1. #1

    Extreme D&D Classic Noob questions

    Hey Everyone,

    I am new to the D&D Classic ruleset, not new to Fantasy Grounds. I've played a lot of 5e, Call of Cthulhu, and Castles and Crusades here. I"ve played around with the D&D classic ruleset, but I'm really more of a 1e guy. I have a couple of specific questions, and wasn't sure where to look. I apologize if these have been asked before . . .

    1) So I"ve got the 2e ruleset and Celestians' 1e properties extension. Using those two and messing around with making characters, it looks like it's still trying to use the 2e rules for like weapon proficiencies and stuff. Is there a way around this?

    2) If I use the OSRIC mods, can I use published adventures (always wanted to run T1-4) or do I need to recreate them with osric.

    3) Are there videos where I can learn how to do what I want to do?

    4) Have I had a confusion spell cast on me and just not know it?

    Any help is CERTAINLY appreciated.

  2. #2
    JohnD's Avatar
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    1) I think you could just make a default "proficient" entry and apply that to weapons as needed. For NWPs, just leave blank I suppose.

    2) All DLC modules come with everything you need to run the adventure as published - whether the ToEE module contains 2e versions of 1e creatures or custom made 1e versions comes down to the person who did the conversion (Celestian has said he made 1e versions of some creatures). At any rate, you should be able to play the module using the ruleset and OSRIC modules.

    3) https://www.youtube.com/c/ADDMike

    4) After the last 20 months I think we all have a confusion spell effect on us.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by doseyclwn View Post
    1) So I"ve got the 2e ruleset and Celestians' 1e properties extension. Using those two and messing around with making characters, it looks like it's still trying to use the 2e rules for like weapon proficiencies and stuff. Is there a way around this?
    Keep in mind the 1E properties extension is a community one.

    Weapon proficiencies are part of 2e and even 1e, specifically non-proficiency penalties. So when you say "trying to use" thats the reason.

    What are you trying to do? Not use weapon-profs at all? If thats what you want then give them a skill called "Weapon Training" and attach it to all weapons they use. That will negate a non-prof penalty.

    You can use ToEE w/o any other AD&D mods. It should be mostly self contained outside of the characters your players use.
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by doseyclwn View Post

    2) If I use the OSRIC mods, can I use published adventures (always wanted to run T1-4) or do I need to recreate them with osric.
    As mentioned weapon proficiencies are part of 1E; you can ignore nonweapon proficiencies entirely, even if the character sheet lists an area for them. The OSRIC PC classes don't gain NWP "points" to spend at creation or as they level.

    Regarding using already published adventures with the OSRIC mods, it should be possible but it *might* not be possible without some tweaking. The reason I say this is Readymeal ran N1 out of the box with the OSRIC mods + 1E extension loaded, and was running into problems with the 2E monsters/NPCs that came with the N1 adventure having "20" all across their hit matrix. When he unloaded the 1E extension this problem disappeared. This is why I put the note in the OSRIC mods description about possibly having to unload the 1E extension if running AD&D adventures purchased out of the FG store. I don't know if that issue was specific to N1 or not.

    The other option if this happens when you test out an adventure written using the 2E PHB/MM/DMG data, before running it, is to replace the various monster/NPC widgets that come with the adventure with the versions in OSRIC. This should just require dragging and dropping them into the module's encounters unless you want to go further and specify individual monster hit points instead of leaving that random, etc. Like I said - it may be there's no systemic issue and it was just something about how Readymeal was running N1, or limited to how N1 was put together. I mainly use FG to make my own content instead of running the TSR adventures for sale, so I don't know if the glitch was universal or not.

  5. #5
    If you just want classic BX DnD you can try the Old School Essentials ruleset on the forge. You can use universal module extension to open anything from the store in it.

  6. #6
    1) Something others haven't mentioned re:non-weapon proficiencies is that 1e had nwps later with splatbooks (Oriental Aventures, Wilderness Survival Guide, Dungeoneer's Survival Guide).
    2) The adventure has all the monsters, and the adventure was originally a 1e adventure. Overall the monsters are similar enough stat wise that it doesn't matter and xp has to be hand done anyway due to the xp per hp rule that 1e has. The only thing to really beware of is pay attention to which version of giants, demons, devils, or dragons that they use in the converted 1e adventures, depending on the converter, their mood, and the particular adventure, sometimes they've used the 2e version of the monster (and those particular types got a HUGE boost in 2e) and sometimes they've used the 1e version of the stats. Use the OSRIC modules for your players to build their PCs, and then just run the adventure as is other than the particular monsters I mentioned.

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