1. #1

    Noob Map Maker: Uploading to forge

    I know this is basic stuff, i just can't seem to find documentation on this. So i'll ask here. I'm just making a simple "map pack" item. Around 10-15 images for map building.

    1. If i don't want the map tiles to be associated with any particular game system, would I use "Generic add-ons" under CATEGORY?

    2. What is the difference between "upload build" and "upload images" when i comes to map tiles. I used "upload images" and now have them listed in my "manage item" section? Does that mean they are ready to be used when activated?

    3. What is the PRIMARY, ACTIVATE button do in my "manage item" menu?

    4. Are there rules/guides about resolution for the map tiles? right now my maps are 144pixels per map square. How do i tell fantasy grounds what the map tile size is for each image? for example a 10x10 square map tile vs a 4x6 map tile.

    Thank you for reading this far. cheers everyone.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by m0riarty View Post
    I know this is basic stuff, i just can't seem to find documentation on this. So i'll ask here. I'm just making a simple "map pack" item. Around 10-15 images for map building.

    1. If i don't want the map tiles to be associated with any particular game system, would I use "Generic add-ons" under CATEGORY?

    2. What is the difference between "upload build" and "upload images" when i comes to map tiles. I used "upload images" and now have them listed in my "manage item" section? Does that mean they are ready to be used when activated?

    3. What is the PRIMARY, ACTIVATE button do in my "manage item" menu?

    4. Are there rules/guides about resolution for the map tiles? right now my maps are 144pixels per map square. How do i tell fantasy grounds what the map tile size is for each image? for example a 10x10 square map tile vs a 4x6 map tile.

    Thank you for reading this far. cheers everyone.
    The category is indeed a bit confusing for me as well; but I think generic as category is well enough

    "Upload images" is with respect to images you can see on the forge shop site, like the icon or the images at the bottom of the description. If you "activate" it, then it will be shown at the item's description at the bottom; if you additionally define it as "primary", then it will be the item's icon shown in the shop list (note: "primary" images need to be activated, so, they will also be shown at the item's description)

    The last question is a bit more extended and I cannot answer them spontaneously. You could try to look at other modules and how they did that (I think some of the free ones you get with FG already do what you want); you need to define grid sizes in the xml of the module, I think

  3. #3
    Thanks for responding. I'll keep searching for the last bit of information.

  4. #4
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    The community used to say 50 pixels per 5 foot square. If you are not looking for FGC compatibility, then 100 pixels per square is a good number to use.144 seems a strange number, but you can use that too. To set the pixel size of a square, go into the grid menu of the image control and you will find where you can set the number of pixels per grid, and the size of a grid (5 ft).

    Note, in FG you don't say how many squares an image is, but rather you say how many pixels per square, and the size of a grid. Part of this is because in FG an image is infinitely large, it grows as you either add assets or you add drawing entities.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    The community used to say 50 pixels per 5 foot square. If you are not looking for FGC compatibility, then 100 pixels per square is a good number to use.144 seems a strange number, but you can use that too. To set the pixel size of a square, go into the grid menu of the image control and you will find where you can set the number of pixels per grid, and the size of a grid (5 ft).

    Note, in FG you don't say how many squares an image is, but rather you say how many pixels per square, and the size of a grid. Part of this is because in FG an image is infinitely large, it grows as you either add assets or you add drawing entities.
    as far as I know you can actually define the grid size of assets, as it happens with the assets of the art subscription for example Some default level to assure that the asset works on every image regardless of the specific grid size (to avoid that the asset is suddenly very big or small)

  6. #6
    ddavison's Avatar
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    You want to make these as an Asset Pack with the images zipped up and uploaded as a build. Our recommended scale is 100 pixel per square. Make sure to set a grid and export the metadata for each image - even if you don't define LOS. This locks the scale so that it will auto-size with any other product no matter what scale you choose.


    In the future, we hope to add an advanced interface where you can simply upload individual images and have it package these into an asset pack for you.

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