebar buttons
    This is defined deep within each ruleset as far as I remember. Changing this is beyond me and also, in my use case, undesired. I was happy, when the sidebar finally got smaller.
    2. This ia doable. In fact earlier versions used bright red for dice rolls. I will see if I can change it back or alter it again. Thanks for pointing that out.


    Ps @ everyone:

    I'm knees deep in work again and can't react to the current changes within the UI. In case something breaks, please report your findings here, so I can create a to do list for later.
    Last edited by SirMotte; December 4th, 2021 at 23:05.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  6. #256
    Is it possible that this extension could work with Celestian's new font extension? I love these theme and I know fonts can be a pain, but the only thing I am really looking for is a font size increase for it. It doesn't have to be a huge increase.

  7. #257
    My understanding is that there is a font built in that overrides other fonts so not sure how viable that is.

  8. #258
    Quote Originally Posted by eporrini View Post
    Is it possible that this extension could work with Celestian's new font extension? I love these theme and I know fonts can be a pain, but the only thing I am really looking for is a font size increase for it. It doesn't have to be a huge increase.
    Hey there, sorry for the late reply.

    I haven't taken a look at his extension yet, but as I interpret his notes, it seems, that he only defines font sizes, not the type, so in theory this should work as soon as his extension overrides mine.
    You can do this yourself by renaming his extension to "extensionname.zip" instead of "extensionname.ext" and then open up the extension.xml and change the loadorder entry to 1501 or higher. Then simply remove the zip ending and add .ext again. Alternatively, use filemanagers like total commander or directory opus, that are able to open up packaged files on the fly.

    Keep in mind, that this will most likely give you a lot of odd results and clipped texts.


    I received another generous donation today.
    N.G, I will add your name to the hall of fame in post #3, anonymous for now. If you wish to be added by name/nickname, please send me a pm. Thanks you so much, this means a lot to me!

    The nameless soul led on in silence. A ghoustly figure floating just a few feet in front of me, ragged clothes billowing in an otherworldy breeze.
    The translucent body shimmered in a faint silverish, blue light. I followed it into a room, that looked to have been a study at some point in the distant past.
    Crumbling parchment and dried out inkpots, old maps of long lost kingdoms and tomes of forgotten wisdom lay about in a somewhat orderly fashion.
    "Remarkable!", I thought, as I let my eyes examine the treasures before me. The ghostly figure stopped and turned to me, his fair face seemed to kindly smile as he noticed the exitement in my eyes.
    His hands began to gesture around the room, pointed at some of his belongings, and then at me. He smiled again.
    I understood, nodded, bowed deeply and then returned his smile. Certainly not as fair as his, but in kind.

    Thank you N.G for donating!
    Last edited by SirMotte; December 9th, 2021 at 23:39.

    I support ORC(L) and #opendnd!

    Check out my Extensions and Materials for FGU!
    Dark Theme: Sir Motte's Magnificent Darkness - Hearth Edition.
    Custom GM Icon: Sir Motte's GM Icon Replacer.
    Midjourney Art: AI generated images for my campaign.

  9. #259
    Version 3.0 will be out soon with the new update?

  10. #260
    Hello Sir Motte,

    Since the most recent update, I'm getting these errors.

    [12/16/2021 4:23:20 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file (5E) (CharManagerFZ) (scripts/manager_char_fz.lua)
    [12/16/2021 4:23:27 PM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_combat_timer_host) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]
    [12/16/2021 4:23:27 PM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_combat_timer_client) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]
    [12/16/2021 4:23:29 PM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (theaterofmindpanelwindow) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]
    [12/16/2021 4:23:29 PM] [WARNING] windowclass: Window class (ct_theaterofmind_combat) defined with merge attribute, but asset name does not match existing asset. [Theme_SirMotte_Hearth] [graphics/extension_graphics.xml]

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