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  1. #171
    What EXT you finding conflict with. I use about 100 EXTs, no conflicts.

  2. #172
    [removed duplicate]
    Last edited by Slagmoth; September 4th, 2021 at 16:52.

  3. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    What EXT you finding conflict with. I use about 100 EXTs, no conflicts.
    Unless MadNomad or MeAndUnique fixed their end there used to be a conflict between 2 of theirs. I believe it was the Character Sheet Tweaks conflicting with Constitutional Amendments. Apparently, there is a Third extension that fixes this but I try to keep the extensions to a minimum... by scried Raven I think.

  4. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by Slagmoth View Post
    Unless MadNomad or MeAndUnique fixed their end there used to be a conflict between 2 of theirs. I believe it was the Character Sheet Tweaks conflicting with Constitutional Amendments. Apparently, there is a Third extension that fixes this but I try to keep the extensions to a minimum... by scried Raven I think.
    I use all 3 of those EXTs and I have no issues. If you need help on it let me know in a PM. I'm happy to go over it.

  5. #175
    Apologies if this has been brought up elsewhere, but I have an effect coded like so:

    > Incapacitated; SAVEE: WIS [SDC]; DMGOE: 1d12 psychic; (C)

    This is from the Id Insinuation spell in 5e if anyone's interested. The expected behavior is that at the end of the target's turn, they take 1d12 psychic damage and make a wisdom saving throw vs the caster's spell DC. That happens flawlessly. However, for some reason after those rolls resolve, the target takes another 1d12 psychic damage for no discernible reason. Is this a bug or did I goof somehow?

    Edited to add that the additional 1d12 damage is not rolled if I remove the SAVEE section from the effect, only when both are present. It doesn't matter whether the SAVEE or DMGOE clause is first as far as I can tell.

    Last edited by snakh; September 5th, 2021 at 22:01.

  6. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by snakh View Post
    Apologies if this has been brought up elsewhere, but I have an effect coded like so:

    > Incapacitated; SAVEE: WIS [SDC]; DMGOE: 1d12 psychic; (C)

    This is from the Id Insinuation spell in 5e if anyone's interested. The expected behavior is that at the end of the target's turn, they take 1d12 psychic damage and make a wisdom saving throw vs the caster's spell DC. That happens flawlessly. However, for some reason after those rolls resolve, the target takes another 1d12 psychic damage for no discernible reason. Is this a bug or did I goof somehow?

    Edited to add that the additional 1d12 damage is not rolled if I remove the SAVEE section from the effect, only when both are present. It doesn't matter whether the SAVEE or DMGOE clause is first as far as I can tell.

    Because you are doubling up on things its doing.

    If you want it to save at the end of each turn and take damage. You would use SAVEE. If you want it to take ongoing damage at the end of their turn, you would do DMGOE.

    So it sounds like this spell only needs the
    >>>> SAVEE: WIS [SDC]; DMG: 1d12 psychic; (C)

  7. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Because you are doubling up on things its doing.

    If you want it to save at the end of each turn and take damage. You would use SAVEE. If you want it to take ongoing damage at the end of their turn, you would do DMGOE.
    SAVEE and DMGOE shouldn't theoretically interfere with each other based on the documentation. DMGOE deals damage at the end of the target's turn. SAVEE grants a saving throw at the end of the target's turn. SAVEDMG would theoretically be an option, except it only deals damage on a failed save, whereas the spell deals the damage regardless of whether the target saves that turn or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    So it sounds like this spell only needs the
    >>>> SAVEE: WIS [SDC]; DMG: 1d12 psychic; (C)
    DMG: 1d12 psychic; would grant the target a bonus to damage it deals. DMGO is a built-in function that causes ongoing damage at the start of the target's turn. DMGOE is necessary in this case because the spell specifies that the ongoing damage happens at the end.

    Hopefully all that made sense.
    Last edited by snakh; September 5th, 2021 at 22:58.

  8. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by snakh View Post
    SAVEE and DMGOE shouldn't really interfere with each other. One deals damage at the end of the target's turn. The other grants a saving throw at the end of the target's turn.

    DMG: 1d12 psychic; would grant the target a bonus to damage it deals. DMGO is a built-in function that causes ongoing damage at the start of the target's turn. DMGOE is necessary in this case because the spell specifies that the ongoing damage happens at the end.

    Hopefully all that made sense.
    Sorry you are correct, it should be SAVEDMG.

    So you want
    >>> SAVEE: WIS [SDC]; SAVEDMG: 1d12 psychic; (C)

    This will force a save at the end of the effected creature's turn and on a failed save they take 1d12 psychic damage.

    If you want it to always take the damage and the save is to remove it, you need to change the coding to where you use the effects.

    IDI; DMGOE: 1d12 psychic

    Id Insinuation ; IDI; SAVEE: WIS [SPC] (R);(C)

    This will apply the effect IDI (which has your damage go end of turn damage. While also making them do a save to remove the effect at the end of each turn.

  9. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    If you want it to always take the damage and the save is to remove it, you need to change the coding to where you use the effects.

    IDI; DMGOE: 1d12 psychic

    Id Insinuation ; IDI; SAVEE: WIS [SPC] (R);(C)

    This will apply the effect IDI (which has your damage go end of turn damage. While also making them do a save to remove the effect at the end of each turn.
    I might not be following exactly, but I tried what you mentioned and it didn't work for me.

    I have the following in my custom effects (top right of the screen)
    IDI; DMGOE: 1d12 psychic

    And then I have this in the effect text of the spell
    Id Insinuation ; IDI; Incapacitated; SAVEE: WIS [SDC] (R); (C)

    And it only does the save, not the ongoing damage. Is there an extension that lets you use custom effects in that way or am I just not doing it right?

    Edit: Per discussion outside the thread, it seems that another extension would be necessary for splitting it out in this way (Equipped Effects).

    The core issue I mentioned earlier still stands though I think. According to the documentation, using SAVEE and DMGOE together should not result in the DMGOE damage being rolled twice. That's clearly a bug
    Last edited by snakh; September 5th, 2021 at 23:39.

  10. #180
    @rhagelstrom have you seen or considered a way to have "once-per-turn" abilities, such that the effect can be set to never expire and it just toggles active/inactive? This would apply to, for example, the Ranger Monster Slayer ability "Slayer's Prey," which is only used on the first hit per turn but lasts until your next rest.

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