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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by FeatheredDrachyn View Post
    Ideally, I like to run 4. I was leaving it open to more because there dont seem to be too many potential Storytellers, and a few folks always end up dropping out due to life happening.
    Righto, makes sense, the problem is when all 7 turn up

    Quote Originally Posted by PoohPuss View Post
    I have both FG and FGU. That is to say, I pledged for FGU. I haven't tried FGU yet tho and I haven't checked if there are any limitations on it's usage tied to pledge-level.
    Awesome, I'll look into FGU and see what players need to players need. Either way, I'll advertise the game to look for an extra player or two as I mentioned it to friends and we should get at least one from them.

  2. #32
    would be happy to run this. pm me for a discord invite sundays 12-4 pm CST.

  3. #33
    Needing 1-2 more players for VTM game some infor about if below

    FG License: Ultimate (Players Only Need Demo)
    Game System:VTM 5e
    Time Zone:CDT (UTC-5)
    Day of week and time: Thursday @ 6pm
    If new game, planned start date: Thursday, March 26, 2020
    Planned Duration & Frequency: The game will run 2 times a month (example: first 2 sessions would be March 26, and April 2 then off for two weeks and then April 23 and 30th will be a session and repeat.)
    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

    Roleplay & Combat mix: VTM is a very roleplay heavy game so 80/20 90/20 Roleplay combat it isn't D&D
    Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for 4-5 players
    Character starting level & equipment: VTM isn't like typical TTRPGs characters will start out as fresh licks (new vampires, no thin-bloods)
    Character restrictions: Published Material used when making your vampire (no homebrew)

    Here is the link to the calendar also:

  4. #34
    Howdy all,

    I've created a thread in LFPs so feel free to sign up if you fancy some FGU VtM 5th.

  5. #35
    I'm looking for a game as a player.
    One-shot/Long Campaign, doesn't matter
    It would be my first time playing VtM on FG.
    I'm wanting to ST but want to learn the system as a player first to see how things work.
    I'm in the Central Time Zone.
    Weeknights and Weekends are good for me.
    If anyone is interested in starting something soon hit me up!

  6. #36
    It's from 2018 but I'm up to play VTM5!

  7. #37
    hi am in the midst of rolling up characters for my version of London by night all welcome to join as want as many players and refs to form a uk wide chronicle so the refs get to play in the same world of darkness .tues and friday from 8 the character is limited to clans camirilla no thin bloods,if we get enough players for the community will expand to anarchs and sabbatt werewolves and mages and the obscure as player characters
    i also play and ref 5e and am looking for a good party to join in with

  8. #38
    i would love to play. i was listening to la by night I have 4 books. I have played other ttrg dnd5e starwars:sage alfma. the power and stuff just sounded cool. im free most days after 8 pm est

  9. #39
    hello there come along on friday night 8pm is and will get your vampire rolled up and ready to go pasword is LondonByNight

  10. #40
    I would love to join a group as a player <3. I bin a forever DM for D&D and would love to join a vampire game.

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