5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #571
    I understand. I have gone over this many times with other GMS and within my group, and it is implied that a save is in need since Aura's are always active. Likewise, I will never pretend I know 5e in and out. Until last year, I haven't played DnD since early 90s.

  2. #572
    Quote Originally Posted by meadegendar View Post
    I understand. I have gone over this many times with other GMS and within my group, and it is implied that a save is in need since Aura's are always active. Likewise, I will never pretend I know 5e in and out. Until last year, I haven't played DnD since early 90s.
    There is no implied save. It is stating exactly what it's stating. If they are frightened of that pally in that aura they would have 0 movement and take some psychic damage.

    Now if you want as a GM to run it differently in your world have at it.

    I think the feature SAVEA from BCE would help you.

  3. #573
    Thanks for the input. Really wasn't trying to get in a debate on how this works. Like I said not an expert by any means regarding 5e only going by what I was told and how it was explained to me. Now with that and the push from you DDT, think i will re-work it. Apparently I am not the only one that read that description differently. Appearently this Aura has been a top of conversation for sometime and some folks think it needs to be re-written,

  4. #574
    I think I have found an issue. I am not sure how this version of auras interacts with conditions. So, maybe this working as expected?

    It appears that Auras is skipping the IF when there is a condition after it and applying it to the source of the aura.

    NPC with IMMUNE: restrained

    Add an effect:
    AURA: 10 all; Web; IF: FACTION(notself); Restrained

    The Aura lands then it is applied to the NPC. Because it is immune it does not stick the condition and leaves an aura on the npc: AURA: 10 all; Web; IF: FACTION(notself)
    There are 2 outputs to chat to confirm the order of the actions.

    This is implies the condition is effecting the source even though there is an IF: FACTION(notself)
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #575
    Last edited by Maldev; September 19th, 2021 at 09:25.

  6. #576
    In your two lines there is one difference: The first one is "...FACTION (notself)...", the second is "...FACTION(notself)...". That space between FACTION and the open parenthesis might be the problem.

  7. #577
    Thanks for the reply. I actually figured it out during the post and tried to delete the post. Clearly I failed.

  8. #578
    Would it be possible to suspend aura updates during token planned movement? With token lock on and a token with an aura makes a planned move and the GM accepts it, the token moves itself numerous spaces but the aura is updated each time along the way. This makes it a bit laggy as it passes by any other token. Similarly if the GM grabs an aura token and moves it around, it's laggy. Maybe we could hook into the Shift+Drag that applies to lighting sources, which prevents updates until the token is dropped?

  9. #579
    Another option would be to leverage snapping (optionally) and only recalculate when the token is exactly on a snappable position.
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  10. #580
    Quote Originally Posted by anathemort View Post
    Would it be possible to suspend aura updates during token planned movement? With token lock on and a token with an aura makes a planned move and the GM accepts it, the token moves itself numerous spaces but the aura is updated each time along the way. This makes it a bit laggy as it passes by any other token. Similarly if the GM grabs an aura token and moves it around, it's laggy. Maybe we could hook into the Shift+Drag that applies to lighting sources, which prevents updates until the token is dropped?
    Perhaps! I'll take a look.

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