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  1. #1

    Add book material to 3.5 or convert module to 5e?

    My friends and I are thinking of trying to go through some old adventures from 3.5 that we never played because we always did Homebrew campaigns back then. We are looking at doing Age of Worms or Red Hand of Doom from next year.

    I have an extensive collection of 3.5 books and have played it for many years. A lot of pathfinder books, too. From what I've found, it's possible to enter all that book info into fantasy grounds unity but that sounds very daunting.

    I already have quite a few books for 5e purchased through fantasy grounds so for players it would be easy to play in 5e.

    How terrible would it be to try and convert 3.5e adventures to 5e and manually enter all the information? Would it be better to just stick to 3.5 and only program the classes, feats, spells, and so on that the players choose to use?
    Last edited by Chronikoce; November 15th, 2021 at 08:33.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronikoce View Post
    How terrible would it be to try and convert 3.5e adventures to 53 and manually enter all the information? Would it be better to just stick to 3.5 and only program the classes, feats, spells, and so on that the players choose to use?
    Hi, こんにちは

    Indeed, just stick with entering things you need for your players, then it is rather easy to convert stuff For the adventures you then just need the NPCs, items, and maps I only convert pieces of the story into story elements of FG, as a cheating sheet if I forgot something. This even results to a better understanding of the adventure because one is not just simply reading the adventure If you are ever a bit in too much hurry, then you can for example skip the NPCs and roll their stuff manually as if you would play on a table, this also works well (I then just entered their HP, AC and maybe some defensive effects such that the players can still drag&drop their damage dice and profit of the automation)

  3. #3

    Thanks for the advice!
    Are there any guides or videos on how to add prestige classes so that they will progress correctly on level up?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronikoce View Post

    Thanks for the advice!
    Are there any guides or videos on how to add prestige classes so that they will progress correctly on level up?
    You're welcome

    Sadly not for 3.5e; but it is usually the following: When you create a new class, then there is on the right hand side the "Others" tab. Click on that and then you see the screen where all the automation is defined, like skill points, HP and saves. There is also a section for the class abilities which will automatically be added to the abilities in the character sheet, but they often do not more than that. However, some things like spell progression, may automatically increase the spell level. For this it is important to keep the wording as in the books, so, labelling the feature "+1 to existing ..." (not sure about the wording in the books now). So, roughly, keep the wording as in the books, then you will get the most automation But many things have to be adjusted manually for the level up

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    "+1 to existing ..." (not sure about the wording in the books now).
    For completeness, with respect to the cited part, if you code a prestige class which should allow the player to level up in some existing spell class, then label this feature Spells per Day/Spells Known. If doing so, the player will get a pop-up asking for which spellclass should be levelled

  6. #6
    Thank you for your pointers. I am going to try my hand at writing up a class or two. Would it be ok to message you directly if I get stuck to see if you may be able to offer some pointers on what I've done wrong?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Chronikoce View Post
    Thank you for your pointers. I am going to try my hand at writing up a class or two. Would it be ok to message you directly if I get stuck to see if you may be able to offer some pointers on what I've done wrong?
    yes, sure But if you prefer, we can also discuss it here then (if there will be a further discussion); such that other people can find this information then, too

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2017
    Tacoma, Washington
    Having the need to be complete, I inputted everything into my conversions for the Player's Handbook, Monster Manual. I'll probably get around to doing the DMG as well but I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

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